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I'd like to get something off my chest...

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Chief, Jun 24, 2003.

  1. BB9er

    BB9er Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 19, 2003
    Is the purpose of the East/ West Series about putting on 3 nights
    of great baseball competition with signed players who already are assured of playing ball at the next level or is it also to help those who haven't signed yet to get one last look in hopes of getting an offer no matter how small to continue to play beyond HS?
  2. phantom89

    phantom89 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 29, 2003
    Just my opinion...it should be about baseball.If it helps players get exposure...great! It is up to the families to take care of the other stuff...it is not the responsibility of the State Games organization to take care of that business!
  3. vocis337

    vocis337 Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    May 22, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    State games are as bogus as all conference

    Chief, I'm in agreement something's wrong with a system that is manipulated by an athletes parental influence, or where they pay for play baseball, or if their high school coach is either a sellout or dispised by his peers (in some cases both), suffice it to say there's many more players out there that have been overlooked. Just like an ealier posting on this site by a former SW4A coach, a lot of it is politics, who you know, where you go to school, grudges being settled and so on. All of this at the expense of good players who don't deserve it!
    These coaches who make these decisions need to heed this- "this game is about the players" not their own ego's. This game was here before these coaches and it'll be here when they're gone. Sometimes their ego's cloud the fact that they're teachers first, and the most important thing they do is their interaction with our young men not their W/L record.
  4. BB9er

    BB9er Full Access Member

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    Jun 19, 2003
    I don't understand... I thought its main purpose was to be an avenue for players with talent to get seen by probably the most covered event by coaches in NC in hopes of a college picking them up... Am I wrong? Are you saying that by this time...parents should have gotten them in a college to play if they want to play beyond HS? Please help me understand this.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2003
  5. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Re: State games are as bogus as all conference

    Well said..
  6. phantom89

    phantom89 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 29, 2003
    I guess I wasn't very clear in my response. Sorry. I was mainly thinking of the Senior State Games. Parents don't really GET their children into colleges...that comes from the players hard work and good grades. I do feel that parents have an obligation, where their child's future is concerned, to be involved . If your child is interested in a certain school, don't wait on them to contact you...they might not. I would not advise a senior to count on the Senior State Games to get them to the school of their dreams. It could happen, but I just wouldn't count on it. It is a great avenue for the players to be seen as you stated and a great chance to get to play with and against some talented players.
  7. Gambit

    Gambit Full Access Member

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    May 31, 2003
    It's ridiculous Rob didn't make state games. He was a top 5 hitter in the SW4A, the # 1 pitcher in the conference(went 11-0 even through playoffs), held JH Rose to only one run in a state finals game, hit 3 bombs in the state playoffs. What else can the kid do? I know he gave it his best at tryouts to, it's just a thing of if you vote for my kid i'll vote for yours. RIdiculous i say!
  8. rattdd

    rattdd Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 2, 2003
    I am so glad that this has finally been brought out into the open. I think a lot of it has to do with the coaches and if they smooze with the other coaches. We have a coach that does not promote his players at all which puts our young men at a definite disadvantage. I believe it is all in who you know!
  9. Original

    Original Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 15, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    "These coaches who make these decisions need to heed this- "this game is about the players" not their own ego's. This game was here before these coaches and it'll be here when they're gone. Sometimes their ego's cloud the fact that they're teachers first, and the most important thing they do is their interaction with our young men not their W/L record"

  10. BB9er

    BB9er Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 19, 2003
    For years we had a coach like that....felt like it wasn't worth the time so never encouraged his players to even try to make the region team. The coach didn't promote his players anywhere! I found out about State Games thru a friend and encouraged my older son who now is in a Div1 Program in NC to give it a shot because our HS program certainly wouldn't help him have a chance to play beyond HS. He did and for 3 years he participated in the State Games. I feel this opportunity along with some well respected conference coaches that our HS played in are the reason he was able to go to a college and continue to play. We have a new coach now but it doesn't look as though he will give State Games a push either. As I have stated, I have another son who hopes to go on to play ball at the next level but what I have read on this board makes me feel that he want be able to earn his way on a team thru his talent or hard work. This is disheartening to say the least. It is one thing to accept he might not measure up to those that tryout, but for him to be kept off for some of the reasons given here are upsetting! What can be done about it?
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2003

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