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Are you crazy? - AC player

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by PrimeTime, Dec 30, 2003.

  1. PrimeTime

    PrimeTime Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 30, 2003
    Listen, I read your comments on the thread about Alexander winning the State if there coach, is able to continue as their coach. From my understanding,AC didn't even win their conference last season and doesn't have a dominating pitcher on staff.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2003
  2. Dawgfan

    Dawgfan Full Access Member

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    Jan 29, 2003
    Mint Hill NC

    Prime time
    Welcome to TBR the best fastpitch site on the net
    We strive to keep this board informative and interesting to all of our families, by being positive and treating others as if they were our kin. I am looking forward to having you as one of our regulars. BTW are you a player or parent. what school and teams do you represent?
  3. central-d

    central-d Full Access Member

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    Dec 22, 2003
    Dawgfan, It is good that there is no the profainity is kept off here. Also that the mudslinging is kept to a minimum but let's not get carried away. I had read the above post before you edited it and there was nothing there that need removed. If all that is going to be allowed on here is the opinions of the moderators this will turn into a very boring board. Varying opinions on subjects is what makes these boards intresting and right now the biggest news out there is about our coach. If you don't believe it look at the number of post on the subject and it really never got out of hand with false accusations but it was still shut down. With the lack of media coverage on softball this is our best option for information, good or bad. I would like it to be all good but we live in the real world and that is not always the case. You guys do a great job and these are the best boards going just don't get to caught up in the fairy tail world or try to have only you opinions left on here. Let the people speak their mind with minimal interference and these will remain the best
  4. hispeed

    hispeed Full Access Member

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    Jan 31, 2003
    Wow another one post wonder trying to start trouble! Alexander sure has a huge target on their back I feel sorry for them. But we need to remember that their team just like everyone elses has a bunch of young ladies that try hard and have dreams and goals just like every other team. I would imagine from all of the posts I have read over the past year that PrimeTime comes from the same flamer camp as the rest of them. Good Luck Alexander rise above the flames next year.
  5. PrimeTime

    PrimeTime Junior Member

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    Dec 30, 2003
    I agree. Why was the original post edited by you? I was just stating the facts of the matter. No profanity was used and it was factual.
  6. Alexander Ball

    Alexander Ball Junior Member

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    Dec 30, 2003
    I have a few comments about this situation. The local radio station WAS flaming with negative comments about the entire situation at Alexander Central regarding the D.U.I.
    BUT the comments were very productful and were stated in a positive way that should help our current Adminstration make a quick and swift move to make a coaching move. In fact, the conversations on the radio were about having postive leadership in those positions. How could you ask a player to conduct themselves in a positive manner when the coach is not? Hey, it comes down to being accountable for his actions. We want positive leadership like we had in the past. This is not going to work already with this dagger in our back! Can you imagine every game some heckler in the stands will unload a stream of comments about the drinking sitaution. If he were a teacher, then that is one thing. He is a community member. The school system can't hold him accountable because he is "lay" coach. I want action, but positive action to build our program to the level it once was in the very recent future. We have a highly respected teacher and coach on staff that wants the job. She won at the lower levels and has a first hand knowledge of our players. How could that negative for our team. It is all positive for us. I want to be at the top.
    Alexander was the model program and I want it again for my daughter!!!!!!! AND Yes, I am mad. I actually do not want my daughter to play under the current sitaution.
  7. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

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    Jan 7, 2003
    Central--I agree with your statement about what this board is about. But allow me to reply to a few of your accusations.

    " It never really got out of hand, but was shutdown"...did you have something informative to add to that thread? I thought as moderators we were very fair to allow both sides to express their opinion...but after the many posts, the same replies kept repeating the same sentiments..'fire him... or...none of your business' The thread finally deteriorated into namecalling and insults. Again, if you have something informative to add to that thread..please start a new one...but if not, then all the posters in here got the gist of what had happened and expressed their opinions well and it was time to move on to another topic.

    "try to have only your opinion left on here"...well, considering we started this forum back in February and this is the first thread that has been locked or deleted, I wouldn't say the moderators have been heavy handed with their opinions or their "powers" to moderate...if so, please give an example because I have never seen one on here nor have I had any other poster alert me to one.

    Now, let me remind you (central) a few things about this board. First and foremost, this is not a forum to inflame, antagonize or attack a player, coach or poster. There are many other websites people can go to to do that. This forum was built on the premise to inform, promote and in some cases to entertain all the Softball players, parents and families. What we are trying to accomplish is to promote the players to the college coaches and hope to inform them as we go along. There are many, many HS and college coaches that read this forum daily. I have been informed many times by many college and HS coaches how much they enjoy reading this forum.

    But the one thing that I always keep in mind is this. I know for a fact that there are many young kids that read our posts too...from the ages of 8+ on up. If the thread or post is not something that they should read, then maybe it shouldn't be posted.

    We have worked very hard to keep this forum from becoming a place to mudsling or attack. Now, I didn't have a problem with the thread on the AC coach because it was factual and most posters dealt with it fairly and it was informative and productive.....but after the many, many posts on the subject, nothing new was being added...the thread broke down. It was not deleted...which in a rare situation should never be done. It is there for all people to read who have not done so....and it's purpose has been served.

    So again..if you have something to add to that thread that is informative, then please...start a new one. If you don't have something new to add..then let's move on.

    Thank you and I appreciate your comments Central
  8. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC
    Braves, thanks for reminding all of us the purpose of our forum and whats expected of its members.

    Off season workouts and lessons are consuming alot of players and me around here.....anywhere else??

    Happy New Year to all and TBR Softball wishes all teams the best in 2004!!
  9. hispeed

    hispeed Full Access Member

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    Jan 31, 2003
    hey alexander ball what is the difference if a coach is a teacher or not would the discipline not be the same. i'm sure it is hard for schools to get qualified coaches with hs ball experience that teach to. lower level coaching i assume you mean jr. high is nowhere the same experience as hs. a hs coach should at least have some assistant experience to be able to handle the decision making that goes on in hs fastpitch. here again we have a one poster convicting a man that hasn't even been to court yet. are all you one posters the same person changing your names. it's hard to believe if this forum is even credible any more with the take a jab and run posters. i think you should get one name that can't be changed so the rest of us can see bull when its posted. alexander must like to hold court behind a fake name. i hope that all you judges are ready and step in and do the work of this coach if you see the need to crucify him. the next coach may not be willing to do more than show up for practice. as i have experienced in our school.
  10. EnkaJet04

    EnkaJet04 Full Access Member

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    Mar 5, 2003

    BRaves, I met CFBall and many many others because of TBR. I was able to communicate with other people with similiar interests as myself only because of this board. In fact CFBall and I communicate either via email or just pick up the phone to just see how each other are doing. I remember the first thread that started last summer on Alexander and it did get into a mud slinging episode. Every team out there whether its HS or Travel ball or even college has its moments. That doesn't mean we have to air out the dirty laundry here. I agree that posting the DUI was informative but all the other info about his personal life was not necessary. What Central-D said about having our own opinions is very accurate but let it be our opinions about the game of softball and not so much about the personal life of people. I didn't pay much attention to the Alexander thread last summer until my players called me and asked me if I had read them. Some of my players go A.C. Reynolds who are in the same conference with Alexander. They were a little shocked at all the things that were written in this forum and said they had nothing but respect for the program at Alexander. I understand the parents wanting the best coaching situation possible for their DD. Sometimes the best is not available and we need to make the most of a situation and hold our heads high. I hope people continue to post about their programs here and that it doesn't get too personal because I have learned about Alexanders program and their impressive success through this forum. I didn't mean to ramble on like this but I have learned that sometimes its better to wait before you write on a topic especially if it has inflamed you at that moment. I have read topics the first time and gotten pissed only to see that I had not read it all the way through.

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