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“The FINAL Roster’s are in and I have a question”

Discussion in 'American Legion' started by LegionBBFan, Jun 25, 2011.

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  1. Vet-17

    Vet-17 Middle Member

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    Feb 23, 2011

    of course you can't have players on teams not closest to their domicile without a release, never, not last week or next week. This would make base schools obsolete, especially next year when rosters are due Before play. Commissioners need to step up here. Otherwise its chaos.
  2. SUMO

    SUMO Full Access Member

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    Jul 18, 2003
    From parts unkown
    It could also depend on if your area is zoned? I think this changes from area to area around the state. When reffereing to playing for a legion teams "base" schools.
  3. t42

    t42 Junior Member

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    May 4, 2011

    This area in question is not zoned

    The state commissioner looks after his own. He personally had Catawba Co zone so no one can get anyone out of his county
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2011
  4. t42

    t42 Junior Member

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    May 4, 2011
    Mrs Baseball

    The situation here is that the player in question is illegal and the commissioner in Lexington and the man in Hickory do not have the courage to say that a friend of theirs is wrong.
    The same thing has happened before in this area and they had commissioners with enough gumption to say thats wrong, these two do not. They look after certain ones and pay no attention to the rules.
    The first thing is "I will keep the rules" how can we expect our players to say this and respect them and the ones in charge of legion baseball will not.
    If they allow this to stay it will open up a pandora's box all over the state.
    I quess its who you know and like the best, regardless of the rules isn't that right Mr. XXX.

    No specific names or insinuating specific individuals please.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 29, 2011
  5. TeamMom1

    TeamMom1 Junior Member

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    Jun 27, 2011
    This scenario is taking place right now and so far has been allowed to stand up.

    The player lives closest to team A. He has asked for a release but has never tried out for Team A or been cut or released. Team A even went as far as contacting his father the day before final rosters were set and offered a roster spot to the player since Team A had multiply spots available. The father and player refused. Team A did not include the player, who has another year of eligabilty after this season, due to the fact there was no interest on the players behalf. At this point, Team B added the player to their roster after somehow finding out he was not on Team As' roster even though the rosters supposedly are not public until after cutoff. Team B feels the player can do whatever he wants at this point. To add to the confusion, the player on Team B's roster lives closer to Team A, and Team C then he does Team B, making Team B the third closest legion post from the players domicile. Today, Team B's coach informed Team A's coach that "Jim and Roy would not rule against me and we were legal."

    My question is to everyone, including the commisioners that log on to this board, is this legal and will this be allowed? And an even bigger question is if this is legal, then why did a perrenial powerhouse be made to forfiet their season in the second round of Area III playoffs several years ago due to an "illegal" player that lived closer to a neighboring post but was not on the neighboring posts final roster. If this present day player is viewed legal, then someone, commisioners, need to offe ra gigantic apology to this perrenial powerhouse because this is the same scenario, almost. The one difference is this present day player had an option to play with Team A, the player several years ago had no other option but to play for the perrenial powerhouse since the neighboring post that he lived closer to did not carry his high school as a feeder at that time. Someone please clear this up....
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2011
  6. Baseball

    Baseball Junior Member

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    Mar 12, 2009
    Its all in who you know

    It would not surprise me for the commissioners to back Team B. There is a close buddy buddy relationship between the Commish and the real person running Team B.

    As I understand it, if this is the scenerio Team Mom l is referring to that the Mocksville team DID NOT PROTEST but Rowan County was eliminated from the playoffs several years ago due to an annon tip to a commissioner.

    And what about all those games moved by Team B in the past couple weeks not merely for rain. Those games are now being played with the last minute added player that could not have been on Team B's roster in any way before the June 23rd cutoff. Does that not taint the regular season and the playoff positions for the entire Southern Division of Area III.

    But again rules are made to be bent, ignored and broken are they not????
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2011
  7. Vet-17

    Vet-17 Middle Member

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    Feb 23, 2011
    Makes Ohio State look like a Daycare

    How can Legion commissioners turn a blind eye, what about next year? This is not just concerning one illegal player. Several very good players are locked out this year because of what Team B’s recruiter promised them. In May 2012 when rosters are due before play; my son will be able to choose which team he wants to play for regardless of base school rules under this policy. Whoever makes him the best offer. The only way to stop him would be for team A to waste final roster spots on players that declare they aren’t playing. Recruiter and 17 year olds are deciding rosters, Mr. Commissioners.
    Questions ; Why are the Rules applied so inconsistent, is it really a buddy thing? Why does Legion Team B have a recruiter when there is a rule against recruiting? If he’s not a recruiter then how do players from other areas magically appear on Team B’s final roster? Why do we have MapQuest? What if team B makes the playoffs? Can Non-released players play in the playoffs or just in Area 3 games? Won’t teams that get bumped from the playoffs be mad and lose money? Is there an appeal process?
    Finally, If my son throws a No-hitter (and he might), and the recruiter offers him that used white Z-350 over on Hwy 21 to change teams (and he might), do I have to pay the insurance or is it included?
    Damn what a game last night in Omaha.
  8. stonewall

    stonewall Junior Member

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    Jun 27, 2011
    Interesting Vet-17, twisted but interesting.

    Now run some poles while I straight this out. This is baseball. Between the lines belongs to the players, coaches and umps so leave them out of this. Outside is where the problem LIES. The people in charge must decide, cause scoundrels will always exploit any opening or angle. Lead, follow or get out of the way commissioners.

    LKNVET Junior Member

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    Feb 23, 2011
    WOW so here we are again asking about the honor and integrity of the American Legion,

    If, the commissioners have any horror or integrity this is an easy decision. What is the kids domicile address? DO they have a release? Yes or No. Eject the player, forfeit the games and if the coach does not get the idea then ban him from coaching American Legion Baseball (for the second time). This affects every team in area III and could at some point effect teams elsewhere in the state if they make it to playoffs. If the commissioners do not do what is right here, then it is another year of loosing players to showcase and CBC because of a corrupt organization. If we follow this path the next year will only be super teams that will finish off what is left of the perception of American Legion Baseball.. Congratulation Commissionsers!!!
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2011
  10. Respectthegame

    Respectthegame Full Access Member

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    Jun 3, 2007
    It is best to not make assumptions without knowing the entire story. Just because something is heard and passed on does not make it fact. There has been no ruling on this topic as of earlier today so wait until the decision is made, deal with the facts and move on in the appropriate manner. There are checks & balances in most every organization to avoid corruption. Most everyone answers to someone and the head of American Legion baseball is a super man who is dedicated to the stability of the program and the players who participate. Some of the personal attacks on this thread are not accurate or appropriate. If the adults act like adults, I bet the correct ruling in accordance with the rule book will be implemented.
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