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AC Coach-D.U.I. again.

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by southcaldwell04, Dec 21, 2003.

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  1. southcaldwell04

    southcaldwell04 Junior Member

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    Dec 21, 2003
    Know your facts. Read SCfan abd others who were and have been assocaited with coach. D.U.I. is correct, blew .16 is correct, turned aropund on the bridge after he saw what was happening is correct, sped awaya dn was run down from the backside is correct. South knows his history, AC knows now, is East Burke next?
  2. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

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    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC

    I agree with that...................ShortyBum, we want all to respect each other, no attacks personally or directed to teams are not welcomed here period! TBR Softball family wishes you and your family a Merry Christmas.

    Are you a player or a parent? What postition do you play or does she play? What HS/College? Just curious???
  3. acfan

    acfan Full Access Member

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    Feb 9, 2003
    southcaldwell04- here are the facts as I see them. SC didn't complain one bit about Coach Bolick when he was a catalyst to the NW4A conference champs only afterward when he chose to come to AC. Then it has been the same ones since making these incriminations. Since we know who some of you are posting I believe there is a little bitterness about last years team and the playing time. (which is a coachs number one headache with parents) Since Coach Bolick has come to AC he has also helped on a tourn. team where he brought some SC players at different times and drove them to tourns. If there was such a BIG problem with a trust of him around the girls I would suspect the girls wouldn't be allowed to be in the same vehicle with him. I also spoke to parents and players involved with Coach Bolick before he came to AC to hear for myself of anything bad about him and I only got positive responses and yes he has enemies because he speaks his mind and stands his ground. Here at AC now there are decisions to be made and I already know that alot of the players have shown that they know Coach Bolick enough to trust him as their coach and met collectively to show their support and forgiveness which as adults some times we lack the ability to do that. As for me I have spent countless hours with Coach Bolick as we worked on the field, pitching with my DD, overnighters on ball tourn., and basketball I have not seen one drop of alcohol on him or the scent thereof and I am not ready to put up the stake and light the fire. He has punished himself enough without some of you coming on here pouring on gas. This is the last I will say about this except see you on the field next spring!!
  4. sbmom

    sbmom Banned From TBR

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    Sep 1, 2003
    ACFAN, I wasn't going to post on this subject again but I wanted to respond to your last post. First let me state I am not here to bash Bolick or do I have a personal ax to grind. My only concern is the well fare of the girls. All girls whether at AC or SC. As for no complaining at SC last year you are very wrong. There was the most controversy on our team last year we have ever seen here and it hurt our team and kept them from doing as well as they should have. As for him be a cataylst for our team, no. The success our team has acheived is attributed to another coach here and everyone here will tell you that. As for girls riding with Bolick most parents here would not allow it Though it is a fact that some girls were with him when he was drinking and out at times when they should not have been. But that is some of the parents fault. I hope things turn out well for Bolick and he gets the help that he needs. Good luck AC softball
  5. central-d

    central-d Full Access Member

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    Dec 22, 2003
    I think the information given here on this has been very worth while to all the parents here. I don't like bashing of anyone and don't think that is what this is about now that we know the truth. I personally hope we look at this and see if this is the direction we want to restart our program on as it has already caused a blackeye that won't be forgotten. We have some very capable people right here who could run our program with a little more class. hopefully the concerened parents will make this known to our school and the necessary changes made. If not at least now with what we have been told here we know what to watch for. I would like to hear from some other AC parents as to their thoughts on this matter
  6. 65MPH

    65MPH Junior Member

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    Dec 1, 2003
    Charlotte Area schools policy is for the players on alcohol use. If caught, they cannot play a HS sport for one calendar year. I am sure they coaches are under the same restrictions, If not, whty would they punish the kids and not the adults. AND who are they learning from??
  7. faith

    faith Junior Member

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    Dec 24, 2003
    I do not know if anyone on here will ever know what really happened that saturday night or not, but I think there are other things I think we ought to remember. I have met coach Bolick and know him rather well and I believe that he is no better or no worse of a person that anyone else on this forum. I do know that he knows about this forum and has read it quite a few times and has never responded because he's not low enough to put someone down when he doesn't know all the facts. People make mistakes and yes people make mistakes more than once, but I think when one makes a mistake that mistake is just as equal as to the person who is judging him for it. Judging is just as big of a mistake as committing a mistake. I just think we should be a little more humble on here and realize nobody is perfect and I know from experience I make my own decisions...no coach is going to influence me to drink or not. Good Luck coach Bolick if you are on here reading this and I honestly do not believe that anyone would do a better job this yr with the softball team at AC.

    PSALMS 7:8
    "The Lord shall judge the people; judge me, O LORD, according to my righteousness , and according to mine integrity that is in me."
  8. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

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    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC
    Thanks Faith and you are so right...................and welcome to the best little softball forum on the East Coast!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

    Good luck this upcoming softball seasons!
  9. southcaldwell04

    southcaldwell04 Junior Member

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    Dec 21, 2003
    Some people do not believe ---- stinks. It's not a matter of being a OK person, If you make mistakes and have a trail, then you must pay a price. Just like our old Basketball coach here last year, he had to be let go. Your basketball coach a couple years ago in the same way. SEX, DRUGS and Rock in roll with HS coaching makes for trouble.
  10. AC Coach

    AC Coach Junior Member

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    Dec 25, 2003
    Alexander Central Sports Handbook states that an athlete caught under the influence of alcohol or drugs shall not allowed to play for one calendar year. Coaches should be held to a higher standard than their players.
    With the trouble we have had at Alexander Central in the past, I find it appalling that we could even think about letting him continue to coach .
    Currently,we have several coaches who are not actively coaching due to favoritism and "turn the other way" ethics. The "favorites"are given special treatment, while others are called on the carpet almost everyday. I am watching this situation unfold with a close eye. I promise you this, if I were caught with an D.U.I, in no uncertain terms I would step down due to my lack of leadership. The easy way out is to plead forgiveness and say that it will not happen again. Our athletic department is in disarray due to perferred treatment.
    I am not in the "Let's go drink a cold one club". I do my job go home, but enough is enough. The parents need to stand up and express their disapproval.

    I remember the coach who was let go two years ago. Since he was in the good old boys club, nothing was said publicly about the sex incidents other than the initial charges. He pleaded forgiveness too! Where is the line in the sand drawn. Inappropraite behavior should not be tolerated in the school setting. Coaches should be held to higher standards.
    This is my one and only post due to fear that I will be punished for this!
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