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scbl purpose

Discussion in 'College Baseball' started by bigstars, Jul 4, 2012.

  1. uncg fan

    uncg fan Junior Member

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    May 31, 2012
    Well appreciated post. One of the great, long standing teams in the Columbus All-Americans folded a couple of years ago (Great Lakes League). Jerry Dicuccio put his heart, sole, and money into that team. They traveled by charter bus, played a couple of games against the Cape teams in Cape Cod, and had free housing!

    Summer ball is so much about getting better, having fun, and building some new relationships with other players.

    I just hope that these other leagues and teams can withstand the financial woes.

    One aspect I learned from summer ball is that a lot of D1 players were over-rated and many D3 and Juco guys must have slipped through the cracks especially in the Cape.
  2. bigstars

    bigstars Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 20, 2010
    Thank you for your time that you have volunteered. By looking back at some of your post its easy to see that your connected to the allstar players who were so undeserving.(be ashamed). Taking nothing is absolutely a false statement. Take a player that only plays 3 innings of 40 games in which he pays you 600 dollars for fair playing time. needless to say he was forced to quit after seeing that you have picked up 2 more pitchers to add to the 13 you already had in which half of them didnt get playing time. when you have a team made up of around 30 players and 9 to 15 do all the playing what do you call the rest of them? (checks). All of those kids were there for the same purpose. They were looking to better themselves for thier respective schools. So with all that being said i have a question for you. Did this kid that i have spoken about get a fair opportunity? Do you think he was able to work on some of the things that he needed? Stick to what the purpose of the league is and play all of the players and not just the favorites. I really do appreciate what everyone does to make the league go around at the same time i will speak how i feel. Sorry if you cant accept that bud.
  3. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    These personal concerns should be addressed privately. I'm sure every team has a player dissatisfied with their playing time (that happens at every league.) The coach makes those decisions---not the league.

    If there are questions about the league, feel free to discuss, but personal situations should be handled privately.

    Thank you
  4. Post15fan

    Post15fan Full Access Member

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    Aug 10, 2009
    Here's an option

    Here's an option. Look for a short term contract in another league. At the end of last year, 2 pitchers left the Morganton Aggies to pitch in the Coastal Plains League. I'm pretty sure a good LHP went to pitch for the HiToms and got his first win in the CPL either right before or during the playoffs. With a good ERA, he might be able to contact the league and help a team in the CPL or Valley League. When one door closes another opens. Contact the league office first, then each coach. Similarly in the early season, a player might be able to get a short term contract while other players are playing in Super Regionals or Omaha.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2012
  5. bigstars

    bigstars Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 20, 2010
    you are 100 percent right Braves. My pm box is open. I have made my last post. Im done with it!!!!
  6. Dawgcatcherfive

    Dawgcatcherfive Full Access Member

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    Apr 23, 2007
    Charlotte, NC
    Loaded Question

    And everyone was right.....it was a loaded question.

    Too many people work too hard for someone to come on here and bash the SCBL.

    Baseball is baseball, you play your way in, you play your way out. A lot of times, numbers aren't why you play players. Coaches know what they're looking for in a player and Coach Bray has been around baseball long enough and earned the right to make the decisions he wants to make.

    BTW, the $600 that was paid is for transportation. The league is funded by MLB and the teams take charter buses to road games.......huge expense. There is nothing in a contract that guarantees a player playing time although SCBL coaches do a great job of getting all players AB's and mound time.

    Rosters are capped at 30 to ensure that 1) teams have enough players to finish the season, and 2) that the roster is not overloaded and players don't get to play. It's not set a 30 to "collect a check". There are 42 games in the season and all 30 of those players serve a role at some point. There will always be a few players that don't get the time that they want but again, that is baseball.

    Look at other summer leagues where they have 35+ guys. That doesn't happen in the SCBL. The SCBL is set up for the players.

    There comes a time where you let the players play and let the coaches coach. These are college kids and if they have an issue with playing time there are three things they can do......1)Quit or 2)Work to get better so they get more playing time, or 3) Understand their role and be a good teammate. Making excuses and not accepting the facts are not 1 of the 3.

    Did this post deserve a response? Probably not, but there are some great things going on in the SCBL and I hate to read negative material from someone who has blinders on, especially about a league that is set up for the players.
  7. bigstars

    bigstars Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 20, 2010
    I think some people have gotten confused. The league is not a problem. In any of my post the league was never bashed.Hey dawgcatcherfive :pot::blahblah1::blahblah1::blahblah1::bomb: I could say a ton right now but imma gonna be good.
  8. WiseE

    WiseE Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 23, 2011
    I have not read every single post made on this topic and I am not sure if my word means anything.

    I feel the purpose of this league just like the purpose of any summer collegiate wood bat league is to develops the players. The Cape typically develops a different player than the SCBL but AAA generally has a different type player in it than Rookie Ball.

    First of all I want to point out one thing it costs money to play in the cape just as it costs money to play in the SCBL. There are "scholarship" players in each league and each team must be able to point out where the money is going. Both teams are under the umbrella NACSB which is a nonprofit league.

    The Cape generally has players who are former drafts, projected drafts, or players who have been playing at a high level and been successful occasionally there will be a player from the New England region from a small school that gets his shot, a friend of mine had Scouting Duty in the Cape and said at the All-Star game there was a number of Division II and III players in the game. Although the Showcase before hand had a lot more tools players from big schools, or former drafts who hadn't had the same statistical season some of the of the other guys have had.

    The SCBL generally has a Heinz 57 version of talent, there have been draft picks there have been DII JV players, there have been ACC guys, this is where these guys have been placed by there coaches to get at bats and develop. Why would you try and place a kid in a league where he wouldn't get to play?

    Just because the SCBL isn't whipping out lineups chopped full of Gamecocks, Tar Heels, LSU/Clemson Tigers, and UVA Cavaliers does not mean there is no purpose.

    I bet anything (I do because it happens every year) that there will be a successful player from the SCBL that will use that success and his school success to "move up" to the Northwoods, Alaska, CPL, Valley League, etc that has a successful season in that league. And those kids just as the kids who don't make the jump will have found purpose.
  9. Prepster

    Prepster Full Access Member

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    Jan 8, 2003
    Charlotte (formerly)
    The NCAA requires that a nominal amount be paid to each host family throughout summer league baseball; an amount that ends up covering only a portion of the expenses borne by the host family.

    In 2 1/2 seasons on the Cape, that's the only expense my son had. Is that the expense to which you were referring?
  10. hititfar

    hititfar Full Access Member

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    Mar 20, 2009
    Jayhawk League

    My son is playing in the Jayhawk League this summer and his only expense has been getting to/fro Kansas. What do other leagues charge?

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