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Charlotte Megastars

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by [email protected], Oct 20, 2004.

  1. bbfan123@hotmail.com

    [email protected] Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 19, 2003
    Just wanting to know how the Charlotte Megastar have done this fall against the college teams they have played. I think they play some Juco's (not sure who) and maybe some Div. II schools (again, not sure who). Just wondering how they have done, results, highlights, etc. against the college teams. I know they have several Division I prospects on their team and probably gave some of these colleges a run for their money this fall. Coach (Jeff) McNeely does a great job with this program.
  2. The "O"

    The "O" Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 1, 2003
    PAY TO PLAY??????

    end of story!!!!!1 :(
  3. NCBBallFan

    NCBBallFan Retired ex-moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    The sticks
    In this case, O, you OBVIOUSLY have no touch with reality. Jeff NcNeely runs an excellent program, is an honorable person and gets his players in front of college coaches very well.

    Pay to play is probably going to be a fact of life in sports in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg school system within 2-3 more years so you better just get off your soap-box. Coaching in HS will be no different than coaching the showcase teams. Vickie Hamilton more or less has admitted it in interviews that it's inevitable.

    Concerning the "Megastars", I expect they will end up with a solid group of early signings coming out of the program. They have a lot of talent in that group of players.
  4. The "O"

    The "O" Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 1, 2003

    have NOTHING against this coach nor team! I know little of ach! Why can t he team managers etc go out and get "sponsorship" so ALL these kids do not have to pay a DIME? Just wondering? You know it is not a new idea or concept!?!?!? In touch-yes! :xyzthumbs
  5. redbirdfan

    redbirdfan Full Access Member

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    Mar 5, 2003

    O, I agree with NCBallFan - you are out in left field when it comes to what is going on these days with showcase ball. The Megastars, along with the OnDeck Teams, the Sox (Bill Capps group), the Hurricanes, and the Charlotte Express before Gary Robinson stepped back...all the local showcase teams, along with the Impact Teams....all are "pay to play" programs....The fact is that these programs have the most solid recruiting avenues of all programs around, how can you honestly dispute the sucess of all the OnDeck teams this year, let alone the success of some of the other programs mentioned....it is sad that the fees are what they are, but reality is reality....I know that the Megastars, along with some other programs all have a "scholarship" fund, by which players whose families are in unfortunate financial hardship scenarios, have the ability to play for greatly reduced fees or even free - each is handled on a individual basis....So let's call these programs what they are....successfull as far as getting the players' abilities improved, getting the players out in front of scouts and getting the players signed to play baseball in college.
  6. homerun4

    homerun4 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 24, 2003
    north carolina
    So what you are saying you have to pay big bucks to be seen by colleges, and play good competition. Some showcases are good but most are for the parents who do not want there son's to compete for a position on a high school or legion team. just let the kids play where there are suppose to play instead of being a big shot by playing all over the country claiming you have played the best competition when it is in your own back yard.
  7. The "O"

    The "O" Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 1, 2003
    Not quite......

    WAAYYYYY OUT in the bullpen actually :)
    On the other hand I do KNOW and REALIZE these are all pay to play programs NOT disputing success and opportunities afforded either! Wake up smell the coffee. This is Charlotte with MONEy cumming out of the ying yang what about all the other kids out in the "country" in which have no place to "showcase" their potential and talent WITHOUT MONEY , a good car, and more and more money!?!?!?!!?? YES trend of the future probably a world moving to nearer and meared to the haves and have nots! :scared2: :scared2: :scared2: :scared2: :scared2: :scared2:
  8. ChinMusic

    ChinMusic Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 12, 2004
    Back to original question

    :laugh1: Not to change the subject, Yes, M.Stars have visited 3 colleges for scrimmages. Very good experience for H.S. seniors. No official scores kept, but Stars played Montreat about even, dropped both games to Blue Ridge by small margins, and got spanked pretty good by Surry C.C. Most of these DH's were 40-45 kids against 14 M. Stars. Surry was by far the strongest, I think they had a record like 55-9 last year. M.Stars finish season in Charleston the end of the month. :xyzwave:
  9. redbirdfan

    redbirdfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 5, 2003
    Pay to Play

    No, I didn't say you have to pay big bucks "to be seen by colleges" - when a son (or daughter, in the case of the "pay to play" softball programs out there)is in this type program - it is not just about playing, it is about getting the right training, the right mentality of what to do and not do in front of scouts, its about the leaders of the programs having a solid reputation with the scouts (and that counts for alot) and also getting put out there in front of the scouts....It's not about Johnny not being able to make a high school team, because if you don't make the school team, either because of grades or ability, then there is no college scout out there that will give you the time of day - we all know that. I honestly believe that there are a good number of kids out there from the 2005 class that have committed, or will commit soon, to play college baseball, as a direct result of their experience from playing with a program such as OnDeck, Megastars, Express, Diamond Devils, etc. I also honestly believe that their chances of being recruited or signed are or would be significantly less if they had not chosen to take this route. I think Legion ball is a great venue for being seen as well, the problems are the length of playing time, no fall playing venues, and you there is the playing time, but not necessarily the "training" and playing time. I am not trying to put down anyone who chooses another route, whether it be for financial or personal reasons...I just don't think that those of us, particularly us who aren't made of money and make many sacrifices to give our kids this type of venue, should be put down for making that decision either, particularly if you haven't been involved in this type program and can first-hand see the benefits.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2004
  10. rattdd

    rattdd Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 2, 2003
    Agree with Redbirdfan

    As parent of a young man that played on a "pay to play" team, I agree with Redbirdfan whole-heartedly. My son would definitely not have gotten his chance to play college ball if we had not tightened the belt and given him the opportunity to play for and with quality coaches and teammates. I also have a daughter, and the situation is the same. Yes, the talent pool is great around the Charlotte area, and the college coaches also know the teams to go to watch!

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