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2013 Dirtbags baseball committs

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by LOLLIE, Jul 11, 2012.


    LOLLIE Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 4, 2003
  2. catcoach

    catcoach Full Access Member

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    Jan 18, 2010
    Kernersville NC
    OK... I'll bite

    They would have been commits if they were Canes or Panthers or LL - wouldn't they?

    I mean, they are all good, solid, Division I level players, correct?

    Those schools didn't recruit them because they are Dirtbags did they?

    They are Dirtbags and DIs because they are players - not players because they are Dirtbags and have committed DI.

    Those young men are deserving because of their abilities and work - not because of a camo t-shirt...

    OK, let me have it!
  3. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I understand what you mean catcoach, but think of it like this. When a coach scouts the Dirtbag players he knows he will find talent. When the recruiting coordinator goes to his HC with a name, I can promise you when he mentions Dirtbag's, the HC's attention perks up. He knows he is getting a "player."

    Does this mean if the player played for east Bugtussel, he might not get recruited by UNC-State-EC, etc? Maybe, maybe not. That same player may have gotten overlooked. I can say this factually, if a player has talent and he plays for the Dirtbag's, he will not get overlooked. Perception is Reality
  4. NCMtnBBDad

    NCMtnBBDad NCMtnBBDad

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    Aug 28, 2006
    And I imagine some would say the same point could be made for a player for the South Charlotte Panthers, Evoshield Canes and maybe Carolina Cubs. I'm sure I may be leaving some programs out that others think should be included. And I agree with your point Braves.
  5. justadad

    justadad Full Access Member

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    Nov 5, 2010
    Look further

    Dont know much about the dirtbags but if you click on their link they field 2 other teams
  6. throw 90

    throw 90 Full Access Member

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    Feb 26, 2006
    Kernersville NC

    Yes they have another team but like Braves said if you are good enough to be a Dirtbag your chances of playing college baseball are almost 100% AP builds his name by getting players signed. If you look at the website come March of 13 You will probably see every player committed.AP is very good to his players and wants them to do great! He makes players play the game with respect and if you don't you will not be a Dirtbag long!
  7. carolina angles

    carolina angles Member

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    Sep 28, 2008
    There are a lot of great players in NC, but your chance to commit to a good college increase if you are a Dirtbag, Panther or Evoshield Cane. There are players that will not play showcase ball and still go on and play college ball, but there is no doubt that if you can play and play well on one of the top showcase teams your chance of going to a D1 college or any good college increases greatly....
  8. catcoach

    catcoach Full Access Member

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    Jan 18, 2010
    Kernersville NC
    So, are you saying that there could be/are players "out there" (who are as good as the ones listed on that site, in terms of talent) who are not committing/signing with DI schools? Are you saying those programs definitively help determine who goes where/gets what?

    That's what I'm hearing - or perceiving.

    If that's the case - and it may just be water in my ears after 3 days at the beach with 4 kids under age 9 - then two things jump out:
    1)College coaches aren't looking as hard as they should. They only want to go to cattle-calls with kids of parents who can afford it...
    Which leads me to
    2)Your going to have to spend some fairly serious money to get to that commitment...

    [Full disclosure: I am a coach who was looked dead in the eye within the last couple of years and told," I wish my son never has to play another high school game. In a couple years HS baseball won't even matter cause showcase is all the best players anyway." He was correct to an extent. I have had 2-3 players commit/sign without my ever having talked to the college coach - seen and signed totally through Showcase. In the 3 I particularly think of at this moment, not one "panned out" in terms of playing and only one even stayed at/in school committed to. Also, I have been told by a couple of parents just within the last couple weeks/months,"we really can't afford it and hope something happens fast - but what do we do? Showcase is the best way to give our son a chance." And another parent of mine almost cried a year ago - literally welled tears - because they felt they let their son down not being able to afford Showcase during his HS years. I told them to just keep at it on field and in class and I would contact as many as I could and we would "trust the Lord" to work it out. (Thankfully, it most certainly did.) All so sad - except the "trust the Lord" and the "it most certainly did" parts. Now, somebody please tell me how it's,"all about the kids - 'bout helpin' kids man." That's always the cover-all I hear. What about the kids/parents who can't/won't afford it?]

    "Uh-oh. I dun did it now" - Tow Mater
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2012
  9. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Does one have to play showcase baseball to get recruited? No...does it increase his chances? Yes...simply because it increases his exposure. Disregard the financial aspect for a second; there are many players joining the showcase scene that have nothing to showcase. They have some talent and can play high school baseball, but they don't have the god given talent that others have.

    For the small percentage of players that are "blue chippers", most don't pay or pay much less than others. Just like for colleges, they are heavily recruited by teams and are offered "better deals."

    The other 80% are trying to figure out the best way to get noticed. In my opinion, showcase baseball, because of the sheer number of scouts that atttend, offers the most exposure. But there are many avenues one can take. I've always recommended that families may be better served to spend their money on quality lessons. Improvement is the name of the game. If one works hard and improves their abilities, maybe they will have something to showcase.

    Now, let's mention the financial part. With the economy continuing to struggle, many families don't have the discretionary income, even if they could sacrifice, to join a travel team. It can be expensive---and I'm not referring to just the enrollment fee. For those that can't afford it, there are other avenues to follow.

    One example for those that can is to play Legion baseball in the summer. It gives you an opportunity to perfect your skills and to play multiple positions. If you have talent (or have improved your skills) to the point that you have something to offer the colleges, you can play selected fall tournaments for a showcase team or join them full time at a discounted price. If you still can't afford to do that, then contact me at TBR and let's see what we can do. There are so many of our members that have contacts or influence to be able to help.

    But the bottom line is you must have the talent for the next level.
  10. throw 90

    throw 90 Full Access Member

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    Feb 26, 2006
    Kernersville NC
    You are right

    I know for a fact that players who have some talent are helped by teams to be able to play I will not call names but I know a couple that got help.These coaches are out watching HS games during the spring and know who can play. It is a business and you want to get the best players you can get which doesn't always mean the most talented but just the way they play the game.At one time every kid wanted to play for the dirtbags or the SCP. SCP is free to play from what I understand and if you go to all the Impact Showcases it is free for the Dirtbags because their are 4 events at couple hundred then the Impact State Games if you had to pay for each one.

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