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UNCG Coach Mike Gaski Fired

Discussion in 'College Baseball' started by heels_25, May 27, 2012.

  1. baseballnut

    baseballnut Full Access Member

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    Jan 8, 2003
    unctiger!! Thanks, finally some info and maybe movement. Your thoughts and information were great from a mindset standpoint uncg may have. Jarret would scare me if I am uncg since he had his name in at App, UM, in that the next bigger job would have him looking, it would seem. The FLA ST connections are great but the program needs someone fired up about uncg and building the program long term. Hopefully admin will make a committment to coaches (assistants) and give the resources and time. Should be top half of the league team which competes for SoCon title.
  2. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

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    Jan 7, 2003
    Good point baseballnut. They need the next coach that wants UNCG not to be his stepping stone....but to be his Rock!
  3. unctiger

    unctiger Junior Member

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    Jul 3, 2012
    All good points...Jarrett was in on the Maryland job last time and it came down to him and Bakich. We know how that turned out. To my knowledge he is not seeking or involved with Maryland this time around. Your point about stepping stones is valid. However you have to remember that most mid major jobs are stepping stones. What the key is the school and the commitment. If UNCG makes it a great job then it makes it harder for anyone to leave and they become even more picky as to where and when they leave.

    Just look at Bakich...he left an ACC job for Michigan. Why??? Because Maryland didn't make a commitment and Michigan did. Look at other good mid major jobs...most guys with really good ones hang around for a while.

    Also when a guy takes a job he is all in and that job is his baby. I seriously doubt that if Jarrett or whoever gets it goes in thinking it is a stepping stone. They go in with both feet and want to make it the best it can be. If they get noticed for doing a good job then so be it. If that's the case then he obviously did a great job and the next guy ha a better situation.

    What UNCG has going for it is really great facilities, hopefully improved support for the program, but most importantly Greensboro is a great place to live. So that makes it more attractive to stay and not bolt too quick. This will make some angry but living in Boone and living in Greensboro is apples to oranges. So when a guy looks at a mid major job he looks has to naturally look at where can he go from there but also would he be happy to stay there for 10+ years and raise his family. Greensboro offers that and I believe that UNCG could be a consistent player in the NCAA tournament.

    I hope those are all valid points. I get the feeling that you are hinting you'd rather have a guy from a small college that think UNCG is his destination job... However if he does what he is supposed to whoever it is will get noticed and have a chance to leave. So I'd rather have a guy like link from a bigger school who will come in and change the landscape.

    Just my opinions...
  4. unctiger

    unctiger Junior Member

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    Jul 3, 2012
    Alve you considered that he pulled out of App State because UNCG is what he really wanted all along??? Maybe he was waiting for them to do something and once they did he put his attention to UNCG!!!

    SOCONBB Member

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    Jun 28, 2012
    Bottom line is just about every "mid-major" is a stepping stone for coaches and will probably be like that for looooong time. Sure you will have some that stay on and turn down the big boys, like Gilmore at Coastal. But those kind of guys are few and far between. I think i said that right? :dunce2:
  6. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

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    Jan 7, 2003
    It's a moot point, but I beieve it was Bakich and Mike Shildt. I have no idea about the lack of support from the administration in the Maryland situation. However, we do have two members that are influential in that program. Maybe they will weigh in.

    Yes, they are. By the way, welcome to the board unctiger. We are not always so gossipy. Actually, you may be surprised how many college coaches participate on TBR.

    I know I don't and knowing baseballnut and his background, I don't believe he is either. A person will always do what is best for him and his family. No one could blame a coach if a better offer or situation comes to him and he decides to go elsewhere. I think we all understand the reasoning for a coach to move on.... And I agree whomever gets the position will go in feet first and work his butt off. However, there are coaches (and I'm not insinuating Coach Jarret is one of them. In fact, I would believe he would be an excellent hire) who are overly ambitious and their purpose is solely to use UNCG as a springboard.

    See, I'm of the belief that UNCG is a gold mine. Sure, if a SEC-ACC job was open and one had an opportunity, it would make sense to strongly consider it; but UNCG has the facility and a potential program that could be the envy of many other programs. I certainly believe it has the potential to be a top 25 program consistently.

    I can say this with all honesty. With the right coach, UNCG could attract many of the players that are now headed to UNC, NC State and East Carolina. Will they get those schools top recruits? No, but they can get some of them...and snare a few blue chips along the way.

    Baseball is unique that even a mid major school can compete for the National Championship (Stoney Brook and Kent State did pretty well :)) and I believe UNCG can compete nationally consistently.

    And please allow me to mention I am not a UNCG supporter in any way, shape or form. I am a NC-SC college supporter (did I say I'm a USC alumus :roflmao:)

    I'll finish by saying I always felt that UNCG was an underachiever and I have an opinion why. I've always felt that given the right coach and with their facilities, it is a program waiting to explode
  7. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I don't disagree. In a way, all college positions are stepping stones---even the "elite" one's if it gives them an opportunity to go back "home."

    I think I described the difference between a coach that is committed to building a program and one that is using a school's program to springboard to another level. Do they both share the same work ethic? Yes, they do. But their agenda is different.
  8. unctiger

    unctiger Junior Member

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    Jul 3, 2012
    I agree 100%! UNCG is a sleeping giant and waiting for the right person to take over. It could easily be a Top 25 program year after year. Coastal was mentioned on here...but they have made a commitment to Gilmore and his staff and program in general. He is paid like an big conference coach making over $200k and both assistants are in the $75 to $100k range. They are slowing working on facilities but the support is there and you've seen the post season results.

    UNCG is exact opposite. Already have the facility just need the coach and administration support and the sky is the limit. I would put it as easily one of the best mid-major jobs in country and I do agree that if they get right coach and can win some games...that they will win some of those in state recruiting battles and be a premier job.
  9. baseballnut

    baseballnut Full Access Member

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    Jan 8, 2003
    My point about not wanting the uncg hire to be a stepping stone is a general comment. However, from college coaching friends that give you 4-5 guys that apply for "every" job opening, some publicly and some through channels that are not made public. Take Coach Pollard for example, giving App St 6 years and building the program to current levels is not a stepping stone. Shaka Smart of VCU, could have had several major jobs but stuck with VCU, one day he will leave but he has built a top tier program. Scott Stricklin at Kent State was involved with Ohio State, but not chosen. Michigan supposedly came after him hard, but he chose to stay at his alma mater(5 years). Some consider him Danny Hall's replacement when / if that should happen.

    Jarret and App job, did he withdraw or was the decision made and then he withdrew, perception is everything in coaching. It's one thing to be considered a contender, but you try not to be the one not chosen. Apparently it was a two man race as indicated earlier. Your reference to Bakich (it was Shildt in the final two) may not have left if the AD had not followed through with promised improvements under the timeline agreed to. That combined with Maryland dropping 7 sports would give any head coach reason to be concerned with any future promises.

    Most assistants know their ticket to most any "major" job is to have head coaching experience. Sometimes the old saying, "you have to go away in order to come back", applies.

    To the small school coach comment, that is not my intention. But who ever is hired as Braves said, be the Rock of the program build it, grow it, and relish it. My only hope is that the coach who is chosen will have a long term approach and vision fo a program waiting to take off potentially.
  10. Hkybaseball1

    Hkybaseball1 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 21, 2010
    App has its guy

    It will be announced Friday. But for you TBR guys who have been following for a while I will speak early. Billy Jones former Oklahoma State assistant coach and recruiting coordinator.

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