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Logan Koch Commits to South Carolina

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by gopack49, Jul 29, 2011.

  1. gopack49

    gopack49 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 23, 2010
    Logan Koch, 2013 South Mecklenburg grad and a member of the 16U Dirtbags Camo, has committed to the South Carolina Gamecocks. Congratulations are in order for Logan and his parents, Donn and Ellen. Logan's hard work and determination has paid off in a big way. Great news for a well-liked and well-respected Charlotte baseball family!
  2. pirates05

    pirates05 baseball-lifer

    Likes Received:
    Feb 10, 2005
    Great job Logan. Congrats to you in joining the Gamecock Family. I know the family is proud of you. The hard work now begins so get to it young man.
  3. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I met Logan when he was 13 yo. I remembered his visit to Coach May's Christmas Boot Camp that year being the only 13 yo in attendance. Now Kenny is not one to go overboard in his praise, but he is excellent in projecting talent...even young one's.

    This is what Coach May had to say about Logan in 2007:

    "2013 - Logan Koch - C/1B - Logan hits from the left side but also showed some hitting ability from the right side as well. He appears to be more of a natural left hand hitter. But if he sticks with it he could develop into a switch hitter. He has a nice compact approach. He hammers the baseball middle to outer half. He struggles a bit with pitches in on the hands and down and in. This is due to casting the arms a bit on his launch. He is very young and if he continues to work is going to be quite a hitter. He shows very good power for a kid his age. Stays on the baseball well. He has a chance to be very good down the road."

    Obviously Logan worked on his casting and worked hard to get where he is---one of the state's best catchers. Congratulations to the Koch family. Dad, Donn, is an excellent baseball resource with a great sense of humor. A lot of fun to be around....although he shows me no "love" anymore :bigsquaregrin:

    If you get a chance to be around Logan, you will leave impressed with not only being a talented baseball player, but a very polite, well mannered young man. It always seems the best players also are the best people off the field, too.
  4. Coach 27

    Coach 27 Full Access Member

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    Mar 12, 2006

    Logan! It took a lot of hard work and determination to get this opportunity. I have no doubt your going to take full advantage of it. I have always enjoyed watching you play the game. You do it the right way and you always approach the game the right way. Congrats and I look forward to seeing you play in the future. I am very happy for you and your entire family. Great job son.
  5. hititfar

    hititfar Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 20, 2009
    Congrats Logan, We wish you all alot of success. Very happy for you and your entire family. Good Luck
  6. A Non E Mous

    A Non E Mous Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 25, 2010
    Congrats Logan...you're a great receiver, great arm...always love working behind you.
  7. Baylee Duckdog

    Baylee Duckdog Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 20, 2008
    Hard Work

    It would be hard to estimate the number of balls Donn has thrown to Logan over the years, but this Father/Son Team never, ever stopped working. Before everyone else, after everyone else, always following the philosophy that Hard Work Beats Talent When Talent Doesn't Work Hard. The only difference is when Talent Works Hard --- you get to go to USC and play baseball.

    Good luck, stick to your work ethic and enjoy the payoff.

    Congrats to Donn, Ellen, Marla and Logan.
  8. throw 90

    throw 90 Full Access Member

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    Feb 26, 2006
    Kernersville NC
    Congrats Logan! I know you have worked hard. I remember the days when you played for the Americans. I wish you the best and remember you can be as good as you want to be!! Don I know it has been a fun ride and all the hard work has payed off! Mike

    The Smith Family

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