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Patrick Adams (West Rowan)...

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Wufman, May 9, 2003.

  1. Wufman

    Wufman Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 21, 2003
    Ok guys, this is not a fishing story. I've heard this now from 2 different reliable people. So I'm asking some of you. That Patrick Adams was clocked at throwing a fastball against Northwest Cabarrus 2 weeks ago at 95mph. For those of you who have seen this kid pitch, you will agree with me that he is very good. Possibly one of the top junior pitchers in the state. However, does anyone know if this is true about him reaching the 95 mark?

    Apparently he was pitching to Josh Mcknight who's a very good NW hitter when Adams reached 95. Can you add anything here AustinPowers?

    For those of you who have NEVER seen Adams, he may not be 95 consistently, but I could see a consistent 90-92, and if anyone can reach 95 it would be him. The truly remarkable thing about Adams pitching is that he is a pitcher, not a thrower. Ask some of the hitters in the NPC about Adams' curevball. It's just unfair...
    Last edited: May 9, 2003
  2. NCBBallFan

    NCBBallFan Retired ex-moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    The sticks
    Wuffie .... I heard the same report. And I was standing about 5 feet from his catcher at the Jr State Games tryouts in Region 6... He popped 3 in a row at 90 and didn't look loose yet.....

    In about the 4th inning of a game, I can believe it.
  3. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    rc was at the game that Patrick hit 95...he confirmed this also...and believe me, he would know.
  4. Wufman

    Wufman Full Access Member

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    Jan 21, 2003
    Thanks guys, I figure if it was true, some of you would've heard this also. He is definitely in the "good" category as a pitcher... :notworthy

    Btw, he's a pretty good hitter also...
  5. FalconDad

    FalconDad Junior Member

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    Apr 25, 2003
    Rowan County
    Im not telling you guys this just because this young man pitches for West, but any of you that havent seen Patrick Adams pitch, do yourself and your family a favor. Come out some evening and see this guy. He will amaze you! He is as smooth as silk with his fastball, and has one of the best neck breaking curve balls you will find in a High School pitcher. He dosent fit the mold of a traditional 6 foot 2 inch hurler. He's about 5'9 or 5'10 without shoes. But when hes on the hill he looks as comfortable as you or i do in our lazyboys watching a baseball game on TV. If this guy dosent get picked up by a D1 college i will be shocked. To top it off hes a well manered kid (not cocky) with a good atitude that makes straight A's. (Correct me if im wrong on the A's)Congradulations to West Rowan for winning the NPC regular season title. They are a really good ball club and should have a good season next year. Good luck in the State Playoffs. And yes he is very fast!
  6. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Yep...another great attribute to one of my sons. He got all that good book learnin' from me :D
  7. sockittome16

    sockittome16 Full Access Member

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    Apr 28, 2003
    I've played with Patrick, and he is not only a great pitcher, but he's a good outfielder as well. With an arm that strong it pays great dividends to have him in the outfield as well as on the mound

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