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East Meck "Miracle on Monroe"

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Braves, Apr 24, 2004.

  1. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Each year I re-post this. I always want people to know about Ed Bryant and how he represents the good in all of the parents that support their children. For those of you that have never read this thread before; all I can say it was a magical night and one I always think about


    I am not a professional writer, so I will not do this post justice, but I would like to give it a try. On a beautiful night to play baseball something unique was happening at East Meck vs Providence game. Quite frankly, in hindsight, Coach Hignight and the Providence Panthers did not have a chance. On this night, the East Meck Eagles were playing with 10 players and no matter how many innings they played, Providence fate would have been the same.

    Friday night, East Meck played their first game under their new lights. They dedicated the lights to a very important person to their baseball program....Ed Bryant. Ed was just like every other father that has a son playing baseball. Dedicated, committed, passionate for the game and for his son. The relationship the two have is what every father dreams of having with their child. They are extremely close...Ed felt the excitement, joy and disappointment that every father goes through when supporting and guiding their son through their life. He devoted his life to his family and the few spare hours he had was spent helping his son to improve his baseball skills and to help the East Meck baseball program and their field. On a tragic day this past year, the Bryant's, their family, their friends and East Meck lost Ed....a terrific man...a terrific husband...and a terrific father. He is missed and loved by everyone who has ever met him.

    The dedication Friday night to honor Ed Bryant could not have been scripted better if Ed wrote it himself. Beautiful weather...playing one of the best teams in the State....packed crowd...Ben Buchanan vs Joey Cutler. It doesn't get any better than this. It was a pitcher's duel all night....each team scratching and clawing for a run.

    Providence took a 1-0 lead and it appeared as if this may be enough. Cutler was on tonight and he was not giving up hits. Up came Taylor Bryant.... Yes, the son .....just like Roy Hobbs in "The Natural", Taylor hit a long homerun that seemed to be lifted by the skies......East Meck was stunned...almost in shock ...then exploded into unabashed screaming at what just happened. At that moment, the Eagles, Ben Buchanan and their fans knew that no matter how many innings it would take...they were going to win and Ben was going to pitch them all.... East had 10 players on their side in the field...and all 10 were smiling
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2008
  2. sugarjet

    sugarjet Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 29, 2003
    the son

    That was a great story and what a way for Taylor to complete an already emotion field night. Congrats to him and the East Meck Eagles on a great game.
  3. Prepster

    Prepster Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    Charlotte (formerly)
    Well done, Braves...VERY well done!

    :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:
  4. rcbbfan

    rcbbfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    Salisbury, NC
    Great post on an inspirational story. Thanks Braves, for sharing it with all of us outside the Charlotte area. Congratulations to Taylor and the Eagles on a solid win on an emotional night.
  5. sugarjet

    sugarjet Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 29, 2003
    the son

    Man just to hold it together on such a emotion night with a 1 run game and then to tie and take the led. Dang I wish I wouldn't have been playing and could have been there to see it and I don't say that much. I love it for Taylor. It took big balls to be out their on the East side. Ben held it together and that is the way he is. He will battle his butt off for you. My goodness what a good story. Thanks Braves.
  6. SouthPawDad

    SouthPawDad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Gastonia, NC
    WOW, I'm speechless and touched! Wow!
  7. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    There are so many things to mention about this game...but what is surreal about this night is that Taylor Bryant is not a HR hitter.
  8. LarryD

    LarryD autodidact polymath

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    living the dream
    taylor's not a home-run hitter like you're not a writer. you both proved you an come through in the clutch.

  9. FalconDad

    FalconDad Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 25, 2003
    Rowan County
    I dont know what to say? You wrote a wonderful article. My son played on a few AAU/USSSA teams with Tate Bryant. My family had the chance to spend many hours, days, weekends, with Ed and his family. Ed was one of the dearest friends i have ever had. A very special man that loved life, loved his family, loved his friends, and yes (Loved Baseball). On his days off during the week and some weekends, Ed would drive to my house in Salisbury from Charlotte to help me with any task that i couldnt complete alone. He always made me feel better no matter how many aches and pains i had on those days. (Health Problems) But like you said this was one special night for a lot of reasons!
    My son played JV and Varsity for the West Rowan Falcons last year. This year he decided to give up baseball. So, it has been very difficult for me to go watch HS baseball. My family was informed that this night would be dedicated to Ed and the lights would glow for the first time. I felt compelled to go to this one. And im glad i did. What i saw that night was one of the best baseball games i have ever seen. As the East Mech players were called they surrounded the pitchers mound. Tate was catching this night. Ed's wife Kari and daughter Kelsey also on the mound. After an emotional speech about Ed and his efforts to get those lights for the field. Kari Bryant threw the first pitch of the game to her son Tate. I think it was a change-up? But anyway it made it all the way and crossed the plate. Tears were pouring like a thunderstorm from many people. The lights were turned on and the game began. Providence was winning 1-0, Tate came up to bat, and i said to myself
    (wouldn't it be great if he hit one out?) When the ball came off of the bat i said to myself (Goodby, new ballgame!) The rest is history. East Meck played their butts off and won the game. Great pitching from both sides. Leaving the game that night i knew that Ed was smiling down from heaven saying"Yep those are the lights that i helped make possible for my boys to play under, and the big tall young man that caught the game, the one that shot the baseball over the left center fence,,,that was my son Tate." I learned that i still love to watch baseball that night, and i plan on going more often now.
    Ed Byrant is and will be missed by many many people for years to come. For those that knew him as i did, rest assured that he got more out of life in his 46 years than most of us will get in 80 years.
  10. sugarjet

    sugarjet Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 29, 2003
    The Mom

    What a wonderful story! This is what sports are all about. We learn so many life lessons through sports, and this is just one more example of one. I am so proud of East Meck and Taylor Bryant and Ben Buchanan. Congratulations!

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