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True or False about recruiting...

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by batsalot, Nov 1, 2012.

  1. batsalot

    batsalot Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 23, 2011
    True or False....Do stats really count when getting recruiting.

    Answer- from the college coaches I have spoken to- no they don't, because most of them know that they are stacked. It's usually a parent of a player of the coaches wife doing the stats. Some know what they are doing and some don't. I have heard from college coaches that it is more about the player's mechanics than there stats and what type of tournaments they are playing in.

    True or False...Do you e-mail a coach everytime you have a tournament or is it better to do it once a month?

    Answer- Once a month is good enough. If you send out too many e-mails you get put on the delete list. College coaches get at least 30+ e-mails a day and don't always have the time to read through all of them. It starts to make you look desperate. And please don't call before a tournament because they will find that very annoying.

    I thought this would be very helpful for some of our players to know. Please add your opinion or experiences. As my role is being an active member in the softball community, I have heard so many myths and rumors spread by parents and TB coaches. Let's set the record straight.
  2. TomMags

    TomMags Member

    Likes Received:
    May 23, 2012
    Actually.... Do you e-mail a coach everytime you have a tournament...
    Of course you do !!

    The team (player) does not "usually" know until the week of the tournament where and what time they are playing during the upcoming weekend.

    The College coach can not see you play if they do not know where and what time you are playing.

    I hope this helps.
  3. batsalot

    batsalot Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 23, 2011
    Tom I am afraid I disagree.. If your player has sent an e-mail stating what her fall schedule is and the college coach is truely interested in her then they will find what field she is playing on when she gets the coaches handout at the tournament. I was told by coaches from big name schools that once a month is better than weekly.
  4. rattdd

    rattdd Full Access Member

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    Mar 2, 2003
    The more you email or contact a coach the better chance they will come see you. Both are correct that coaches get many emails every day, but when you keep popping up in their mind, they will send someone to see you, if for no other reason to shut you up haha.......Find a way to get them there, the rest is up to you!!!
  5. fastpitchdad1994

    fastpitchdad1994 Where is the GURU???

    Likes Received:
    Mar 1, 2009
    Southeast NC

    I was a recuriting coordinator for showcase team last year and I can tell you first hand that any individual looking to play in college should email all of their game times and location to the prospective school(s) of interest. Just from a common sense stand point, the more you email a coach, the coach will get a clear indication that the player is very interested in that school and program. My dd sent out 25-30 emails the Wednesday or Thursday prior to the tournament. Not one coach I ever spoke with (and I spoke with quite a few) told me that she or any other girl on the team was emailing to much. I would be interested to know what college coach told you emailing once per month was good enough?
  6. currylib

    currylib Junior Member

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    Jun 1, 2008
    I agree with the others. I have no doubt that emails sometimes annoy certain coaches, as do phone calls or videos or whatever. Not everyone is alike. But I don't see how they can cross you off a list for showing interest in a school. Once a week emails are not intrusive--they can read them or delete them, their choice. But if they are receiving hundreds of emails a week, the chances yours is overlooked is high. It's the drip-drip-drip philosophy- eventually they will notice yours if you keep sending them. My daughter emailed almost weekly to every school and never had a coach complain. One coach even emailed and said that she was very busy and couldn't respond but to know that she reads every email my daughter sent and that she liked the constant updates. I think coaches are so busy during the recruiting season and there are too many girls wanting the same few positions--if you can make it easy on them and give them game times, it's better, don't make them have to work to find them out. My daughter also frequently called coaches high on her list the day or two prior to a tournament to make sure they had received the schedules and none ever seemed bothered that she had called.
  7. ucballer

    ucballer Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 2, 2010
    Don't forget

    Also you need to email the coaches back that do come and watch you play or if you see that coach at the tournament.My dd always emailed coaches several days before each tournament and afterwards if you continue to email coaches and some never show up than you know to quit emailing them and move on.I would say that the once a month emails are the one's on the delete list because it isn't showing enough interest.Colleges want players to give all their effort on and off the field and one email a month isn't even close to that.
  8. prklandsoftballdad

    prklandsoftballdad Set my brother FREE!!

    Likes Received:
    May 25, 2004
    Completely agree, as a recruiting coordinator, I kept a list of the college coaches that came and watched our team play. Sunday night when i got home i emailed that list to each of the girls. They then were supposed to email each of those coaches and Thank them even if they weren't being recruited by that school. I've had several colleges approach me at a tournaments and thank me for those emails. Email them until they tell you they're NOT interested, which don't worry they will.
  9. Daddydobber*

    Daddydobber* Where Did He Go ???

    Likes Received:
    Mar 12, 2006

    :acclaim::punk::acclaim::punk::acclaim: Agreed !!!!!!
  10. Shutt24

    Shutt24 Full Access Member

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    May 21, 2008
    Greensboro, NC
    Since we are sharing tips about emailing coaches here is mine. I was told by the assistant coach of an SEC school that yes you should email the head coach your schedule but more importantly copy all the assistants. The assistant coaches tend to be more able to read the emails than the head coach. The head coach gets slammed with emails, especially at the major D1 schools.

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