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College Baseball Violations vs. College Football Violations

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by belowtheborder, Jun 1, 2011.

  1. belowtheborder

    belowtheborder Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 18, 2010
    I believe that with all the recent trouble amongst College Football programs, this is becoming increasingly relevent. Ohio State is a jewel in college football just as Chapel Hill and South Carolina are jewels of College Baseball. It seems that College Baseball never has violations and it got me wondering why this is? I have come up with several schools of thought:

    Smaller teams are much easier to manage than 100+ player football teams

    There is not as large a following nor quite the requirement for a coach to win at all costs

    There is not as much money involved

    Would love to hear any thought or other ideas
  2. pirates05

    pirates05 baseball-lifer

    Likes Received:
    Feb 10, 2005
    Belowthe border i believe you are correct on all of your reasons. i believe the big reason is MONEY. The money that is involve in baseball from all aspects ( alumni, revunue, equipment and clothing companies, etc) is know where near the money that football and basketball brings. Also baseball doesn't take nearly the risks in bringing in high risks character players and players with suspect back grounds as those other two sports. Again MONEY MONEY MONEY is the number one culprit.
  3. belowtheborder

    belowtheborder Junior Member

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    Jan 18, 2010
    I agree with that for sure. Perhaps it is just my experience with several players who are now in college, but it seems very common in college football for players to committ to a program without ever speaking to the head coach. Without doing this, the coach is taking a big risk of the type of person he is bringing in. Secondly, if the coach knows the player is a character risk, they are still willing to bring them in just because of ability. In college baseball players with attitude problems are simply passed over as no coach wants to deal with this. I dare say that that there are much less problems with college baseball players than college football players....
  4. karlrocket

    karlrocket Full Access Member

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    Nov 4, 2008

    I don't know about the rest of ya, but I'm getting sick of hearing about all the football violations at these various schools. Reggie Bush, Cam Newton, Tyrelle Pryor, Marvin Austin, and the others at UNC. The list goes on & on. It's all about the money. Agents throwing money around, bowls throwing money around, & the big conferences & big schools want more & more of it. Someday, somethings got to change. The NCAA is having a hard time policing these schools, and the coaches are having a hard time policing their own programs. (Just ask Butch Davis & Jim Tressel). These players are doing alot of things behind their coaches backs, but the programs & coaches end up taking the fall. And the fans end up being hurt as well. I know football pays alot of bills at these universities, but a line needs to be drawn somewhere.
  5. pirates05

    pirates05 baseball-lifer

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    Feb 10, 2005
    KarlRocket, i am more surprised that more schools haven't gotten caught. I kind of got the impression you think it is all the kids fault. There is no way in the world that these coaches don't know what is going on ( davis, tressel etc.) These D1 coaches know excactly who they are recruiting, what kind of person they are recruiting etc. They know if a player has the money to get all the things these players are getting( clothes, type of cars, Tatoos etc) and what kids can not afford those things. They know if a student can make it academically and what kind of grades to expect, so the coaches are just as guilty as the players and lets not forget the admin staff because they know the same thing. What is more of an injustice is that the coach can just resign and get another job while the team suffers the most. The players are not at fault also because they all know who is getting stuff and they don't say anything. The wheel is big and and more than a couple of spokes in it is broken. They all just close their eyes because the money is just so much.
  6. karlrocket

    karlrocket Full Access Member

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    Nov 4, 2008
    You're absolutely correct. No, it's not just the players fault. The blame can be shared by alot of people: Coaches, Athletic Directors, Presidents, boosters, agents, parents (Cam's dad was doing some big-time negotiating behind the scenes), and others. I think the coaches would rather not know whats going on with some of their players. How many cars has Pryor driven at Ohio State? Alot of red flags out there. And , like you said, a coach gets in trouble, and he just jumps ship to another team, or the NFL, before the school gets penalyzed.

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