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IMPACT BASEBALL Interview---here it is

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Braves, Sep 7, 2004.

  1. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    This was Andy's 1st interview back in 2004. It was interesting then as now

    There are many leaders across the State that sacrifice and commit themselves to developing baseball players, but there is one that stands the tallest in developing relationships between players and recruiters. While kids were left to "hope" that a college or pro scout would find them, Andy initiated in our state the way for the player to find them and in doing so, could help the players achieve their dreams.

    To TBR: First, I'd like to say thank you for the opportunity to answer these questions for you. You guys do a superb job with baseball in the area. I always say, it's easy and fun to do stuff for good people. I hope all of your viewers appreciate your contribution to baseball in the area. What a great game this is.

    - Andy, give us some background of how you got started?

    I have told this story to many people who have asked the same question. I was lucky enough to coach a very good summer/fall team in the late 90's loaded with talented players like Jason Neighborgall (GA Tech), Adam Kalkhof (UNC), Ryan Falcon (UNC-G), Lee Land (Arkansas), Ted Reedy (Tulane/Duke) etc., etc. While coaching this team I begin to realize I was coaching against some of the best players in the state like Jonathan Hovis (UNC) and Calvin Hayes (Cardinals). So I began writing their names down so I could keep track of them when they got in high school. From there I started a very simple website and posted the names of the players and a little bit about them. I had no idea that this was going to create the excitement it did. So, I took it a step further. We decided to host a "showcase" and invite these guys to perform in front of recruiters and pro scouts. We created www.IMPACTBASEBALL.com and here we are today. It's a little more complicated than that, but you get the idea. According to many coaches and scouts, Impact Baseball has really helped and changed the way of college recruiting in this area.

    - Why do you sacrifice so much of your life in doing what you do?

    Simple - I do it because I love baseball and I love being around good players. Baseball has done so much for me all my life. The relationships you develop and the great people you meet in this game is like nothing else. I like teaching good players what I know and what I have learned. I really want baseball in the Carolinas to be recognized like FL, TX, GA & CA. This is a wonderful baseball area. I love what I do. I can't get out of bed fast enough each morning. I am excited to go to work.

    - Where would you like to see Impact Baseball be in 2 years? 5 years? 10 years?

    2 years - IMPACT will continue to aid the Carolinas with our showcase events. We will continue to help college coaches and pro scouts and provide them with information on players. We will continue to find "hidden" guys that nobody knows about and help get the recruiting process started for them. IMPACT will continue to serve baseball everyday. There are plenty of other things that will begin in the next few months, but I can't give those away yet.. 5 years & 10 years - Wow!!! Maybe open the IMPACT Dome? Any investors out there?

    - If there is one commonality between the college recruiters, what would that be?

    For the most part, they are all great guys. Most are very competitive when it comes to recruiting and winning. They have to be, it's their job. On a different note, people seem to forget coaches are regular people just like you and me. Treat them with respect when you talk about them or when you talk to them.

    - What advice would you give to an underclassman who has never had an opportunity to attend an IB showcase or tryout?

    Go to one if you're good! If you can play, our showcases can really help you. If you cannot play, you are most likely going to have a bad experience. With all of the contacts and "eyeballs" we have out there, we hear about most of the really good guys early. But we need to see them first hand before we can start talking to coaches about them. Keep checking our website for our upcoming "Open Workouts." At the workouts we try to explain what this whole thing is about to the players. Guys learn what coaches look for in players, etc. If a player is invited to one of our showcases, they should go if they can. Think about it - how many college coaches do you see at your high school games - most see zero all spring. It is tough for them to be out when they are playing in the spring. If a kid is invited to our IMPACT GAMES Showcase at UNC - they need to go. This is the top showcase event in the Carolinas/VA every summer (other than the East Coast Pro Showcase). Bottom line, we want guys to get better, so baseball in the area gets better and so they can create more opportunities for themselves.

    - What advice would you give a parent about looking for a showcase team?

    This has really changed in the past few years. It used to be where can my son get the best coaching. Now it seems like people are more interested in where can their son get the most exposure. To be frank, there are a lot of back-stabbing morons in this game. Especially in the summer and fall team coaching area. For me, there is a right way and a wrong way to do things. There are a lot of people out there that do stuff the wrong way. At Impact Baseball we are going to do stuff the right way, first class. My advice is do your homework parents and players. Call college coaches and ask them who they deal with the most. I think you'll find a common answer.

    - Are there certain things that you look for in a player when attending a HS game?

    When I am watching games I look for guys who can play in college. That's what I am there to do. My job is to identify which guys can compete at the college level. Once I identify that guy or those guys I begin to bare down. I want to know how does he get on and off the field, how does he interact with his coaches and peers, does he "get after it" on the field or is he a guy he plays with no effort. Tool-wise, I look for what everybody else looks for. I look for arm strength, defensive ability and actions, how does he run, can he hit good pitching and can he hit homeruns.

    I look at the body too. For me and many others, Body = Commitment. Look at a guy like Jeremy Synan (NE Guilford HS) or Jonathan Ratledge (S Mecklenburg HS). They are in great physical shape - hence they are committed to the game and they are going to work hard to get better. Right?

    I like pitching (if you did not know already). With pitchers I want to see guys miss bats and get people out. Like everybody else, I like velocity for good reason. But if he's 92 mph and he makes a living hitting barrels he's no good to anybody. I like tight-spinning breakingballs and a guy who shows feel for a change-up. Command is nice...

    I like dirtbags, guys with character. For me, I really like guys with attitude and swagger on the field - guys that know they are good. I like guys to show emotion and toughness on the field under control. Bottom line, I love guys who will punch you in the face; fearless kind of players who are not going to back down when the game is on the line. And they need to be good too.

    - You have moved recently to the HP/Burlington area. Has this helped you in any way?

    This has REALLY helped me. My wife Tracy took a job in Burlington as a physical therapist so that is why we are in the area now. IMPACT Headquarters is right off I-85 and the IMPACT-Mobile likes the gas and time it is saving when we travel watching games. Having lived in Greenville, NC for 3 years, it was tough to get anywhere. Life's good.

    - What are your thoughts between Eastern area of baseball and Western area?

    I like both sides. I am not going to say which I think is better. There is some really good baseball on both sides and in-between. Obviously the bigger areas are going to produce more good players just from larger population. Both sides have good players and good programs. And both sides have bad players and bad programs. I'd like to pick the top 12 guys from the East and the top 12 guys from the West and play a best of 3 every year. Think anybody would come and watch that?

    - Most of us have read your '05 follow list, but who are some of the "can't miss" '06's?

    Can't miss NC 06' guys... Josh Thrailkill from TC Roberson HS is the best 06' pitcher I have seen. Addison Johnson from North Forsyth HS is the top 06' position player and two-way guy in North Carolina. Kendric Burney at SW Onslow HS is very good too. As long as my buddy Eric Leary doesn't over-coach him!

    - What do you like to see from HS coaches?

    ENERGY! As a fan I like to see coaches get involved and get in the fight with their players. Don't sit on a bucket and garden the dirt at your feet. You only play 20-something games all season so get involved! Be excited to get on the field. That goes for players too. Have some energy and fun out there. It's not work - it's a game!

    - For those who have never attended PG's Jupiter Tournament, can you tell the players what they are in store for?

    Not many hits... Very good teams and an electric atmosphere. Get ready to "play the game." You are not going to muscle guys down there. You can hiccup and be out of it real quick.

    - last question: How many miles do you have on your jeep?

    A bunch... 226,000 strong... I just had the passenger side door welded back on for the second time. Lots of baseball thoughts and great baseball people have been in that JEEP. My plans are to auction it off on the website one day. How much do you think I'll get for it?

    If you guys want to gather more questions, feel free to make another interview up and I'll take another stab at this thing. I hope some of my answers at least tweak a little thought and hopefully help somebody along the way.

    Thanks again - Andy Partin, IMPACT BASEBALL
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2008
  2. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I was not able to put all of the Interview in one post, so here is part of the introduction:

    It's amazing what he has accomplished in such a short period of time. Each year he seems to expand and fill a need that was not available in prior years. Last year, people gave Andy feedback stating that he hasn't seen all the best players across the state....so what did he do? He established tryouts through out the entire state, so players would have a chance to learn and participate in a Pro style workout and give him an opportunity to evaluate future stars and players that he has not seen.

    There is not anybody in our state more plugged in to the college recruiters across NC, SC and VA. If they did not believe in Andy and what he is trying to accomplish or felt that he was trying to rip people off, they would not attend his events. On the contrary, his Impact Baseball events are widely admired, consistently well attended and proven beneficial.


    and in closing:

    Perhaps you can use all that MONEY you'll receive from auctioning your jeep to pay for the ImpactDome. Thanks Andy for taking the time to do an interview. I can honestly say this particular interview will be, by far, the most viewed. On a personal level, Andy is one of the nicest guys I have ever met. I admire him for what he tries to do and what he has accomplished. And what he has accomplished reminds me of a quote "The very essence of leadership is to have a vision" ....and you, Andy, have been a leader with a vision.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2004
  3. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Hmm.....you might have hit on something!!!!

    Impact East vs West....a weekend series
  4. rcbbfan

    rcbbfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    Salisbury, NC
    Originally Posted by Impact
    I'd like to pick the top 12 guys from the East and the top 12 guys from the West and play a best of 3 every year. Think anybody would come and watch that?

    I'd PAY to see that!!!!!

    I hope this interview will shed a little light on just exactly what Impact Baseball is all about. I've said it before and I'll say it again, "THANK YOU, Andy" for all you have done and continue to do for all the HS baseball players in NC, SC, and VA.
  5. sugarjet

    sugarjet Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 29, 2003
    The Son

    I might get on you a little about the web site but I love what you have done and are doing for the state of North Carolina. I know I might not be where I am today if it wasn't for you. You have done a great job and I hope you keep it up. You have more love for the game than some of the players that I have played with in the past. I don't know how much you will get for the jeep but its not going to be enough for the dome. I hate to put it down like that but its the truth. Keep on going.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2004
  6. orig/yank

    orig/yank Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 7, 2004
  7. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Thanks Orig/Yank. Has anyone else noticed whether it's a player or coach, if he is successful, there will be arrows aimed at their backs? I believe Andy enjoys receiving constructive opinions whether they are criticisms or kudos. It's a learning process and the feedback he receives accelerates that process.

    We are also fortunate to have some wizened coaches, parents and players that contribute to our board. Heck, the Head Coach @ FSU recently signed up. But I really appreciate the two HS coaches, Steve Evans and The "O" for their continued contributions.

    I firmly believe the reason that IMPACT BASEBALL and TBR enjoy such a great relationship is because our mission is the same......promote the players. Now if I can just convince all our viewers and members to post about a player from their area deserving recognition.

    ...and this is for Sugarjet. I believe Andy is waiting for one of his alumni to sign a BIG contract one day....so they will buy his "sentimental" jeep, thus the beginning of his IMPACT COMPLEX. So Sugarjet, don't forget about us peons when that happens.
  8. The "O"

    The "O" Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 1, 2003
    Kudos to Braves and Andy!

    Thanks to both! I am still alive and lurking as always in the backdrop! :scared2: :scared2: :scared2: :scared2: :scared2: :scared2:
  9. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
  10. sugarjet

    sugarjet Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 29, 2003
    ...and this is for Sugarjet. I believe Andy is waiting for one of his alumni to sign a BIG contract one day....so they will buy his "sentimental" jeep, thus the beginning of his IMPACT COMPLEX. So Sugarjet, don't forget about us peons when that happens.[/QUOTE]

    What are you talking about. I have to get through this first. Here in the next week or two its going to be facing pro caliber arms. But if I do I will come back home with some stuff. I still have three years until that. If the jeep is still together I might buy it. I don't know about the COMPLEX though. You might have to talk to a few of us for that. You got Flack, Fronk, and the rest of the alumni to get that place started. I have to build another complex first though. And you know which one I'm talking about. I won't forget the people that will still be the same as me. I won't change like others. And if you know me then you know thats true.

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