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UNCG Coach Mike Gaski Fired

Discussion in 'College Baseball' started by heels_25, May 27, 2012.


    SOCONBB Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 28, 2012

    Forgot to mention that Stricklin was being paid $145k this year and with bonus's for how far they went was near $200k. That was before he got a new contract after being in the mix for Michigan.
  2. unctiger

    unctiger Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 3, 2012
    Baseball nut...I agree with you and you make some great points. Since we're just talking here. You mentioned guys applying for jobs every year. I don't see a huge problem with that, especially if he is an assistant. As you said most guys know that the only way to that elite job is to have HC experience and you have to start somewhere. HC jobs are hard to get and a lot of politics involved so we all know you have apply and keep trying. I'm not saying that 4-5 a year is good unless all of them fall into what you are looking for. I know a certain HC at Louisville applied for 4-5 jobs a year....interviewed at a bunch and finally landed where he is. Some guys just want to be a head coach and you have to apply and go on interviews to see if the jobs you THINK are good are actually good.

    As for Pollard I kinda see your point...yes he stayed for 6 years to build a program but truth be told did anyone really want him before 40+ wins and a Regional??? Probably not...he had no choice but to stay and build and first chance he had to leave he did. I think he did a fine job and actually made people pay attention to App State baseball. That's a positive for him!

    As for Link and App State...all I know was he was one of first interviewed and called them day after his visit and said thanks but no thanks. We will never know if he would or would not have been offered the job. But I don't think it was one of those famous saving face withdraws cause you know someone else is gonna get it.

    The whole Maryland thing you hit right on the head. First off I didn't know who the finalist were...heard it was who I said and you had another guy. At the end of the day all we say on here is just talk and speculation from what we all hear. But it's fun to discuss. I don't think Maryland is an attractive job and in fact I think UNCG is better. I agree with and think Bakich would have stayed had the Athletic Dept not been a sinking ship financially. I know nothing about promises made when hired but if you said it then it sounds right. All I was getting at was he left from lack of support and went to Mixhigan cause they were committed. Not that Maryland isn't but they are limited maybe that's a better way to look at it. The ACC/SEC are not leagues to be limited in.

    Sorry for long posts, I just get going. Anyway I am in full agreement that UNCG is a gold mine and will explode with right coach and university support. Personally I think Jarrett would be a good choice. I don't think he's a guy that would have one eye on UNCG and the other looking for the next spot. Again whoever it is has to do the job and make it happen. Once they do all bets are off....as I said earlier today good thing for UNcG is once it gets going I don't think HC leaves for a Duke or Maryland or any other job just because it's in a bigger conference. I think UNCG could be a great job and next place HC goes would have to be pretty darn special.

    Thanks for the dialogue...I enjoy it and good stuff to think about
  3. unctiger

    unctiger Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 3, 2012
    Let me clarify one thing....I do not think that it would be acceptable for a HC to apply for a bunch of jobs. My first comment was more intended for those Assistants that are trying to get that first HC job. As long as the guy they work for is okay with it then I think it is good for an assistant that really wants to be a HC to explore his options.

    I wrote that last post in the we hours of the morning and once I looked at it again with fresh eyes I thought some might take what I said the wrong way.
  4. tools

    tools Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 22, 2003
    Somewhere in the Triad
    ASU coach

    WS Journal reports that Ok. State assistant Billy Jones will be named ASU baseball coach.
  5. baseballnut

    baseballnut Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    unctiger and others, great discussion and many very good points. That is what makes this board so good, with the varied views and certainly informed discussion. Thanks for the input, and since App is being announced today, it just gives us more time to talk uncg!!

    SOCONBB Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 28, 2012
    Well any closer to naming a coach?
  7. ohsbsball

    ohsbsball Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 12, 2007
    McCay today

    Matt McCay, Brevard College, interviewing today. Wishing for the best. He is definitely capable of taking the Spartans to new heights.

    SOCONBB Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 28, 2012
    Who all has interviewed? McCay, Jarrett, and who else? Any other SOCON school assistants?
  9. unctiger

    unctiger Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 3, 2012
    It is my understanding that Jarrett was interviewing yesterday and today as well. So is both him and McCay on campus at the same time??? That would be kinda odd way to do it....

    I also heard that the initial group being brought in was upwards of 5-8 coaches. So if it is true that Jarrett and McCay are definite that leaves 3-5 more coaches that have interviewed.

    There have been names floated on this board and other boards such as Matt Heath at CofC, Starbuck at Elon, the fired pitching coach from Georgia Tech (Kinklear sp.??). Not sure who else is involved at this point. The name that consistently popped up from the beginning was Jarrett. Recently McCay has been mentioned.

    At this point who really knows. Anyone else have any information on this search???
  10. baseballnut

    baseballnut Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    Maybe the uncg president, ad etc should call USC about succesion plans and making a decision. Not this daggone hard folks. Know it's ot exactly the same there, but pleaseeeee! You would think they have 20 quality people they just can't decide between and don't know what to, not the rumored 2-4 interviews.

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