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Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by balldad, Apr 27, 2012.

  1. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    thats pretty neat....
  2. stiksdad

    stiksdad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 13, 2009
    NOT necessarily true
  3. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

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    Jun 20, 2006
    One of the best pitchers in NC, Erica Nunn, Holly Springs, could have gone to college early this year but chose to take the required number of classes so that she could play for her school. I believe that was the reason.

    This is awesome in my view. Not only has she brought glory to her school, she has helped a whole team of girls have a year they'll always have great memories of.

    And those of us who have seen her pitch will have a lifetime of good memories of her—although the losses to her aren't really a good memory. :)
  4. cougar man

    cougar man Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 18, 2005
    Never underestimate the fun these kids have playing with friends. High School ends to quickly..
  5. PiedmontSB#6

    PiedmontSB#6 Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 8, 2012
    let's see

    This thread is about a girl that is very good and other teammates as well.

    When I was in the 8th grade. I lived near Winston-Salem. I played on the school MS Football team. I was a little guy 5'4" or so about 125 lb. Practiced everyday and when the game time came, no playing time at all. Was I any good? Don't know. Never got to play. About 30 of us guys out there. Some guys would play both offense and defense. We played 6 games and lost 5 with 1 win. Coach played starters almost all the time, not many subs. In our last game we lost to the cross town team by like 40. The coach did not sub much at all that game. Starters were in at the end even while losing so bad. I never played 1 down that whole season. There were maybe 7 or 8 others also. Parents were livid, upset. A season I will never forget. Did I have fun that yr. Not really. The team mates were fun. But the work was hard with no prize. Sometimes I think about a song.. "Put me in coach I'm ready to play" I now think about girls like this and many others out there. Weather they are super ball players or not so good. I feel their pain. This SB HC is likely no different than my football coach. This may be the "only" thing he has going in life. So "softball1115" and others out there when the time comes, you and your DD will be better for it and can remember these teachable moments.
  6. lovesports

    lovesports if you want the truth

    Likes Received:
    May 1, 2012

    Last edited: May 7, 2012
  7. stiksdad

    stiksdad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 13, 2009
    Thanks for posting I figured there were atleast 2 sides to this story, good post.
  8. balldad

    balldad Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 27, 2012
    I’ll try and respond to your questions/statements as best I can.

    1) HC has attempted to schedule games with 4A schools and I don't believe he can be held at fault because the teams are afraid to play his team.

    a) Afraid? According to whom? I’d think there are plenty of “quality” ball teams who would love a to play. Speaking of facts, this sounds like an assumption to me.

    Sounds like maybe...just maybe he was trying to avoid running up the score. Oh wait, you said that he tried to do that. Uhm...no, doesn't sound like that to me.

    a) Pretty hard to justify that he avoids running up the score when through all the blow-outs, starters stay in and reserves get little to no playing time. Maybe the reserves are so good they have to stay in the dugout to avoid running the score up?

    2) TB players play no matter what...yes. I do believe they hold two key positions and their batting and fielding stats speak for themselves. Do the math. There are also other non TB players who play all the time. They've earned their position and playing time.

    a) If earning their position and playing time is done by having lowest BA and FP, you’re spot on.

    3) I know for a fact that the particular parent you are speaking of put NO money in the program; nope not one dollar. Time? Yes. He put time in at the baseball field, softball field, soccer field (yes, I said soccer even though he doesn't have a child that plays soccer) and he even volunteered his time to help the basketball coach despite his daughter NOT playing basketball this year. Get your facts straight...there were four fathers who spent their FREE time helping out at the field(s); not just the daughter of the freshman you are referring to. I suggest if you want to spend your time being productive that perhaps you volunteer at the school as well. Lord knows, it takes all the volunteers we can get to improve our facilities. Spending time on a forum trying to tear down a good program is not productive at all. PS, what kind of person are you that you would point out a child's batting average...really?

    a) Volunteering – You are right. All parents could take a more active role in the schools. PS – This thread has never mentioned the name of a school, coach, or player. It was intended to anonymously solicit advice. I don’t believe any child was singled out nor torn down.

    4)Practice is the time to earn a starting position; not in the game. Come on now..you and I both know that if a player bats twice during a season and only gets one hit of the two plate appearances then the average is .500. It's easy to keep that average when you don't bat. FP starts at 1000 and from there you chip away when you have errors so again, if you're on the bench then why of course you should have top notch FP.

    a) Again, correct. Just as it’s not the starter’s fault that the coach plays them regardless of performance and situation, it’s not the reserves’ fault they get limited opportunities to deliver consistently. With almost every game being called early due to the mercy rule, there’s plenty of opportunity to give a chance to the reserves who have put in the same work/practice time as the starters.

    5)the coach has the make the best decision for the team regarding position placement. Why are you spending so much time worrying over decisions that don't affect your child? If your child is not a pitcher then let it go.

    a) First, it’s a team sport. I really do try and look at it objectively for all involved. Second, who said my daughter was not a pitcher? It’s hard to know who the pitchers are when only one gets a chance to toe the circle.

    6)Not true, my daughter has talked to him about her game on many occasions and he even volunteers his free time to help ANY of the players who want to come out at anytime to work with them. He's a dedicated coach and because of people like you, good dedicated coaches catch a hard time. Of course the coach isn't going to discuss playing time. If so, he'd spend his season babysitting, not coaching. The players can talk to HC, just not about playing time. That's a given with most if not all of the HS programs. PS. there was NO bullying and its really a dangerous thing to make such accusations. Parents get angry and press charges over accusations like that...be careful. Also, police involved...hmmm, no charges pressed. Wonder why....let's see because there was NO bullying involved.

    a) It’s great that your daughter feels comfortable with her coach. Unfortunately, everyone does not feel the same. Has the coached volunteered his available time to all of the players? Again, two sides to every story. Bullying? Ultimate two sides to every story.

    7)I've followed this program for a long time and he is a respectable coach and man (on and off the field). People may not always agree with every decision but that's not his job.

    a) Respect is earned. Sounds like he’s earned it with some.

    Funny you say don't want to be "that dad". Guess what, you became "that dad" when you posted on this board. If your attempt is to get this coach reprimanded then I want you to know that he has a team full of parents that will back and support him.

    a) “Team”? Good one. Look at the “team” before the start of each game immediately after warm-ups. I think you’ll clearly see that there is a separation in this “team”.
  9. PiedmontSB#6

    PiedmontSB#6 Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 8, 2012

    Wonder if the coach has read this thread? And over 1500 hits on this thread.
    Last edited: May 3, 2012
  10. sballfever

    sballfever Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 3, 2012
    Two sides to every story

    Be sure that you at least try to see it from the other side before you attack. Someone asking for advice without naming names or schools on a public forum does not deserve to be attacked. It is easy to support a coach or defend players if your child is unaffected.

    There was and is bullying on this team. Legal action did not become necessary because the players backed off (of that particular girl) after she quit and being called to the office and threatened with legal action. I can assure you that the principle took the threat of legal action for "bullying" very seriously. The players father is in law enforcement therefore everyone took it seriously. Bullying is not the HC's fault but it is his responsibility to ensure that it does not continue. No one paid a penalty for their actions. No one sat out a game. There have been no exercises to build team moral. There were no team meetings w/ parents to support the coach and principle in ending the negativity.

    Bullying is a strong word but it is the accurate word. It took place on the field, at practice, during games and in the halls of the school. Clearly not all girls will have fond memories of their high school softball experience.

    The Golden Rule applies in all aspects of life including on the field.

    It is a game after all and to some degree it should be fun. Wins could have still been accomplished with putting in relief players. What is the harm in sharing the W with the TEAM?

    We are a small school in a small community with limited funds. Volunteers are necessary and everyone should have been given the opportunity to help including the players. The improvements are great. Girls sports are not always given the funds for improvement but that's a topic for another day!

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