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Alexander-Dynasty to Dungeon

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by TheJoker, May 13, 2003.

  1. Acsoftball_18

    Acsoftball_18 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 15, 2003
    I was a member of the Alexander softball varsity team this year. I am a senior on the team and I didn't play all that much. I don't think that it is right for parents to classify all the seniors in the group that pointed fingers and didn't get along with some of the coaches and players. I understand that some of the senior parents and players were acting in this way but some weren't. The coaching staff and players this year did a lot of great things. Coach Lingle came in out of the goodness of her heart and coached us. All the players new that this was her first year coaching and we would all have to help each other with everything (including pitches, batting, and practices). I feel sorry for all the people that didn't accept the fact that we would all have to work together. A lot of people didn't think that we would make it as far as we did. I know that all the players on the team worked as hard as they could this year to prove to all the "outsiders" that we could do it. I am very proud of all the players. We did an outstanding job this year coming together as a team when all the things were thrown on us.

    I wish that parents wouldn't put down the players or coaches. We all worked hard to be where we were. It took a lot of heart from everyone on the team to get out there and play. Some people don't realize how hard it was. Things went on this year that should have never have went on.

    As for the other night....A lot of things happened that showed to everyone at the game that people didn't respect Coach Lingle or any other coach. Parents should have had enough dignity not to react the way they did. Also we are all about good sportsmenship and that night parents weren't even showing it. How are the players supposed to act when their parents can't even show good attitudes.

    I hope that people don't think that just because we lost its the end of the world. I have some news for you if you think it is....Its just a game. You win some and you lose some. I wish the NW4A teams good luck in playoffs and I also want to wish Coach Lingle and the 2004 softball team good luck next year.

    Love always,
    Charlotte #18

    *In loving Memory of Tiff. #8. We love you girl!!:)
  2. alexander_player_03

    alexander_player_03 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 14, 2003
    the real deal

    I am an Alexander Player, and I know what is the real deal as many of you think you do. You were not there to know what the team actually went through. To lose a player, one of your best friends, and to lose the best coach in the state is not the easiest thing to go through right before the season starts.

    To ac_softballbabe03:
    You need to quit talking junk about the seniors. You were not a player on the team to begin with. If I remember correctly you were CUT from the team and were left the option to come to practice and occasionally you got to play (wearing someone else's jersey). Freshmen have always been the ones doing the work, carrying equipment, etc... What do you mean we will be missed at times? I personally tried to be your friend as well as all of the other seniors, but you betrayed all of us except EMILY by talking junk behind our backs. We gave you respect even though it's hard to respect someone who always has some smart elic comment to say or who rolls their eyes because they can't handle the truth. Make up your mind if you want to be our friend or our enemy.

    To the Parents:
    Thank You for not being there, and to a few...thank you for being there. I am tired of all of this fussing back and forth to each other or to the players. (P.S. It's pretty sad when a Middle School Principal can hide under a screen name and bash high school athletes with his editor sitting right beside him - his wife, an elementary school principal. You both work with kids everyday, but yet after hours you can talk trash about those you are suppose to defend. Don't worry, we SENIORS won't miss you either!!!!!!)

    To the Joker:
    First of all, you have not been through the things that we have this year. We are not a group of disfunctional players. Yes, this may have been one crazy year, but maybe next year they will get the COACHES they need and be back where Alexander needs to be.

    To the Seniors being Leaders:
    Personally I think the seniors gave it their best and did the best to their ability considering what we had to work with.

    To ReynoldsRocks23:
    No AC Reynolds doesn't go crying when they lose because they don't know what it feels like to win and go from a perfect season to HORRIBLE! This county is known for softball and we plan to keep it that way, thats why we are so emotional about the subject. We wanted to play our best for Tiffany Crouse beacuse she love the game and I want to finish out the season for her.

    For who calls pitches....
    Our wonderfull DH calls pitches. She learned from the best (monte sherrill). Not our coaches, they know diddley squat about the pitches Emily even has. Our DH did her best this year at the plate. I am giving her credit for what she has done within the past four years, because she has done what she needed to for our team. She is just as capable as Price is at 3rd...her reaction time is a lot quicker, and that was proven on senior night at AC when she played 3rd. Ask anyone there. She doesn't have a broken "finger" either .

    To take up for monte sherrill:
    It was his choice to resign when he did. For whatever reason, we don't know. Don't question why he is not perfect because I know for a fact that know one is perfect. That is why God saved us all with Jesus.

    As for discipline and our coaches:
    Our coach is terrible, she didn't let us be a leader. Yes, she came in on a short notice but she only let us practice for a couple of hours. (More on this subject later)

    I can't get enough of softball. That is why I am making a big deal out of all of this crap.

    I hope that I didn't offend anyone but it is the truth and sometimes the truth hurts.

    ALEXANDER SOFTBALL will be back next year to show you we still have what it takes.
  3. reynoldsrocks23

    reynoldsrocks23 1999,2002 4A State Champs

    Likes Received:
    May 12, 2003
    Courage is FEAR, that said it's PRAYERS.
    I understand that you wanted to play great for your lost friend and teammate, and I am truly sorry that you lost her. I also understand that you hurt going from a perfect season to, well I wouldn't say HORRIBLE, but not up to ya'lls standards. Yes we here at Reynolds do understand what it means going from great to bad in what is considered your schools sport. See back in the mid 90's we went from 11-2 and a 3rd round defeat in the football playoffs to a 3-7 season the next year. YES we totally understand, but we didn't finish second that year. I just hate to think that your lost teammate is looking down on all this complaining and finger pointing. I know softball is life in Taylorsville, and with good reason, ya'll have dominated for many years, but 5, 10, or even 15 years from now you will care more about your friendships you made playing then how your records came out. Don't beat each other up over it, games last only a few innings, where friends will be there forever!
  4. achs_fastpitch

    achs_fastpitch Junior Member

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    May 14, 2003
    As a response to Blue 33: You're saying that I need to apoligize for thinking that you were Iva? I don't think so cause you may not be Iva but I'm sure your her percious husband...Craig! And you know? There's not a difference who wrote or who is under your screen name cause I know she was right beside you when you wrote it and had just as much to do with this whole thing as you did. So therefore, I have nothing to apoligize for! And you wanna know something else? You're just as bad cause your a middle school principal who is on here talking junk about people when your not suppose to be. Oh well I guess the ball's in your court now. So do you still not believe me about Sherrill asking me personally to play for him? I don't care if you do or not cause as long as I know what the truth is that's all that matters. So if you don't believe me then you can ask him for himself. I have no problem with that as long as you know the truth before you start running your mouth. And as for the Seniors trying to be leaders...we tried to be but when you don't get respect from the underclassmen how can you be? Maybe not all the time did we handle or say things in the right way but even when we did the underclassmen said smart butt comments back to us so after awhile we got tired of it and gave up. But really and truely the Seniors didn't matter anyway. All that mattered were the Juniors. We hardly ever had a say so in anything we did and hardly ever did Mrs. Lingle ask Seniors for thier input. But it doesn't matter. You know, it's pretty degrading to this year's Seniors that this year was the first year in 18 years that we didn't make it to playoffs and that this is the first year in 14 years that we weren't conference champions (but wait it didn't matter to our coach if we won the conference tournament or not) and I feel sure that if Sherrill would have been our coach that things would have turned out different. Oh well, I'm just glad that this year is over and that I don't have to put up with any of this nonsence any more!
  5. Old Fan

    Old Fan Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 10, 2003
    AC, up or down

    I am not from any where near AC, but I go to the preseason tournament every year..A class facility and program...It is hard to play in transition years..But try to make the best of your highschool time, there will be jerks with you all your working life, learn to ignore and make the best of what you have......As far as AC starting fast pitch early, I have been in fast pitch for ten years and the difference now is.. the amount of players playing traveling ball. more and better pitching..lots of teams that can beat anyone on any given day...lots of teams that have that work ethic now.. Can AC return to top power,sure, but it takes leadeship and a team that includes coach, players and parents..No big I and little you..good luck to AC in the future..Remember-good character is easy in good times but not so in bad times
  6. achs_grad_2003

    achs_grad_2003 Junior Member

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    May 15, 2003
    Alexander County
    Alexander Fastpitch

    First of all, I would like to say that w/o Mrs. Lingle this year the team wouldn't have been possible. The team was left hanging due to uncertain circumstances. (I'm not pointing the blame at the administration, or at Coach Sherrill bcuz I don't know the whole story).
    I would also like to commend the DH for calling pitches, bcuz I personally know that she did an excellent job. Whether the coaches and underclassmen want to admit it or not, she was a vital part of the team. She stepped up and showed LEADERSHIP (as a SENIOR) by taking on the responsibility of calling pitches. I know she worked hard on making the pitching charts, studying the tendencies of the batters from former games, and making skillful decisions on what pitches would be best for Emily to throw. She put alot of time and effort into making sure she did the best job possible. She did that to help the team. She received NO credit throughout the season for doing this job UNSELFISHLY. I think it's time some of the people involved w/ the softball program give her the credit she deserves, instead of complaining about her being the one to take on the responsibility. I must have failed to notice all of the people complaining trying to step up and be a leader and help out the team by calling pitches. Oh, that's right....NONE of you ever did. So I think it's time you give the credit that's due her.
    I also think that Emily Pierce did an awesome job as pitcher this season. She's only a freshman, but shows great ability and skill. With hard work and determination she will take her pitching to great levels. Keep up the good work girls!!!
    As a part of the ACHS softball tradition, I understand why the everyone is upset a/b the season, and especially the final loss to AC Reynolds. I know it's been a season full of ups, and ALOT of downs, but you have to press on, and find the light at the end of the tunnel. I know everyone wanted to win conference and make playoffs for Tiff, but she's up there watchin, and she knows that each and every person on the team did their best. I know she's proud of the hard work that was put in. But we all know that Tiff wouldn't be proud of how the team is falling apart and turning their backs on each other. Even though things were different this season, that's no reason to have such a "catfight" over things that are over and done. For DECADES ACHS Softball has stood for UNITY and TOGETHERNESS. Now, after ONE bad season, you are all willing to let that traditional bond completely fall apart. It's sad when "family" turns their backs on one another, be it upper or under classmen.
    I just think an end needs to be put to all this. Friends have been lost over all this nonesense. How much longer can this go on?

    See ya later #8. Miss ya bunches!
  7. Dawgfan

    Dawgfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 29, 2003
    Mint Hill NC
    check your PM's
  8. GATOR

    GATOR Member

    Likes Received:
    May 18, 2003
  9. ACRsftballSS17

    ACRsftballSS17 Junior Member

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    May 18, 2003
    Asheville, NC
    Hey, I am a player for A. C Reynolds varsity softball. I just got done reading all the responses to Alexander Central. I just want to say to all the AC players that they are a AWESOME team! I love playing against ya'll because you are all great competitors. I think that you do have a great team this year like always. You all esp. played really good considering you lost a player and a coach. Also, like your team our team is very young too, We only consist of one senior. I'm really proud of the way our team played this year, even if we lost we still had a great time and didn't blame it on anyone. It's not a coaches fault for losing. What happend to just haveing a great time?!? As long as you do your best, you still won! So just don't get down for not making it to the playoff's this year, take a break off! I look forward to playing you guys next year, good luck w/everything! Also... goodluck South Caldwell in playoff's!! :D
  10. frosty24

    frosty24 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 25, 2003
    Holding up a mirror

    Attending three Alexander Central games recently (two were losses), three things clearly stood out to me about AC: 1) the pride players, coaches, parents and fans shared, 2) the excellent on-the-field effort by the players, 3) the courage demonstrated by team to accomplished so much after having the head coach resign, a key player die tragically and the JV coach resign. Truly inspirational behavior by these young ladies.

    However, walking through the crowd after the South Caldwell loss, one could hear parents openly complaining, barking at one another and some even yelling toward the coaches. As I stood there and watched it all unfold, it was remarkable to me that here was an opportunity for parents and fans to applaud their kids, put their arms around the entire group, pull them close and express their admiration and appreciation for having overcome so much turmoil. Regretfully, I believe, it was an opportunity missed.

    In the big scheme of things, winning that game meant very little. Certainly, I'm sure there had been a lot of dreams of winning the title for Tiffany. Even though I never knew her, I think the parents, fans and the players might want to consider how she would have wanted the season to end, with backbiting like we've been reading here or with people holding on to one another with love in their hearts?

    Winning is something to desire, but it should be kept in perspective, especially in this case. Who on the AC team this year, after all they have been through, could not be considered a winner? What really is most important, that the kids win another game or title, or that they appreciate having shared the extraordinary experience of facing hardships, tragedy and loss with first-class effort, and having done it together?

    So, I would encourage everyone concerned to rethink the direction in which this is headed. The AC program could possibly be in real jeopardy if players, coaches, fans and parents don't get a grip on this. Sit down, talk about what needs to be done from this point forward, in positive terms, to steady the ship. Let the past go as history worth learning from. Celebrate what the team accomplished this past season. The kids who formerly played in the program as well as those who are about to deserve your best demonstration of character and effort.

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