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Children making decisions

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by fastpitchdad1994, Dec 29, 2015.

  1. fastpitchdad1994

    fastpitchdad1994 Where is the GURU???

    Likes Received:
    Mar 1, 2009
    Southeast NC

    Hiding behind the screen huh? It's really not that hard to find out who is behind a screen name. All you have to do is ask and plenty can tell. If you REALLY don't agree with these early verbal as you say, then why are you embracing them & promoting them??? Really seems to be contradiction between what you say and what you do. I guess based on how you rationalize things with a 10 year olds having cell phone (mine didn't), 15 year old driving on permits (but this can only be done with ADULT SUPERVISION) and families having "their crap together" as you so eloquently mentioned, I guess your ideology would be acceptable to some but not all or even most. As far as any type of blame on you, that whole different story all together but I think that organizations like your serve your OWN INTEREST before others.

    "College coaches set the bar for recruiting travel ball coaches don't" this only happens when you put 14U players in front of them so don't go putting this on college coaches when you're on the ones putting these tournaments in place. You referenced that it's up to the player's to prepare to be successful but, that is the coaches job to prepare and help guide these young girls so they can make good competent & sound decisions. Additionally, there is also a responsibility to help the parents as well and NOT let both child & parent(s) get caught up in the glamorization of the recruiting process and make foolish decisions at such a young & very impressionable age. I appalled any kid for trying to make their dream come true but at 14 or younger...... come on, give me a break. Lets say child came into a large sum of money ($1,00,000.00 plus dollars) by your ideology it would be perfectly fine for a 14 year old to handle and mange this amount of money? That sounds ridiculous doesn't it and so does letting a 14 year old make a decision about going to college.

    By the way great softball guru, you have still yet to answer the question, how young is to young????
  2. swingaway

    swingaway Full Access Member

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    Oct 8, 2007
    Here we go again. We get it... you would not let your daughter commit early and would tell the schools "No." We all have opinions.

    By the way, you are really implying that some pretty good softball coaches are not doing their job. Some of the best ever in NC.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2016
  3. swingaway

    swingaway Full Access Member

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    Oct 8, 2007
    Your analogy makes no sense.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2016
  4. NCSteeler43

    NCSteeler43 Member

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    Nov 26, 2009
    Davidson, NC
    94. I'm thinking that 14 year olds aren't making these decisions to commit without guidance and help from their parents. Do you believe that they are?
  5. Rballer

    Rballer Junior Member

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    May 11, 2013

    The thing is I doubt that most of the parents of these 14 year olds are just giving "guidance". They are very influential to an impressionable child.

    Parents making decisions of where a child goes to college is a recipe for disaster and is just asking for a very unhappy student in a myriad of ways.

    Because the decision on where to attend school should be 95% dictated by the student and 14 year olds are not ready to handle such decisions, it is not that complicated.

    I don't care if my child is Lauren Chamberlain, she wouldn't be allowed to be even thinking about committing until the summer before Junior year.
  6. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    and that folks kinda sums up how I feel also..its not the player, its the parents or the coach for different reasons...the parents for one thing, and definitely the coach for another....but still kinda senseless to me. as this progresses, I will be trying to keep track of just how many actually attend the schools they commit too and just how long they last....
  7. swingaway

    swingaway Full Access Member

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    Oct 8, 2007

    Cheese - is that the only measure of whether a good decision was made? Any other outcome means a bad decision?
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2016
  8. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc

    without making this a long and drawn out answer, I personally believe that any decision made by a 13/14 year old young lady in reference to a college commitment, is nothing more than a whim......I coached a long time, and I don't care if its boys or girls, I don't believe they have the "what for all" to make that decision, as important as it is....commitment at that age is not understood, and in most cases I see right now, its not taught...what is taught is that its ok to flee a commitment for a bigger promise (though its just another lie)....its just my personal opinion.....I figure my lovely daughter was an average girl....she changed her mind on the college she wanted to attend many times in four years, sometimes over nothing....what is popular today, is unpopular tomorrow....so to me, the commitment is made just to say you have committed, be that by the parent or the coach.....I might be wrong, but this is what I've witnessed in the last five or six years....and as one of the good ole boys said recently: the game has changed, the future is cloudy, the system is corrupt and the bs is flowing freely....we went from a team concept to it being all about ME and how much money I can make.......I personally couldn't coach right now.....still, lets just keep track of the commitments that are actually kept....so to answer your question, the only good decision would be one that was kept.....kinda old school thing.....
  9. swingaway

    swingaway Full Access Member

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    Oct 8, 2007

    Man you are really jaded by a few. There are a lot of good people in this game for the right reasons.

    If you re going to track the freshman commitments and gauge success, what are you comparing it to? How many junior commitments don't finish their 4 years of college? Seniors? What is the baseline?
  10. fastpitchdad1994

    fastpitchdad1994 Where is the GURU???

    Likes Received:
    Mar 1, 2009
    Southeast NC
    Why doesn't it make sense? If you think a child has the mental capacity at age 14 to make a decision that has finical implications then my analogy is perfectly logical

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