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AC Coach-D.U.I. again.

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by southcaldwell04, Dec 21, 2003.

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  1. southcaldwell04

    southcaldwell04 Junior Member

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    Dec 21, 2003
    AC Fan

    Where are you? I don't believe you knew everything you thought you did before you read the posts. I would trust my daughter in the same car, but that is your deal. Just like I said before, you had another basketball coach down there two years ago that you thought you could trust. Know you can go to NC sex offenders and look at his picture. It sickens me to hear parents talk about under lieing issues that they nothing about. Through a mutual friend /AC player, I have heard that the same routine has started at AC with the late night phone calls to players 11/12 o'clock, Know what would be a grown man's purpose in calling a 16-18 year old at that time.
    Where there is smoke , there is fire.
  2. acfan

    acfan Full Access Member

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    Feb 9, 2003

    I have talked to several girls from the team and they have never been called late and at my home he has not called past 10 and that was to talk to me. And I went to Coach Bolicks house and thought I would check out YOUR FACTS as you call them. From his house you can see the area that the checkpoint was at and you have to go through that checkpoint to get to the bridge. He never made it to the checkpoint and the ticket has nothing about eluding arrest and background checks show he has never even had a speeding ticket. Now in your school system I have found out you have coaches that have multiple DUIs, and one for solicitation and that is just a few. Alexander players from fp and bb has given their support to Coach Bolick because for one he has done not one thing wrong around them at any time. People will continue to say what they want and do what they want it is just a crying shame that this thread on a prep forum has held top seed for a week. Must be very important for AC not to have a great coach!!
    Oh and Champion you are just now opening an eye to what goes on in our schools. I have been educated in this system and raised one through it and one almost through and seen way, way worse things that you and nobody else knows about but I am still happy with the education I have received and my two daughters and I wouldn't trade it with any school system out there. Watch the news once in awhile and you will see what goes on elsewhere. Am I satisfied with everything NO! But as a parent I have chosen to take an active role in my childrens education and I don't let teachers or coaches let her stray from our core beliefs. So when you vote if this is the only thing that swings your vote I feel sorry for everything else you have allowed to go on without kicking up a ruckus!
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2003
  3. CldwllCnty25

    CldwllCnty25 Junior Member

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    Dec 26, 2003
    Its a neverending debate..If Coach Bolick stays with AC, he is going to be the same person he is today. If he gets fired, he will be the same person he is today..Somewhere along the line, he's going to mess up good enough and then we will all be satisfied. For those of us who actually know the man and his past, for those of us who watched him grow up and play ball..we know there is little chance for the man to stay decided in a profession anyways. Those who dont understand will soon see...
  4. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

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    Jan 7, 2003
    I always get a little concerned when anybody is attacked on the forum. One, because you are not sure if it is true.two, it always turns to name calling. I must say this is the first time I have read some well reasoned posts in reply to this kind of situation. For that I say.. THANKS.

    But haven't we said all that can be said about this situation? Isn't it time to let this thread die and move on?
  5. Champion

    Champion Junior Member

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    Dec 26, 2003
    AC Fan

    Thanks for informing me that our School System is even more corrupt than I thought. You were educated in the Alexander system as you state. Well I was not, so I do know one system from the other. But that is beside the point. You say watch the news and this isn't the only thing that goes on. Im the kind of guy that doesnt jump off of the bridge just because someone else does, so that watch the news deal don't work for me. This is happening in our county so that is what we should watch. And as you stated you have seen worse, if that is the case then some changes need to be made. You can raise your children as you please and I can raise mine as I please. But I guarantee you, I would be asking some questions on how this guy got hired to be a coach for my daughter. If these allegations from SC are true then someone is not doing their job on the hiring of our personel. I have been around the Alexander System enough to know that the buddy system works pretty strong. This is all I have to say on this subject now I am going to set back and observe.


    Go Cougars!!!!
  6. 65MPH

    65MPH Junior Member

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    Dec 1, 2003
    In my humble opinion, this situation can be rectified very qiuickly. Evidently there is a drinking problem. The man is not a school employee from what I read. there is no way the man can be associated with a High School program under the conditions. The man got a D.U.I., works students, is not an teacher, he is gone. Point blank. Wherre is there even a question about whether he coaches. It looks like you guys need to quit looking through rose colored glasses. While I am st it, any man worth his good name would step down before they could fire him. This is ridiculous. AC FAn. You undoubtedly have a major vested interest in this man coaching your daughter or you would not be pursuing this situation like this.
  7. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

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    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC

    i dont think acfan is defending anyone here. ACFan cares about people and having the facts is important when you really care for individuals. Thanks and as Braves mentioned earlier................lets try to move on! Sad as it is to have someones misery to be the lead topic during the offseason.....something positive will come out of all this for AC Softball.

    Hope you and your family had a great Christmas and will have a Safe and Joyous New Year!
  8. TVille18

    TVille18 Junior Member

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    Dec 27, 2003
    first of all he didnt run from the cops...second of all coach Bolick ALWAYS wears shorts..now that that is clear, I'm a witness to say that i have ridden countless hours and miles to softball games with him and never seen beer in his presence. Can i ask.?? How many of YOU have driven after drinking...? ONLY difference is YOU didnt get caught! And how many of your family members have DWI'S?? Think about that one!! Just for the record..I will continue to take lessons from coach reguardless of what happens. And if this website determines if he goes or stays then Alexander County and the school board HAVE major ISSUES!!!! How many of you go to church... the bible says...God forgives everyone if you repent...so if your God's people and you serve, if he forgives then why cant you? Also half of you on here bashing coach, are nothing but hypocrites! THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK.
  9. HSFAN

    HSFAN Full Access Member

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    Feb 10, 2003
    Seems as if the fine people have tried and convicted this man.When he has his day in court then I'm sure the Admin will deal with it.As we know all schools have their share of issues and this forum isn't big enough to handle all of them.I'm sure this coach knows his actions will have conquences and he will have to handle this himself. AC has seem to have it's share of negative things happen to it and maybe now some postive things will come out of this. Good luck to all this season I believe it starts in about 6-7 weeks. HOW ABOUT SOME POSTIVE THREADS ANYONE GOT ANYTHING.
  10. TVille18

    TVille18 Junior Member

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    Dec 27, 2003

    I just want to say, that i think this whole situation is being blown out of proportion!! Let me just add that if AC keeps this coach they WILL have that state ring on their finger this year... but without him who knows what will become of it. I want to know... why dont you people keep your nose in your own lives, because i'm pretty sure you all have your own problems..so why dont you just leave coach Bolick alone and let him handle it himself. For the record again he's clean... NEVER BEEN ARRESTED B4.. AND HE'S NEVER EVEN HAD A SPEEDING TICKET... so how about checking your facts before you start some he said she said bull all over again...seems to me you parents are more concerned about polotics than your children.. and if he dont coach your daughter then what should you opinion matter anyway. Besides the only interaction he has with any of his girls is through softball and basketball.... how many of AC's other coaches and teachers have had DUI"S.. One more thing to correct... he was'nt aroung 15-18 year old girls... he was at his dad's watching the UNC game... again check your facts before you post them on here....the truth will be revealed in the end. So good luck coach Bolick you deserve the best and if these people dont see that then you dont need them.... good luck AC!!!! I LOVE EACH ONE OF YOU GIRLS!!!!
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