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Alexander-Dynasty to Dungeon

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by TheJoker, May 13, 2003.

  1. ac_softballbabe03

    ac_softballbabe03 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 14, 2003
    Taylorsville, NC
    thanks for agreeing w/ me on my post dawgfan and acfan. I forgot one thing though. Be thankful that you are able to walk and talk and PLAY SOFTBALL..i know i am! Tiffany Crouse's life was taken from her on February 9th of 2003 and she was a whole 16 years old. She had just started her softball career. Don't take things for granted! just be glad that you can atleast play the sport and have fun doing it! Tiff would be ashamed of how we have turned out at the end of this season! She should be proud of us, but b/c of our selfish selves and blaming things on everybody but ourselves, that isn't possible! We will think b4 speaking or playing next season! Thanks!
  2. petey10achs

    petey10achs Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 14, 2003
    Taylorsville, Alexander County, North Carolina, &
    Hello all. I know that most of you from the softball team and all my fellow classmates will be able to tell who this is by the screenname. So if I offend anyone, then just tell me. I just want to say first of all that I am very proud of each and every girl that was a part of the Alexander Central Softball team this year. They each did an outstanding job. Each and everyone of you gave your all and adjusted to the many changes that occurred over the course of the last year from the end of the last season.

    I know that it was hard to adjust to loosing your dearly loved coach and one of the greatest friends that anyone could ask for. Tiffany wasn't just a part of the AC Softball Team, but a part of everyone's life. Not only the girls on the softball team, but to her fellow classmates. It has been hard to go to the games and not see one of your friends out there playing on the field. To see that #8 there behind homeplate, and to realize at every game, that there won't be that special girl wearing that #8 jersey. I know that it has been hard for the whole team to deal with it, but also for her all of her friends. Coach Sherill built up the AC Softball program and worked the girls hard to be "A Part Of The Tradition." But with him gone, the tradition doesn't stop where he left it. It will continue. Readjusting takes time, and that's all these girls need is time to keep on readjusting. It takes time, and time cures all. It will get better.

    This year my sister was a part of the JV Cougar Softball Team. I was very proud of my sister in her accomplishment for making the softball team. I came to almost every game, except for the ones I missed due to previouse engagements. But every game I came to, was to support my sister and all my friends which were on the softball team. I enjoyed watching my sister play, and giver her all. I also enjoyed watching my friends play and give their all. Not one girl gave up on the program that I know of. If they did, I am not aware of it. I am proud of every girl that played for the AC Softball Varsity and JV alike, because they had to adjust to many changes and pulled together to help eachother through the changes. Once again, I would like to say that I am proud of every girl that gave their all for these teams this year. Seniors and Juniors did a great job in all that they did and their leadership showed on the field, off the field and everywhere. My hat is off to the Senior and Junior members of the 2003 Alexander Central Cougar Softball Team.

    I would like to address the negative feed from some people toward the 2003 AC Softball Team. I am very disappointed that you, or anyone at that, would come into a message board, and trash a great group of ladies, coaches, and frankly their families. Imagine how the families feel about how their girls are being talked about. Put yourself in their place, how would you feel? Another thing, when you mess with, or talk trash about my friends or my sister, you are messing with me. I don't think it is right. You should have more sense than to trash people like that. Especially members of a team, trashing their own coaches, and leaders of the team. Not even funny. I love every girl on the softball team like my sister because I have grown up wit most of them, and I can't believe that someone would do this. You people should have heart transplant, cause the one you got now is as cold as Arctic waters. Maybe you need to sit down and think about what you have done and said. Maybe you need to apoligize. If not, then that's your own decision.

    I would like to commend ac_softballbabe03 on her post and her support of the team. Dawgfan, thanks for supporting the girls too. They need all the support that they can get. And it is great to know they have a lot of us supporting them.

    I can't think of anymore to write at this moment, but I know something else will come to mind, and I will be able to express it later. Thanks for allowing me to express my feelings with you all, and if you have something to say, say it to my face or please e-mail me. Thanks again.

    #8~We love you Tiffany! Can't wait to see you again up on God's Heavenly shore. It will be one glad day when we all get up there, and are united as one, on God's Team. Love ya girl!~#8

  3. achs_fastpitch

    achs_fastpitch Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 14, 2003
    Response to Blue 33

    This is in response to Blue 33: until you know what you are talking about you need to keep your mouth shut!!! Where do you come off saying that the 2 seniors that weren't going to play for sherrill weren't going to play because they knew that they weren't going to get any playing time. I just want to tell you first hand that that is not true and that you don't know what you are talking about. I know for a fact that one of the seniors would have played because sherrill talked to her on several different occasions asking her what position she wanted 2nd, ss, 3rd, and anywhere in the outfield. So tell me this Iva.....was your daughter asked personally by coach sherrill himself to play for him? I DON'T THINK SO! And what's all this I'm reading about the senior parents not having class? If I'm not mistaken you're the one that is an elementary school principal on here talking about other players and such nonsense! That's junk! You're really representing our school systems well aren't you? I have to agree with achs_softball_2003 on the fact that we didn't have a coach. Not once, NOT ONCE, did she tell a player what she was doing wrong when not hitting the best and you know why she didn't tell her what she was doing wrong? Because she didn't know! Also if i'm not mistaken we (the team - upperclassmen) taught our coach instead of our coach teaching us. How many times was our "coach" late for practice, not at practice, or even left (while we were warming up before a game) to go take a shower? What kind of coach is that? NOT A GOOD ONE! She even told us that wins and losses didn't matter to her. No games mattered unless it was conference. She EVEN told us that it didn't matter if we won the conference tournament or not. All that mattered to her was going to the playoffs. Now what kind of coach can say something like that. Obviously one that really doesn't care! And what's the deal about not starting a senior because she was at a college orientation or her sister's college graduation and when others miss practice before a game they get to start anyway. What's the deal with that? Your gonna punish a player because she was at a college for their orientation? That's crazy. People may say that that was the rule before but it wasn't. Sherrill always said that as long as he knew where you were at and it was for a good reason, then it was ok. So what's your excuse for that one? And for everyone's information I am not on here to bash anybody, I'm on here to state the facts!!!
  4. Blue33

    Blue33 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 21, 2003
    Taylorsville, NC
    You made a woopsy

    Woopsy! Some fan. Remember, I said I was through, but I have to say wrong, wrong, and wrong. It's not Iva, you're dreamin' on your facts, and it surely isn't the facts. Three wrongs don't make a right. Apologies to Iva, huh? And just when the responses had gotten much more positive, too. But thanks...because of you, folks truly see what the program has had to put up with this year.

    Peace to all.
  5. F-PITCH

    F-PITCH Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 30, 2003
    I think AC had a good year to finish tied for 2nd.
    I would also like to say that a fan came up there last year to see AC play and YES some of the parent's not all are out of control and rude to people that like to just sit and watch a game of fastpitch softball.Some of your parent's acts like a bunch of HILLBILLY'S.Keep in mind this doesn't mean that all your parent's are that way. There are some good people at AC but the ones that act like hillbilly's makes everyone look bad.
  6. ac_softballbabe03

    ac_softballbabe03 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 14, 2003
    Taylorsville, NC
    I have to agree w/ you f-pitch! I even go to that school, and sometimes I am embarrassed at the way the parents around us are acting! Its ridiculous. This crap needs to stop between everyone because it has gotten way out of hand! Nobody needs to be pointing fingers or blaming someone else.....The coach can't play the game for you!! I'm sorry varsity players, but you lost, its over and done with! Good luck to the seniors in the future and let God be your guide! The seniors are some of the major ppl posting ubsurd messages on here and that just shows what low class we have, and my being on the team, leaves me to admit it! All this stuff needs to stop and everyone just needs to grow up! thanks! If you feel you have a problem w/ this and you think you know who this may be, I'm sure you have my aol name or e-mail address so be sure and get in touch w/ me! thanks!
  7. acfan

    acfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 9, 2003
    Releasing all this tension and stress would cost alot of money at a therapist like Dr. Phil or somebody like him. TBR just requests a small donation (check announcement at top of threads) to keep this avenue functioning. If everyone that tore this thread up would donate a couple of dollars it would also make you feel better that you're helping this avenue out. My check is on the way!
    Boy I feel better already! LOL
  8. Dawgfan

    Dawgfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 29, 2003
    Mint Hill NC
    AC Fan
    Thanks for helping TBR with your donation.
    Like you said a few bucks from each of us will keep this board alive, But it is up to us to keep it well, by always trying to be positive with our comments and critisism.
    Thanks again

    FP SUPER Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 3, 2003
    well, well,well

    All this talk over one softball game. It is becoming more apparent that there were BIG problems in Taylorsville over the IMPORTANCE of softball. Now I'm not going to come on here and bash players and coaches enough of you are doing that for no reason already. Having only seen like one game I'm in no postion to say who did what and point fingers. I do however to take issue with a couple of statements made on here

    1. Sherrill left because he knew he would have a young team that couldn't compete.

    Fact: Sherrill has said on more than once the most fun he had coaching was in 1999 when he started FIVE freshman lost his first three games and went on to go undeafeated in the conference and finish third in the state, so I don't think that's it.

    2. Monte-ball was dictated by whose parents spent the most time working pn the field.

    Fact: Of all the hard work put in by members of the AC softball family on Central Park if you look at the starting line up for the Cougars that finished last years team, none of there parents spent as much time working on the field as other people, most of the time when work was been done Coach Sherrill was right there getting his hands dirty to.

    3. AC's team and fans have no class.

    Fact: Two years ago the team played an intersquad game raised to raise money for a local preachers family with piles of medical bills

    4. The state has caught up to AC in fastpitch

    Fact: Everyone pretty much got stared playiong softball at the same time. AC simply out worked everyone for years. Yes there practice were tough but ask any player and they will tell you it prepared them for not only every game situation but life as well.
    Maybe that's why they were a scholar team from 1994-2002

    5. College coach "AC's players are uncoachable."

    Fact: Every player but like two that played for 1989-2002 was offered some kind of softball scholarship assistance, so some College some where was wanting them.

    6. Sherrill was planning to start 4-5 freshman

    Fact: Under Sherrill starting postion for the Lady Cougars were a reward for hardwork not given out. It made practice intense and everonee always gave there all. No matter what the LADIES and the ones on the field knew the best NINE started regradless of grade level.

    7. Emily did a good job pitching

    Fact: She did a great job pitching no matter who was calling pitches, and has many in Cougar Country think back to Mecimore's freshman year. Keep up the good work Emily

    8. Some parents and students act like Hillbillys

    Fact: Yes maybe some do but and this is the one that disturbs me. I think that in part is a reflection on our society in large today. Somepeople don't care whose feelings they hurt. Some think there kid or relative is always right or should be playing even if they constantly make mistakes at practice. No one in NC coaches for the money so support who ever does it, or get off that tail and spend about three hours working on hitting, defense and base running. Sherrill's teams worked so hard they even impressed new AD Tom Harper.
    Harper and Deal are turning football into a yes no sit mentality and want there teams to be as disicplined and focused as coach Sherrill's softball teams.
    Alexander also had a story that raised questions in the community around Senior picture day. This to was in my opinion wrong for what happen to a member of the adminstration at a time when our young men an women were at risk overseas was wrong. Especially when that member is a former Marine! Ask the families of the 124 young men and women who lost there life overseas if they think that was a joke. Sorry but that's just my opinion on that!

    9. People wanted Sherrill gone

    Fact: Yes a lot of people did but now some of those same people want him back, who was it who said you don't know what you have till it's gone. A well respected member of the AC community and this board has personnelly went to the Super for Sherrill's job.

    10. This took a lot

    Fact: Sorry but some times it takes a long time to write down the truth!

    Last edited: May 15, 2003
  10. thinkin'outloud

    thinkin'outloud Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 7, 2003

    It is so sad, that it is almost comical how absurd all of this has become. FP Super took alot of time to address "facts". Everyone has their own perspective, and often times that perspective differs from the perspective of others. This is as it should be. Some of the "facts" as they were described are questionable in my opinion, but are the perspective of the person making them. I will not take the time to dispute since my perspective on some of the comments differ.
    Having said that, I believe it is time to take the high road. Lots of people have been hurt by comments posted here. Isn't it time to step back, take a long look at what is really important here and get on the same page. Isn't this about supporting our young athletes, and coaches and parents who work so hard to create a successful, fun and class act program. Thanks to the young players who have taken a stand here and perhaps given some of the older players and others a reminder about what being a part of a team is all about. Softball has taken on almost a cult status in Taylorsville and the fun is being sucked right out of it. We need to let go of this. move on and commit to continuing to build the program from it's new start this year. AC is rebuilding and will continue to be seen as a softball powerhouse, but only if the negativity can be left outside the gate.

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