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Coaches stealing players what do you think?

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by F-PITCH, Aug 30, 2004.

  1. NOGA87

    NOGA87 Full Access Member

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    Jan 10, 2004
    I agree that in coaching a team that you are suppose to help the players progress, but the coach is also and most importantly, suppose to help the TEAM progress and win. For me, if I pay to play on a team, I want to get better in that team atmosphere, AND to help the team win, and also learn to deal with losing. Not accept losing, but deal with it, because it's part of life...but the learning of the game also comes along with all of that, it's not all about individual skills in that environment.
    Now if I want a coach to teach me individual skills individually, I'd then pay for those individual lessons. Playing on a team and competing, in my opinion, IS about the team and helping your team win, and learning how to help your team win. Not just for making yourself better, but bettering the team. I also feel, and always have, that if there is another player that could play to make the team better, besides me, or even besides my daughter, then play that player. don't play me, OR my daughter to keep from hurting feelings.
    Now I'm not "questioning" this, but just asking how, "stealing" as you say, other players takes away from having team practices? Is the coach out "stealing" instead of practicing? If so, then yes I disagree with that.
    I can see how it can be frustrating and upsetting if it's done in the middle of the season. BUT it is also part of life lessons, and I'm not saying that it's necessarily right. It's just how the world is.
    This is just SOME of my opinion on the subject...And the beauty of my opinion, your opinion and everybody's opinion is, none of them are wrong. :xyzthumbs
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2004

    THECOACH Junior Member

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    Jun 19, 2003
    Are players not allowed to play for whom ever they wish once the world series is over. When teams play slows down you do have kind of a "HIRED GUN" atmosphere at times. Players go play here, there, and wherever. Now not all but some. Then you may have a coach say you'd really fit in here. You would really complete our team. The kid has a good weekend, parents like what they see, and the next thing you know the kid plays for a new team. Now one of two things can happen. Either make all players, at all times, receive a release from there team ( SPRING, SUMMER, FALL, WINTER, BEFORE OR AFTER WORLD SERIES ), or don't cry, live with the way things are and hope you don't loose anyone. Like it or not the kids can play wherever they want to, year after year. That also includes if they are quote "STOLEN" or they don't like the way things are going with the current situation. Ethics or not you have a free agent atmosphere after the world series. Every player is free game and ever coach looks to better his or her team. Now I do think some people have it backwards. I think the object in travel ball is to get better. Your playing against the best evey game from this area or that area. Your improving your skills either for HS, the next level, or both. Not that these coaches don't want to win too. The object in HS is to win that STATE CHAMPIONSHIP. But here again just my opinion, like all the others. :xyzthumbs
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2004
  3. hispeed

    hispeed Full Access Member

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    Jan 31, 2003
    Now would it be wrong if in a county with multiple high schools that one high school would be able to draw the best players to that school to accomplish the goal for that team - that being a championship. Would that not be in the individual players best interest if they are wanting to play college ball and a great way to be seen is be on a winning team. If she is willing to leave longtime friends for ball is that wrong as long as they are within confines of boundaries of rules. Alot of schools don't have that option but some do. So what do you think about that. Don't forget to include hs coaches doing the recruiting for these transfers vs. the kids taking the initiative.
  4. Homer3

    Homer3 Full Access Member

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    Apr 20, 2004
    The overwhelming majority of college softball players are recruited based on the exposure they received from their summer travel team, not high school softball. Unless it is deep into the state playoffs, very rarely will college recruiters attend high school games. Compared with the exposure players get at ASA tournaments, high school, NSA, USSSA nad AAU ball does not come close.

    Sure winning a state champioship is nice, but what college coaches really care about is how does the player compete against the best competition, not if they were on a state championship team.

    Travel ball coaches should be trying to place their teams in the most competitive tournaments they can find, mainly ASA. Regardless of how many games they win, this will give their players the most exposure to college coaches possible.

    THECOACH Junior Member

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    Jun 19, 2003
    I thought this was a travel ball discussion. But since you brought up HS.......Charlotte Meck. you go to school where you want to right. Lots good football players might to Independence, good basketball players somewhere else, etc. Thats their rule. I think in Gaston County a player can go to another school for sports but must sit out 365 days before being eligible. I think thats their way of hopefully curbing movement by athletes. Lincoln County is considering that option also. Just following the rules....and back to the original discussion.....after the world series ALL players are fair game for lack of a better way to put it. Change the rules like some counties have done with HS athletics or learn to live with some player movement. Whether it is opened up by a coach, player, or player & parents. You know some people look at rules as here are my guidelines and I will follow them. Others see them as the boundries with which they must opperate and they can do whatever they want to to accomplish their goal ( whatever it might be ) as long as they stay within those boundries. If it is such a major deal , change the "boundries"
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2004
  6. F-PITCH

    F-PITCH Full Access Member

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    Jan 30, 2003
    I say lock the roster year around with 1 release only.
  7. F-PITCH

    F-PITCH Full Access Member

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    Jan 30, 2003
    I still say let the players and parents do the shopping and the Travel softball coach leave them alone. This is not college yet or the pro's so leave the girls alone and let them decide!Alot of travel coaches are doing their job and getting them seen. Remember the college coaches are not looking to recruit a entire team they are looking for individuals that will fit their program.It doesn't matter if you are on the best team or a medium team the college coaches will find you if you are good and your travel coach does the work for you.Also the players should be sending profiles to them to let them know your are intrested in them.
  8. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

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    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC
    great post and in a nutshell.
  9. EnkaJet04

    EnkaJet04 Full Access Member

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    Mar 5, 2003
    I finally had to chime in here. If a player (or parents) are not happy being on a team I coach then I want them to move on. They can be the best player in the state but if they aren't happy to be there then I want them to go where they will be happy. We try to define the objectives of the team up front so that there are no doubts about what we are trying to accomplish. I will even help the player find another team if that is what they decide. There are no contracts, no scholarships, just a team concept. I have lost players but I don't regret their move nor do I hold a grudge. I wish them the best in whatever situation they find is best suitable to meet their needs. Sometimes the grass is greener, sometimes its not. :xyzthumbs
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2004
  10. F-PITCH

    F-PITCH Full Access Member

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    Jan 30, 2003
    I lost players too but not because they wasn't happy. It's because of coaches coming up making promises that are to good to be true. These coaches will tell the players just about anything to get a good player to Just WIN.Not all coaches are like that but there are 3 out there that does. Do you think it's right to bring on a ringer pitcher and cut your own player throat?That player has been comitted all year or maybe 15 years to you. That's wrong!We need to think about the kids and not treat them like they are up for hire. The kids has feelings too! respect them and stop putting them in between a rock and a hard spot.Let them decide and stop chasing the kids.
    The college coaches are suppose to do that not Travel coaches.If the kids want to leave then let them leave on their own. They will contact you if they want to play for you.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2004

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