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Discussion in 'American Legion' started by Carolina Man, Jul 8, 2012.

  1. chrismac

    chrismac Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 9, 2012
    Carolina Man.......... I made a mistake .... we did very well from 2008 to 2010.... but I like to point out that Area III send two different teams to American Legion World Series back to back. Rowan end up being 3rd in 2009 and Kernersville 5th in 2010. Caldwell County had a long spell!!!!!!!! 2000??

    On other subject, I am not quite surprised the way Caldwell County players and fans acted like that. Yes Umpires do make bad calls but we ALL are humans and we need to roll with it and do the best we can. Do you remember that call umpire made in that perfect game???? The pitcher knew it was a bad call but he roll with it and made the best of the situation. Ironically, it was not perfect game due to the fact umpire made a bad call on first base...I was very impressed with the pitcher.

    I grew up in Morganton and now living in Triad area. I know how Caldwell County act from time to time. I personally do not care for it and it degrade game of baseball when those things happened. I also am an umpire and I did the same thing with 14-16 years old baseball game this year.....I called safe but reverse the call a min later after seeing the ball was not dropped in first place. It is ok to reverse the call as long it gets it correct call being made! That is most important thing.

    I am very sure that about 80 percent of the fans do not know all the rules in baseball and at times, it can get complicated. We aim to get it right. Yes there are some umpires that shouldn't be umpiring at specific level but again, roll with it and go on!

    It is pretty obvious that it wouldn't matter who gets in state final with Wilmington. Wilmington seems like they are on a ROLL! I am glad that Wilmington win the state final ....it is time for different AREA to win it all this time especially Wilmington! Last time they won it all was in 1995.
  2. Carolina Man

    Carolina Man Caldwell County Post 29

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2005
    Granite Falls, NC
    I agree with most of your statement...but...nothing wrong with cheering for your home team...nothing wrong with cheering for a good play or booing a bad call. Caldwell County did not invent this behavior at a baseball game. This behavior has been going on for years. Sometimes it does get out of hand and people need to control their emotion's (especially the language). But let me tell you something folk's, if you think Caldwell County is the only ones that show passion for the game with this behavior, you need to travel more.
  3. fastball2223

    fastball2223 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 4, 2009
    I think the only problem people are having is that they umpire did not make the correct call. It was not a swipe tag with the ball being dropped on a transfer. The catcher took 4 or 5 steps towards the dugout and began to flip the ball back towards the pitchers mound and it fell out. That is not a transfer of the ball. You can not tell from the video but you can tell how far from the plate the catcher is and where the ball was dropped from his glove. Agreed the players and coach lost their cool which is not acceptable but emotion is part of the game and sometimes players lose their cool
  4. EagleDad

    EagleDad Member

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    Mar 10, 2012
    I travel to watch baseball games a lot. I have seen HS, Legion, Babe Ruth, SCBBL, and LL games in 4 states this year and I have to say that Caldwell Co. Post 29 has the least amount of class on the field and in the dugout of any team I have seen. If you would travel more you would see how the game is supposed to be respected. You ignorant inbred.
  5. fastball2223

    fastball2223 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 4, 2009
    ignorant inbred? that is very class if I do say so myself
  6. Carolina Man

    Carolina Man Caldwell County Post 29

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2005
    Granite Falls, NC
    to bad everyone can't be a smart ass like you ... evidently you've never been to Cherryville, Shelby, Rutherford, Taylorville to watch Legion Baseball games. BTW dude...you're showing a lot class with you're idiotic post's

    Carolina Man
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2012
  7. chrismac

    chrismac Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 9, 2012
    You can show a lot of passion with CLASS.......which Caldwell County is not known for. I seen a lot of baseball all over the state of NC. I had been to Cherryville, Rowan County and other teams that show a lot of passion.

    Rowan is probably the best I had seen in past 20 years.........When K'ville play Rowan County...the passion runs high but I had not seen any classless act at all ...then again it probably happened but no where near like Caldwell County. I saw the fans and players at Deal Stadium long time ago and it really sticks in my mind how they act and ...hard to believe but it sound like y'all didn't improve over the years. (25 years plus).

    Of course, we all see things differently but it is a common theme about Caldwell...and some other teams out there. What Georgia legion team did last year in Regional playoff against Cherryville is one of lowest things I had seen in my life....(saw it on youtube). I was glad that I didn't see it live. I also seen that team from Columbia, Tenn players were classless and try to injure some players in Regional playoff in 2010.
  8. Carolina Man

    Carolina Man Caldwell County Post 29

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2005
    Granite Falls, NC
    Tell me something people...if you hate Caldwell County so much...then why in the hell do you come watch us play...stay the hell away...nobody is asking you perfect people to come here...GO SOMEWHERE ELSE...

    Season's over...go bother somebody else with your holier than thou BS

    Carolina Man
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2012
  9. EagleDad

    EagleDad Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 10, 2012
    Been to all of 'em. All of them show more class than Post 29. If you would read your own posts you would see that all you say is, this team and that team are as bad as us. You know that your organization is an embarrassment but you just want to point out some other group. It is getting late, your wife/sister is calling your name.
  10. Carolina Man

    Carolina Man Caldwell County Post 29

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2005
    Granite Falls, NC
    Sleep well peckerhead...I'm done talking to your ignorant ass...talking shit that you don't even know what your talking about. you sound like a high school kid and if so...I apologize

    Carolina Man

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