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South Meck's Coach---Hal Bagwell

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Braves, Apr 30, 2004.

  1. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I have known Coach Hal Bagwell for many years, but the last three, we have become very close. Our relationship goes far beyond the white stripes. He has been a very good friend to me personally and to my family specifically. If I need to speak to someone about a personal situation, I seek Hal out because I know he will be sincere, caring and giving of sound advice.The relationship we have developed never interfers during the baseball season because we have an agreement. We never discuss baseball. It's tough enough to coach, he doesn't need an interfering parent. Despite what some people may believe, we have always lived up to that agreement.

    Coach Bagwell is a lighting rod for criticism...even he would agree that some of it is self-inflicted, but he is his own man and he is going to do it the best way that he knows how. But he has taken a new approach this year to coaching that disproves the theory "that old dogs can't learn new tricks". Coach Bags believed that by having more coaches on his team that his players would benefit by all their experience. He was the CEO and delegated responsibilities to his coaches with Hal taking full responsibilities. While in theory, this made sense, in practice, it failed miserably. One of the reasons Bags was so successful earlier is that he had a close relationship with his players...and they had with him, too. But with most companies that achieve success, they have growing pains and the ones on top are further removed from their employees.

    Well, Coach Bagwell did a lot of soul searching this summer. He spent hours, weeks and months to try to figure out what went wrong and how to fix it. One thing about Hal is that he is a bulldog. When he has something on his mind, he won't let it go until he has it fixed. One day, he awoke to realize what the answer was....it was him! He realized what his players needed was not more instructions...not more coaches...but what they needed was him...and his personality. This team has taken on his personality....confident, prepared and a touch of swagger. Coach Bagwell can watch this team in the mirror and he will see himself.

    And to me, that is what I am most proud of when speaking about my friend!!!
    Last edited: May 1, 2004
  2. The "O"

    The "O" Full Access Member

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    Feb 1, 2003

    Coach Bagwell well in essence is like MOST ALL coaches BB FB especially at the HS level!!! They love the game with a passion .. in their blood despite their playing days gone by, and want to extend their love and passion to young people! To make them better "people" as well as ball players, and this takes alot of time, commitment, and effort! Those within the coaching ranks at this level with years of experience win or lose have proven this thru their devotion to their careers... I , in my 34 years around the game have never seen ANY coach with any other motives than the ones mentioned above! We all strive to demonstrate to the kids a quality work ethic, respect, team work etc... The only reward in retrospect to me is seeing young kids develop into quality young men/women and athletes...as well as the relationships built between all parties involved (well the positive ones at least). Other than this the profession really is a tough one and "Bags" would be just another of "us" to tell u the same thing I'd bet!? My greatest rewards over the years is simply a player saying "thank you" whether for some extra fungo's or extra BP pitches, and after it is all said and done want to do the same as we are! Coach a High School baseball team once their own careers are gone by...
    P.S. Congrats Coach B :xyzthumbs
  3. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

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    Jan 7, 2003
    What a thoughtful post, Coach...one from the heart!!
  4. sugarjet

    sugarjet Full Access Member

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    Apr 29, 2003
    The Mom

    Braves, that was a sincere and heartfelt post, and one I agree with wholeheartedly. This year has been a great year, and I agree that the most impressive part of this year has been in the leadership of our coaches. The talent is obviously there, but Coach Bagwell and his staff has been the difference in bringing the chemistry of this ball club together. From the first day of practice my son came home and talked about what a great practice they had, how fun it was, but how hard they worked! He loved it, but his greatest comment was about Coach Bagwell and how great practice was. It has been like that all year. It takes a special individual to look inside and realize that the changes may need to be within and I feel Coach Bagwell has done that. He treats those boys as individuals and with the utmost respect, and they respond with the same. These boys have matured beyond their years and it shows. My son went to pick up his tux today and one of his teammates was already there. They walked up to one another and shook one another's hand and started talking..... high school boys shaking hands and treating one another as grown men? It was an awesome experience as a mom to watch how much respect and maturity these two guys showed to one another. In talking to another player last night at a Sabre get together (Braves' son) I was just as impressed with his maturity in talking about where he wanted to go to school and about school in general. Some of that comes from the parents I know, but I think the respect that they show one another and other parents comes from the man (and men) at the top that are leading these players. You learn some things by example and I sure have seen that example in Coach Bagwell and his assistants all season. I would not want my son to be anywhere else playing right now, for anyone else, and understand it is not because we are winning. We are winning because of the chemistry and leadership of the coaches, and the seniors all the way to the freshman. This is what you call "a program" not just a team. :applause: :applause: :applause:
    Last edited: May 1, 2004
  5. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Wow...what a wonderful observation

    Sugarjet?...when we started TBR baseball forum, I asked you where you've been....now you know why I asked
  6. Baseballpixs

    Baseballpixs Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 15, 2003
    I'm on

    Just want you to know i'm on again
  7. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Welcome Aboard BaseballPix

    :jump::banana::banana: :jump:

    As our new TBR baseball photographer, I am looking forward to your pix.
  8. coachevans26

    coachevans26 Full Access Member

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    Sep 3, 2003
    To have that much respect from your peers and friends??? WOW!!! :applause:
  9. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    He earned it, Coach. It's a test of a man to see how they react to challenges...some get up and some stay down and sulk... Coach Bagwell never, ever quits...like I said, he's a bulldog!

    I believe I can speak for him when I say that he is having the time of his life. I've never seen him happier....and this coming after some very trying times.

    One thing I can say for sure is....I guarantee you he will NOT pitch batting practice again!!! He took a p-rod at 45 feet in the kidney and it still is causing him some problems. He ain't quite as quick as he used to be (something else that he learned this year).

    I'm glad to see two high school coaches respond to this thread. They know what it's about.

    PS---sorry Sugarjet..I meant to say three HS coaches
    Last edited: May 3, 2004
  10. The "O"

    The "O" Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 1, 2003
    OUt tooooooo.....

    After last season getting pelted by a line drive from 30 foot off the right hip (one of about three times in my career whcih were inches from MAJOR disaster) I am thrrrouuuugggghhhhhh with throwin BP as well!!!! Even worse, my elbow is utterly "shot" chronic tendinitis and perhaps needing "tommy John" surgery as well has forced me into retirement in the pitching BP profession! I can barely lift my arrm some days NO LESS lift a cup full of water! How sad.......................................................

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