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Merged Thread: AC/Watagua postings

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by homerun, May 14, 2003.

  1. observer

    observer Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 4, 2003
    Clearly, as said in an earlier post, nobody won. And it is becoming apparent that few learned anything from this fiasco! Watauga's pitcher made a HUGE mistake, and believe me, he is paying the price. A true sportsman would learn from this ugly debacle, take responsibility and apologize for his/her remarks and actions (of which there were MANY on both sides) and then move on. NOBODY WON! But this event will have a lasting impact on those involved and hopefully make them determined to never, ever make an impulsive decision that impacts so many people.
  2. achscougarfan

    achscougarfan Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 6, 2003
    to: bebcheer

    I do not think that the tag was as agressive as what happened in the shoving match that happened between the two afterwards. AC player and Watauga player were both very aggresive toward each other. I still say that at the time the shoving began, the umpire should have stepped in and broke the two up before the pitcher threw the punch. After the punch then our players came in. I do agree they should have let the coaches and umpires handle this, but they didn't and they are paying a very high price for their behavior.

    I also say that the signs should have never been allowed to be put on the field. Maybe that is why the homerunners looked into the dugout. I do not know, but it caused bad blood from the get-go of the game.

    I do know that we do have fans that go over board with the comments, as does every team. That does add to the tension and is carried over to home where the players hear things said that they shouldn't hear. It is just carried back onto the field or court.

    You know, I have enjoyed coming up the mountain to your campus in the past, but I still say that future games between the two teams is probably not in the best interest of our kids.
  3. observer

    observer Full Access Member

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    Feb 4, 2003
    I agree with everything you said achscougarfan, except that continuing to play was not in the best interests of our kids. They need to learn how to respect people they don't always agree with or may be different from them. I say implement tough standards of behavior on these athletes, then STICK TO THEM!
  4. reporter

    reporter Full Access Member

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    Feb 6, 2003
    I really feel bad for both ACHS and Watagua. To bad this had to happen and eliminate them from playoff contention. They were both deserving but now the spot goes to Mcdowell. I support all our nw4a teams and am not from Mcdowell but am glad to see the nw4a still getting 2 teams in the playoffs. Maybe Mcdowell is not one of the 2 best teams in the conference but now that they are our other representives lets support them.
    As for ACHS and Watagua, guys it is best to let it go and just go on nothing good will come out of retailation next year. Good luck to both teams in the future
  5. NCBBallFan

    NCBBallFan Retired ex-moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    The sticks

    Just in case you haven't noticed...... The testosterone filled trash talking and threats have been deleted.

    Discuss the situation reasonably and intelligently. If that is beyond your ability, then this isn't the board for you.......

    If this thread doesn't make complete sense as you read down it, please note that about 20 posts have been deleted.
  6. leyshon

    leyshon Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 15, 2003
    I was wrong

    Hey guys this is leyshon. Last night started as a baseball game. By the 3rd-4th inning it was more. There was more tension in the air than I had ever felt. the pressure to perform was almost unbarible. All I can say is I was in a very different situation that I had never been in before. Im everthing but perfect. Im sorry for my actions. I was Wrong and thats all I can say. If you cannot forgive me thats fine becouse God has, and Ill pray for you.

    Im sorry.
    -Josh Leyshon #49
  7. rcbbfan

    rcbbfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    Salisbury, NC
    Josh, I don't know you, but I do know that this is a positive step in the right direction.
  8. DownSouth

    DownSouth Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 31, 2003
    In the L.A.
    I think a few players of ALexander show a contant lack of class on the field and in their dugout and it is terrible. I am sure I will be flamed unmercifully for that comment on here, but I have seen alot of AC games and Comer and his staff allow too much. Its only the AC parents/kids/fans talking on here and will say I'm wrong, but I am sure if some of the old McDowell or Freedom or East Burke guys from the Charlotte.com wars would agree with me.

    Now fans of Watauga, who I have defended, are carrying this over the top and you need to stop. Please.

    That being said, I watched the entire game on a friend's tape today. And there is a few things that need to be mentioned. And copies of the tape seem to be sprouting up everywhere so I am sure people will concur with me.

    Of the 40 or so people involved on the field, there were players visually that are trying to be men by stopping this mess. I can tell you Jordan Hefner, Alexander's starting pitcher, was working hard to stop it. Being from Caldwell County and seeing a couple Post 29 games where he pitched I know what Hefner looks like and his number. He was being a stand up guy and not a thug. He has no business being suspended from playing anything.
    Last edited: May 15, 2003
  9. Fenwayfan

    Fenwayfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 27, 2003
    No one is getting it


    I posted this earlier on another string and I am amazed that no one is getting it. There isnt anyone who looks good in this thing, Watauga or AC. To think that there is anything remotely justifiable in any of the actions that took place Wed night is wrong. :(

    Most of the punchthrowers were not going on to the field to protect or back up their players they were going to simply get in some licks.

    IM glad for Mcdowell - The #2 team qualified to play in the state playoffs for NW4A. Neither Wat or AC were qualified because of WEd night


    I wont try to justify what Watauga did ( one player). The play at the plate was nothing at all except heated temps between two competing players. Its what happened after, that is a disgrace, to both programs. The fact that our player throws a sucker punch is both wrong and not represenative of how we do things up here. How we do things up here has been shown by Hardee's class in apologizing to AC's players. The Watauga player should be both thrown out and suspended from the team. (AND WAS) The incident that occured after that should also not have happened. The AC bench threw more punches at players and coaches and the entire bench should be suspended from the playoffs and/or next year also. Watauga coaches were grabbing watauga players trying to remove them from the melee. THe Watauga players that came off the bench should be suspended from the playoffs or next year (AND WERE).
    In truth I hope neither team gets to go and McDowell gets the spot instead. Kids need to know that the actions they take have consequences. Leaving the bench to find someone to punch (not protect or stand up for your player!) removes your right to move on whether you won or lost. But I have a feeling you dont see that or feel that way.
    Ask any player, parent or coach in NW4A not from Wat or AC and ask them what they think of each program? THe answer will be overwhelming to oneside.
    I wont justify what we did, I am embarassed and disapointed in our involvement with a moment which makes us look like anything but the classy program that we want here. I am even embarassed at some of our fans ( who should never be a factor in a player becoming upset)
    I only wish AC was also and it never ever seems to be that way, parents cheering on there kids as if what they did was even remotely commendable always appears to be par for the course at AC.
  10. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I believe we have allowed the supporters from both teams to vent their feelings about the unfortunate situation.

    Some have expressed their feelings intelligently and some have tried to add fuel to the fire, but this thread has gone on long enough. There does not seem to be anything else that can be said that has not already been spoken...so let's let this thread stop and move on.

    ..and Josh Leyshon, that showed a lot of character in your apology...good job!

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