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Area IV Legion Baseball

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by BaseLine, Jul 23, 2003.

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  1. BaseLine

    BaseLine Junior Member

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    Jul 7, 2003
    (First of all, before I get into this: I am not a player or coach, so this is not crying cause one team lost or one team's fans are brutal or anything like that. Honestly, I hope this opens the eyes of more than just the casual reader of TBR)

    There are some things that happened this year that need to be addressed. And honestly, there are 20,000 emotions I have right now and one is rage toward Legion baseball's higher ups.

    Actually, you have no reason on earth to believe me, but I am telling the truth to what was said to me:

    Jerry Hudson is the director of umpires of Area 4. He is/was also on the Cherryville town council. It was said to Caldwell County coaches less than 5 games into the season (by another umpire no less) that this is Cherryville's year. The umpires have been told to "get on their train."

    In the series, Hudson was calling to let both coaches (Reynolds and Caldwell Coach Hamby) the umpires. All of a sudden, the calls stopped for Coach Hamby. Gee, wonder why?

    Caldwell County video taped Game 7 of their series with Cherryville because they were alerted that an umpire was looking in on the catcher or in the pitcher's glove and calling the pitches for the Cherryville players/manager Bobby Reynolds. Being at the game I can tell you right now that I believe it to be true. So watch for it from either the first base umpire or second base umpire. I wish I knew who all is "on the train", but I am warning you go to a series every time as a catcher.

    Now honestly, I hope I am wrong. This would shake legion basbeall down to its CORE. But I think I am right.

    Also, be leary of one Area Commish Bill Murray. I feel he did whatever he could to distract Caldwell County coaches and players. In one game (game 3) he stood in the Caldwell County dug out and cussed (yes cussed) Coach Gary Hamby and his staff for what he said Coach Hamby embarrassed him by pointing up to the pressbox. If it was so bad, why not throw him out? Or suspend play and rip Hamby a new rear-end. Murray wanted to let everyone know he was in charge. (By the way, he is a member of Caldwell County's Legion. I think it was so important to show everyone in attendance he wasn't with Caldwell.) The game was halted until people could get him out of the dugout.
  2. Halton49

    Halton49 Full Access Member

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    Jun 13, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    I'm no insider, just a baseball fan, and went to all but one of the games in that series. Don't live in either Caldwell or Cherryville.
    My OPINION is that the above ranting is hogwash and sour grapes.
  3. xpert_88

    xpert_88 Member

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    Apr 7, 2003
    area IV baseball

    Baseline you need to pick another sport to go watch. If you go to many baseball games you will learn the umpires. I personally know most of the umpires in the area and there is not a one of them on the take. What would they have to gain? Like I said you need to change sports if you cannot enjoy the game no more than that. People like you are not what baseball or any sport needs. The game is played on the field not in the dugout. Check the runs scored. Caldwell has lost 2 years in a row after being up by 3 games. They just have a bad taste in their mouth right now. Some of their players need to learn how to handle themselves on the field in tight situations and not look to blame umpires and fans.
  4. SUMO

    SUMO Full Access Member

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    Jul 18, 2003
    From parts unkown
    Have you gone insane? That is ridiculous if any thing at all if you had come to the game last night you would have seen the opposite of what you are talking about. I hope you do not really think that this is true. I went to all of the caldwell games in the series and it was a tragedy the way the Caldwell team tried to stall in the fifth game waiting on rain. I think that this was a case of bad apples and maybe a touch of jealousy
  5. billybudd

    billybudd Junior Member

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    Jan 9, 2003

    Baseline, are you a real baseball fan or just a fan with hurt feelings that your team lost! I also attended the series and DID NOT see the things you mentioned.

    These are two great legion baseball programs and it was a great series. One team had to lose, but to say one cheated makes you sound like a real sore loser. I am not from Cherryville or Caldwell
    County, just a fan. The only thing bad about the series was Caldwell's coach delaying tactics when he was down 15-0.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2003
  6. The Squid

    The Squid Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 15, 2003
    anybody confirm where

    tonight's game will be played????????

    there looks like a ton of rain on the way, how well does the field hold up when wet???
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2003
  7. SouthLoop

    SouthLoop S.Charlotte BB Researcher

    Likes Received:
    Jan 14, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    Pineville Legion vs. Cherryville Legion @ Cherryville @ 7:00 pm
  8. calluout

    calluout Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 23, 2003
    on the train

    from an umpire's perspective, if any umpire could rig games and do it so well then they would not be in legion baseball but in mlb.as far as giving signals for pitches, i don't think the kids playing can pay attention long enough to get a signal. maybe you should get on a "train" and take a long ride to the mountains, maybe the fresh air will clear your head.

    THECOACH Junior Member

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    Jun 19, 2003
    Baseline..........I think you have got to be the biggest dope on this board. Or you were too drunk after drowning your sorrows to realize what you were writing. I umpired for Jerry a number of years and know all those guys and not a one of them would cheat a bunch of kids. It aint worth it. Those guys are out there because they still enjoy the game and it gives them a chance to be around it. They sure dont do it for the "BIG BUCKS" they make a game. I think you are like the rest of those folks and swallowed a bunch of sour grapes. You need to start watching wrestling or something cause you aint got a clue about nothing else. You showed us that with your ediotic post on this board. Since you obviously don't know.......a little enfo. for you and all you Caldwell folks........you got the umpire that Hamby wanted behind the plate (DAVID BROWN) He wasn't even suppose to be umpiring Sunday night. Jerry was told to replace one of the scheduled umpires with Hamby's "GUY" Uhhhh maybe by a guy named Murry????? You know all Caldwell had to do was win one game out of three. AND COULDN'T GET THE JOB DONE. So they want to blame the umpires, Jerry, and whoever else. Don't look at the team who couldn't score enough runs or keep Cherryville's bats quiet or who couldn't handle Mason. NO it couldn't possibly be their fault. It has to be the UMPS. If you sit down and drink a cold glass of ice water it will get that sour taste out of your mouth that those grapes left.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2003
  10. gonzo

    gonzo Full Access Member

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    Jan 10, 2003
    Calm Down

    OK guys, you have made you point. Let's give baseline a break. If you will look back, he was repeating something he "was told". There is a comment in another thread here about things turning ugly and attacking on HSBASEBALLWEB. Let's not get to that point here.
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