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Should a Great player Play HS ball if team is horrilble?

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by cccoach, Mar 4, 2014.

  1. chachacha

    chachacha Full Access Member

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    Jul 14, 2006
    It all depends...

    High School softball is a tough sell for high level travel ball players, especially if the coach and team are horrible. High level travel ball players do not need to play high school ball to get to college. I wish more high school coaches understood this. I do believe the friendships made should be enough to play though. If a state championship or even a conference championship is in play then I believe all travel ball players would want to compete for that. BTW...I have seen NCSU and UNC coaches at high school games if they are really interested in a particular player.
  2. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    I've stood shoulder to shoulder with quite a few college coaches at hs games, not all of them were state playoff games either....just agreeing
  3. plsoftball

    plsoftball Junior Member

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    Oct 28, 2009
    Everyone should play for their HS. Winning in HS shouldn't really be a concern. Everyone remembers HS. NC HS sports are really about the luck of the draw. There are some schools that are blessed with players and those that aren't.

    When there are limited numbers, players who are working towards playing at the next level have a great opportunity to teach others, lead by example, promote the sport, grow as a player and HAVE FUN. This may be the one time when they can be the Big Fish.

    If NC ever allows coaches to be on a level playing field with other states, maybe college coaches will come to softball games. However, when you limit coaches at every turn you get what you have now. Haves and Have Nots.
  4. stiksdad

    stiksdad Full Access Member

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    Jul 13, 2009
    How are coaches limited? Not sure I am following your thoughts on that. There are some very successful programs in our state and they are consistently successful, I know coaches who have gone to multiple schools and always enjoyed success. I am not sure NCHSAA has a lot to do with it.
  5. central-d

    central-d Full Access Member

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    Dec 22, 2003
    Yea they follow the talent. Makes the coach look good. When they see a few lean years coming along and know of a job at a school that has State championship talent coming they quit and throw the former school under the bus 2 weeks before the season. Then when the school they went to runs out of talent they go back to the former school because a super good group is coming in........ and the school welcomes him back with open arms?????????????????????????? Go figure but it does make a coach look good to those who are less informed
  6. High and tight or in

    High and tight or in Junior Member

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    Apr 22, 2013
    I can't even believe this is a topic. YES, you should play for your high school team. Be a leader, pay it forward, maybe you can teach or enhance someone's ability. Don't act like you are above it all. High School is supposed to be some of the greatest times in your life. Take advantage of everything you can. At the same time, you will be getting more swings and ground balls and who knows, you might even have some fun and be respected in your school for leading your team. It doesn't matter if coaches show up or not. Your time will come during travel ball if your that talented. Once again, be a leader.

  7. kped

    kped Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 30, 2008
  8. sports buff

    sports buff Full Access Member

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    Jan 15, 2004
    Amanda has hit a Home run with this article. She has given it a great thought in every aspect of the game . Not just Softball but Life s lessons. I have watched each one of these senerios play out and the bottom line is looking for excuses. MY question in the TBR thread is who is defining Great? You as a parent or as someone who just looks down on others. The same player I have seen go to the next level and not be the great one but the one who is holding others back. Amanda has always been that great team mate encouraging and working to make everyone better. So which category do you fall in? The positive life lessons or whoa is me. Please dont point fingers at those who you do not deem great but use your so called greatness to be that encourager. Also there are teams at All levels that cannot get it done. Amanda I appauld you, you have alawys been First Class as a Person, Player, and Amabassador for our great sport. Your Character and Committment go far beyound the Field. Thank You
  9. AtlUmpSteve

    AtlUmpSteve Junior Member

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    Jul 13, 2009
    Maybe I missed it somewhere in this thread, but


    Is it any simpler than that? If she wants to transfer to compete, and you can, do it. If she wants to stay and play, let her. If she wants to stay and not play, her decision. College coaches won't care; if the issue is HER memories, let HER decide.
  10. prklandsoftballdad

    prklandsoftballdad Set my brother FREE!!

    Likes Received:
    May 25, 2004
    Been a long time since i've posted anything but since i have first hand knowledge of this situation, i feel like i may be able to contribute. Both my kids played rec ball from ages 4-12 (coincedentaly against their high school coach), both played travel ball from ages 10-18, both played high school ball all 4 yrs. on an "inner city" school when they both could have traveled 10 miles south and played for a state powerhouse or 5 miles east or west to play for perienneal playoff team. They chose to stay where they were at. Why? Here's THEIR reasoning.
    1. first and foremost, that high school coach that they played against all those years? they adored him, and appreciated all the work he put into them even though they played against him (smart on his part as the local rec league USED to feed straight into HS)=LOYALTY
    2. they came up with a group of pretty good kids (athletically) that we all thought was going to get them far (didn't happen for various reasons-parents not as loyal, "outside" factors, and that ever present...boys thing)=Friendship
    3.wanting to make a difference instead of just being another face in the crowd, they wanted to be leaders in turning around a program that had been mediocre at best for years=LEADERSHIP

    Ashley ended up being the first female to get a D1 scholarship at Parkland, did it have anything to do with high school? Nope, camps and TB
    Morgan was the first ever 4-time all state softball player from Parkland, on a team that had a losing record the last 2 years she was there, she went on to play D3 ball, high school help? nope, camps and TB

    Would they give it up? nope
    They both played for high level TB teams but the friends that they still have to today and talk to are the friends they made on those bad high school teams. Morgan even took a kid who admittedly had NO athletic ability (yep thats the kid of kids we got every year) and over four years, worked her into being the starting center fielder her senior year. She was practically a coach her senior year working with those kids. It sometimes frustrated her but at least she tried to make a difference.

    Going to Parkland was their decision and you know what, I'm proud that they made that decision. I don't believe it hurt or helped their college recruiting but i do believe it helped them as people.

    There are certain HS that draw college coaches, i've seen it. Even had one show up at a Parkland home game (with a little conjouling from me :] ), but those are unique situations.

    Bottom line is, if she wants to play, let her, show her thats its not ALWAYS about winning and losing. Sometimes humility and humbleness are also lessons that can be learned too. Along with working hard,loyalty, community, friendship, and civic pride. Then, turn it up on the weekend....THEN it's time to win.

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