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Umpiring This Year

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by vikingmom, Mar 30, 2012.

  1. PhillyDave

    PhillyDave Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 28, 2004
    I know what I would have done if I was the catcher! Call for a fast ball up in the zone and ...................... whoops, it got away from me, sorry!:Reagan-hittin-head-
  2. Post15fan

    Post15fan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 10, 2009
    Let the ump catch one?

    My father, fast approaching 80 year young, pitched for Western in the 50's, recently told me a story from HS when he was being squeezed. He met the catcher at the mound, Discussed that 2 high FB's were coming. "On the second pitch....Just let it go". Results. He didn't get a win. Didn't get a wider zone, but he did rattle ump's cage a bit. Still had a sh^t eating grin while describing it. Nothing wrong with a little mean streak.
  3. Post15fan

    Post15fan Full Access Member

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    Aug 10, 2009
    Pretty good umps so far though

    Most of the year what I've seen has been pretty good/consistent umpiring in Mega and SW4A. Don't have a son playing in HS yet.

    What I've seen mostly has been poor setup and framing by catchers resulting in frustrated fans. Good catchers really help. Better teams have them around Charlotte. So if you yell "come on blue" alot....you might want to look at the catcher's technique.

    If catcher sets up down the middle all the time, you won't get the corners. If you are down the middle and you let your glove carry past the outside corner, you won't get that for a strike. Receiving high pitches back,thumbing low pitches forward and up also helps. Some teams might want to take up a collections for lessons. I don't want to call out any schools. Too easy to figure out their catcher, and that would not be fair to the young men doing their best. It's not easy to play catcher. Much respect for those who choose to get down and dirty.
  4. A Non E Mous

    A Non E Mous Full Access Member

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    May 25, 2010
    You will get more strikes called with a really good catcher and average pitcher than with a really good pitcher and average catcher....as for the comments regarding hitting the umpire with a pitch...that's bush league and you're lower than pond scum if you advocate doing that.
  5. aguyyouknow

    aguyyouknow Yogi Fan

    Likes Received:
    Aug 14, 2006
    UH OH. The secret is out!


    How you doin' by the way???
  6. catcher10

    catcher10 Full Access Member

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    Oct 19, 2006
    During my son's HS playing days, I always hoped that I didn't know the umpires for that night's game. You always seem to know the names of the really good ones and the really bad ones. There were a couple of really bad ones in Mecklenburg County, no need to mention names, everyone knows who they are. One in particular tried repeatedly to push my son's buttons every time he got the plate with my boy catching. He must live a sad existence to feel the need to be sarcastic and downright mean to a 16 /17 year old catcher who is doing his best to keep the ball off of him! Some nights it took great restraint for me not to be a feature story on the news at 11, but my son had the right mindset and at the end of my son's senior season he said, "I'm moving up and he's not!"

    Remember - That, which does not kill you, makes you stronger!
  7. Post15fan

    Post15fan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 10, 2009
    Not advocating Ump violence

    My grandmother once said..."all my children are really good kids.....not an angel in the bunch". :angel: That would go double for the old man. Intemperate in his youth....later displayed fierce determination earning several purple hearts, and bronze and silver stars. That mean streak served him well.

    I"m enjoying AGYK's avatar and quote.
  8. PhillyDave

    PhillyDave Senior Member

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    Apr 28, 2004
    Then tell the arrogant umpire behind the plate to do his job and not to belittle the 16-18 year old catcher!

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