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Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by HSFAN, Jun 16, 2003.

  1. pit-a-pat

    pit-a-pat Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 30, 2003
    You are welcome to your opinion, but you still have not addressed the real issues that people were upset about. Those parents did not get upset until after they had been shunned all season. The issue is not playing time as you keep saying, it is called RESPECT. How can you respect a coach who doesn't know how to respect others. She was suppose to be an example for these young girls, and I for one would not want my daughter to be influenced by her standards or attitude. As far as I'm concerned, Central Cabarrus has great hopes for next year and I look forward to having a coach who works the girls hard and looks at them as individuals.
  2. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC
    new coach at CC...............

    will have them in Raleigh year after year NOW!
  3. CCHSvikefan81

    CCHSvikefan81 Full Access Member

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    Apr 23, 2003
    Amen to that CF Ball, i think that is what everyone wonts!! Can't wait untill 2004.
  4. fastpitchpro

    fastpitchpro Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 18, 2003
    With the talent base and Sherrill at the helm, CC could just get NASTY good! His practices are extremely tough and precise. Put some passion and unity in that group and watch out 4A ranks.
  5. acfan

    acfan Full Access Member

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    Feb 9, 2003
    Good luck and hope the best for your family! I know CC is really excited about next year. I know Emily and all the girls will miss you. I know Alexander County owes alot to you for the direction you lead this county in fastpitch, only hope the tradition to do ones best continues. Hope to see you and your team at the clash next year and with true Sherrill fashion -- we'll be there to bring it!!
    Keep in touch.
  6. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC
    sherrill and cc.......

    we wish each family and NOW....the CC Family, the best in 2004 and beyond!
  7. herewego

    herewego Junior Member

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    Jun 18, 2003
    ho hum! howdy yall. Well as a person who played for coach hill I can tell you that she is an amazing coach. No I wasn't what you call a "favorite" either. This lady knows the game. We may have not always seen eye to eye but she always showed me respect and I always respected her. She is a very intelligent and knowledgable lady. I have played at the next level and I would like to comment on this team this past year. Since I have played with most of the girls, I know the whole story. First of all i must respond to the struggling freshman in the hopewell game. Who did you propose they put in? No one else they had on the bench would have lasted. I can tell you from experience at being at that game in that level You have to play the best and hope for the best. If this girl has the most experience at doing well against great teams you have to play her. She is a great young player. Also as far as the outfield position goes HUSTLE goes A LONG WAY AT ANY LEVEL. Also as far as being shunned you get out of what you do by what you put into it. If you ask for extra help continously then you will get extra help if you think you are too good to stay after or are afraid then youll just be afraid to play. Its like this i learned at the next level you have to ask ask ask to get get get. Its how the world works if you never ask you never get. YOu cant just expect people to read your mind. You cant expect one time asking to be enough. Life's tough learn now. Coaches are a lot tougher at the next level than Coach Hill ok. These coaches could care less how you feel or how your parents feel if you hate it then quit. Look people in the world dont care too much about your feelings. So you can't continue to have people cater YOUR needs. face it the world isnt about you the team isnt about YOU. YOu have to let go sometime and let them play no college coach is going to have you charge on their feild you will be escorted off and banned from games. YOu have no power at the level get used to it now I think that is the way every level should be for the girls not the parents. What i think is dirty though is that fact that you would have parents on the sidelines silently wishing a girl woudl do bad so their kid would go in or that the team woudl lose so coach hill woudl look bad. or going to a principal and complaining about a player on the team. Or turning someone in for somethign you recommended them for or trying to tear a team apart by writing letters just before playoffs if you have a complaint wait til the season was OVER it would hav ebeen best for all why did they feel the need to express it then? These people are all smiles that coach hill is otu of there but what makes you think sherrill will let your daughter play? if she wasnt good enough she might want to look for another position the world works this way you are good you play you arent so good you try to get better if you dont want to try then you pick a new thing. I have never seen a team with so much talent go down so quickly becuase of a few parents. then one teamate tries to pull everyone together and is ridiculed for it. I have to say one more thing. Next year will be the true test. It wont be the coach or anyone else remember this if you point a finger you have 4 pointing back at you.
  8. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC

    first, welcome to the SOftball Forum and second, thanks for you insight and hope you will enjoy your informative site!
  9. nc2aump

    nc2aump Full Access Member

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    Jun 12, 2003

    EXCELLENT INSIGHT!!! I was hoping to stir the players who actually played for coach Hill. You are exactly right in everything you said. KUDOS to a young woman that has learned to cold, hard, facts of athletics. The next level is a BUSINESS, if you're lucky enough for a team to give you any money for your education, they expect results, the coaches "livelyhood" depends on RESULTS! With your response here, you've shown me that some players do "get it", and that it is obvious the your parents "got it". One can only hope that at some point, players will be held accountable and stop blaming others for their lack of what is really important to make it in big-time athletics, (HEART, DESIRE, and STRONG WORK ETHICS)
    I believe you will go a long way and wish you the best. If you put you mind to it, you will know who I am, and I hope if you figure it out, you will come up to me on a college field and say hello.
    One last thing, GREAT JOB COACH HILL, this is one of your players that "GOT IT", and for that you should be proud. I know I am proud of you and all that you have accomplished.
  10. pit-a-pat

    pit-a-pat Junior Member

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    May 30, 2003

    I commend your for your maturity as a young ball player and your work ethic. I would like to comment on a couple of your opinions though. Is it truly your opinion that there was no one else on that bench to pitch? As far as I know there was a very capable pitcher on that bench that has faced every bit of competition as the other pitcher and has risen to the occassion. I also know that there are several college coaches looking at her and think the same thing. Unfortunately in Coach Hill's eye she did not measure up and she sure let that pitcher know it everyday. She didn't help her, she degraded her. That's not what a coach is suppose to be about. You say you ask, ask and ask again. I'm sorry but this lady was in charge of young girls looking for guidance, help, and encouragement. You are not suppose to beg for that from a coach. I agree whole heartedly that a strong work ethic is needed to make it in this world. I think all the ladies on that team have that work ethic. But I also feel that a lot of these girls were so deflated from the attitude of Coach Hill that their self esteem went to nothing. I'm sorry, but a coach can be strict, hardworking, demanding without being demoralizing. So many of you say she has heart, well let's see how her heart breaks if ever one of her own kids is treated with the cold heart she had to some. A coach at the high school level should first and foremost be an inspiration, unfortunately she sucked the inspiration out of a lot of talented players.

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