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I'm really not trying to throw rocks - or start a fight...

Discussion in 'Showcase Baseball' started by catcoach, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. catcoach

    catcoach Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 18, 2010
    Kernersville NC
    but I'm wondering why there are showcase tryouts and workouts during the high school season?

    Seriously, does that seem "right"?
    Can't this be done prior-to or post-season?
    It just does not seem appropriate or respectful to those in season.

    I know that when I was "coming along" - though nobody wanted me to play anywhere for any team - my high school coach back then, and even to his retirement, let us know (and later players know) that if his HS players participated anywhere else for anyone else, or even mentioned "summer ball" during his season, we/they/you could "pack it up."

    While I don't use that language, I share the sentiment.
    Showcase/travel can get up to get 9 months - which some come close to taking one way or the other - 6 for sure with the "fall circuit."
    Could you just allow us as HS coaches - though I am speaking for no other coaches, and many may distance themselves from me on this- could you allow just our 3.5 little months, without so much interruption?

    Coach John Fowler,
    Glenn High, Kernersville, NC
  2. athenry22

    athenry22 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 25, 2008
    well said coach. very well said.
  3. jodunk

    jodunk Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 5, 2012
    In my state (KS) any workout with 3 or more players is forbidden by rules during season. Season starts day 1 of tryouts and ends when the team is eliminated from post season. We work as a team 6 days a week and none of these kids want to see a baseball on their day off. All together our time for HS ball starts 1st week of march and ends in mid may with state championship the last week. The club/showcase coaches are keenly aware of the rules and are careful to stay away from the HS players.

    Play for your school and give your coach the courtesy of your full attention its not a long season. When you attend your HS reunion its these classmates that you will share the life memories with.
  4. bemcla

    bemcla Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 24, 2013
    If its a good showcase program most of those coaches like to get out and see their players perform during the HS season. As long as the player is focused on their HS team I don't see a problem with tryouts.
  5. shop24

    shop24 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 5, 2009
    I feel that way about American legion Baseball These so called showcase/travel guys need to leaves these kids alone and let them play they are destroying baseball in North Carolina
  6. InquiringMinds

    InquiringMinds Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 29, 2010
    What are your thoughts on Showcase team coaches coaching HS teams?
  7. catcoach

    catcoach Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 18, 2010
    Kernersville NC
    I don't mean to offend, but I am curious if I am being led down a path here. Totally sorry if I'm not; and it may just be my... well, whatever deficiency I have. Anyway, I will answer.

    I don't think an outside community coach should coach a school team as the head coach. I feel it should be a teacher on staff - for so many logistical reasons that have little to do with baseball kknowledge. Now, if that school teacher/coach happens to coach Showcase in the summer/fall, then I guess I say," more power to him." Make some money...

    Look, as most know, I don't have an affinity for the whole totality of what has become showcase/travel. I really like some guys involved in it, and I go watch my players play it at times - SURPRISE, I even allow our school field to be used for it: TO MAKE MONEY. It's just the overall monster that is "showcase." It has a great purpose (maye great is too strong a word), but I see so much arrogance, backstabbing, recruiting (not so much there), one-ups-manship, selfishness - hey, kind of sounds like lfe huh? But the thing is, with all the aforementioned, guys still stand up and say,"it's for kids." Well, some maybe, but it's for money as well. People are selling an opportunity, sometimes selling a dream. And many are buying, or should I say trying to buy their dream... or their kid's dream... or their dream for their kid.[(;-)] I think I would be better with all that if more were honest along those lines.

    But the biggest turn-off for me is how the school team experience just isn't valued as much any more. Now I realize I am entering into selfishness here, but the name of your school across your chest used to mean something. Now I hear kids/parents openly state that school ball, showcase ball - whatever ball - is all about "getting to the next level." There, that is my big problem with the monster. The focus on getting to the next level mentality. Well, my question is, when you get to the next level, will it then be all about getting to the next next level? When will it be about the name on the FRONT of the jersey and the guys wearing the same jersey? When will it be about fun and competition in the moments that are fleeting. Uh oh... waxing nostalgic...

    Let's just go back to," maybe it's just me." And that way I'm the only one that needs to look in the mirror and get some things right.

    Now look what you done made me do. Errybody gone be bangin' on me. Shoooot!
    Last edited: May 9, 2013
  8. baseballlady

    baseballlady Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 3, 2012
    Hello catcoach.........back at you!

    Catcoach, you are one of the six fairly regular posters that we greatly admire. Your approach and writings only attack concepts, issues ans beliefs; never individuals.

    Clem and I discussed this post and agreed mostly with you. Except......you are broad-brushing the issue and thus sweeping in the good guys with the bad majority. Clem's step-son played for the South Charlotte Panthers and we all loved it. Never did any of the three of us feel used or abused by the leadership and/or coaches....ever. The young man had a ball and ended up a better person for the experience. And, by the way, the price was right.
    Please keep posting your thoughtful positions.


    BBL, Clem and "Junior"
  9. catcoach

    catcoach Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 18, 2010
    Kernersville NC
    BBL -

    ...I appreciate your comment. Notice I did say I "like some guys involved in it." I guess I could have extended that thought to clarify," I believe some do a superb job." Maybe just semantics, but your clarifying statement was legitimate and necessary.

    So I gotta know: Do you and Clem sit and read the same screen together at the same time? Now that would be ROMANTIC! :smile:

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