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Integrity and sportsmanship in high school softball?

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by FPitch99, May 3, 2013.

  1. FPitch99

    FPitch99 Full Access Member

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    Jul 30, 2005
    OK. Gonna go on a little rant here. Some of you in TBR world may not like it, but I think those of you who have a good level head on your shoulders will agree.

    Twice in the past week, the Olympic softball team has played teams within their conference and posted scores of 31-0 and 39-0. At what point of the game did these coaches not become aware that they had scored enough runs to win the game? Last time I checked the NCHSAA rules, a game is considered complete if a team is ahead by 15 runs after 3 innings of play. I call this type of coaching arrogant, ignorant, and with total lack of integrity and sportsmanship. Some of you may recall a certain coach who a few years back run up the score in a game to 51-0. That coach received a suspension from the NCHSAA. I think consideration should be given to suspend the coach of the Olympic team, likewise.

    One thing is for certain. What goes around, comes around. And that definitely happened last evening when Olympic played Charlotte Catholic in the the MEGA 7 conference tournament. Catholic came out on top in this match up, as Carrie Eberle pitched a no-hitter for a 2-1 victory. The lone run was unearned and scored after an error, sac bunt, passed ball and sacrifice fly. Charlotte Catholic scored 2 runs in the 7th inning to pull off the victory.

    Sweet poetic justice!!!!!
  2. justsoftball

    justsoftball Full Access Member

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    Mar 3, 2010
    I both agree and disagree with what has been said here.

    I disagree that Olympic's loss was poetic justice. Sounds like it was a great game between two teams that battled for a victory.

    That said, while our school has never played Olympic as we are on opposite sides of the state, I too believe that the coach's ethical compass was not pointed in the right direction in the two games you have mentioned. There is absolute no need for anyone to feel the need to humiliate the opposing team - which is what these scores did. These teams are made up of young ladies ages 14-18...where is the joy in pounding on them like that? Where is the true victory? Where is the class?

    Clearly, the other teams were sorely outmatched. Knowing this, the coach could have taken several steps to minimize the trouncing. Bat all the players left. Is a typically right handed batter working on learning to slap left? Do it. Do you have players struggling with bunting? Bunt them. No extra bases taken, PERIOD. No stealing, PERIOD. NO runs scored unless it is forced, PERIOD. And you know what? Take a lesson in class from Buck Womack, the Western Harnett Middle School coach: When in games of this situation, he would instruct runners to leave early to record an out. And it is not beyond him, when a player just wants to cross home plate and won't step off the bag, to accidentally bump them off of the bag.

    These trouncings taught the opposing teams that poor sportsmanship does exist... and taught the players at Olympic not word one about sportsmanship, class and integrity - which is a large part of what we try to teach girls this game is about.
  3. Daddydobber*

    Daddydobber* Where Did He Go ???

    Likes Received:
    Mar 12, 2006

    Keep the score at a 10 run lead and SHOW SOME CLASS PERIOD ....Just My :twocents:
  4. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

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    Jun 20, 2006
    I agree with not trying to run the score up. But there are times when it happens in spite of what you try to do.

    I dislike stepping off the bag except maybe in extreme cases. Instead, I would prefer bunting if the bases are loaded, for example. If the other team can't get an out in that situation it really is a bad situation. If you're going to be so obvious by stepping off, why not just wave the bat at any pitch 3 times?

    Or even better, let the other team hit the ball and then throw it to right field over the 1st baseman's head. Surely, not everyone on the team can pitch so let the other fielders pitch. Have your batters do hitting drill-type swings. We just recently did this with a drill we call the check-swing drill.

    Bottom line for me is at least let the other team have some practice. There are ways to make it work without just quitting if one is so inclined. I'd rather get beat 100-0 than someone just quit on me because I'm hopeless.

    Find a way to help the other guys. It's easier than you think when the right frame of mind is there. Before you just purely give up on them ask if they'd like to end the game and break out into a practice.
  5. dkaz20

    dkaz20 Junior Member

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    Jun 22, 2010

    The Olympic coaching staff needs to be called out by more than the readers of This Board Rocks. The NC State Athletic Association needs to act upon this by issuing sanctions against Olympic and suspend the coach for the number of games befitting the offense. As mentioned in an earlier post, there is precedent.

    And to add insult to injury, the Charlotte Observer Sports Dept., in their infinite wisdom, indemnified the travesty by publishing the following on May 1st as part of their Top Performers of the Day (I left players name and opposing school out for obvious reasons).

    "Olympic scored all 39 of its runs in a shutout win against (opposing school) during the first two innings. (player) was 4-for-4 with a double, triple and two RBIs."

    REALLY, ARE YOU SERIOUS! The Olympic person who called this into the Observer, the Charlotte Observer, and Mr. Wertz, the sports editor of the Observer ought to share in the shame! Did the opposing players and coaches need even more humiliation?

    And for those of you that are interested to see how it should of been handled, read this article.

  6. betterbatter

    betterbatter Full Access Member

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    Jul 1, 2005
    The NCHSAA rule is 10 runs after 5 innings. Conferences are free to add a 15 after 3 rule for their conference play if they so desire, ...and some do. In a gross mismatch, the score can easily run up into the 30's regardless of whether the rule is 15/3 or 10/5.

    I agree that running the score up is ridiculous and serves no purpose other than to artificially inflate batting averages. Giving the "leave early" sign when playing such opponents is the best approach. Both teams are better off getting this kind of game over with as soon as possible. Leaving the base early has no effect on your players' hitting statistics. When we use this approach, we find that the other team generally figures out what we are doing and is usually appreciative.
  7. 1dllail

    1dllail Junior Member

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    May 12, 2013
    My daughter pitched the game against Garinger. For the record, we did step off the base, multiple times to end both innings. My daughter was also the left fielder in the Catholic game and the winning hit went over her head. As a parent, I was on both ends of the spectrum, and neither was very enjoyable.
  8. extrabases

    extrabases Junior Member

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    May 6, 2012
    You stepped off to end the first up 19-0 and that implies you know the game is in hand. Then you score 20 in the second?Your stolen base leader stole 2nd up 34-0 and your coach finally substituted at 35-0 with a pinch hitter. One girl on the bench was a DNP-CD.

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