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2005 NCFSCA All-State Teams Announced

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by Pop Rivers, Sep 14, 2005.

  1. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC
    corporate sponsors are an excellent idea for the funds needed for certicates or plaques. I am sure those all staters you provided the plaques for were very appreciative and will never put that "trophy" in the attic!!
  2. softballjunki

    softballjunki Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 16, 2005
    Coaches responsibility

    The problem we have had in the past, is some coaches do not think they are responsible for nominating players from his/her team, or should I say does not want to take the time do so. This leaves some girls out of the running all together. My DD's coach told her that it wasn't up to him to send players names in. Then who in the heck is going to do it???? This is what we have faced during high school softball.

    Congradulations to all players that are on the list and to the COACHES that nominated their players.
  3. Dukedog4

    Dukedog4 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 13, 2005
    Coaches responsibility?

    I hear you. In '04 I took the initiative to work with Michelle to get the kids at our school recognized. Same this year with the new set up. The coach? Still has not delivered my DD's Conference POY certificate he's had since June! I think HS coaches often have ambivilance about promoting players that they have had only a limited influence regarding their development.
  4. bubba hut

    bubba hut Bubba Hut

    Likes Received:
    Apr 21, 2005
    lake norman
    Glad I read this thread

    Congrats to all who were named.
    I'm sure they all worked hard to get there..
    Go NL Knights!!!!:woohoo:
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2005
  5. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc

    any chance that tbr would establish a donation fund for trophies, plaques, shirts, etc????
  6. outlaw31

    outlaw31 Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Apr 28, 2005
    Coaches Knowledge of NCFPCA

    Just a thought. How do coaches know about the Association since it is a fairly new entity. Is it only by word of mouth (and the internet) or has the association contacted each school's coach regarding membership and the big plans the association has. I know there was a meeting at the NCHSAA meetings over the summer, but not every coach attends. Is there a way, for next season, to provide newsletters/fliers/email notice's to each school's coach to make sure EVERYONE is up to speed with what is going on and policy and procedure. Seems as the general sentiment is that things have been done, correctly or incorrectly, but things can be done better. Again, just a thought.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2005
  7. Pop Rivers

    Pop Rivers NCSCA

    Likes Received:
    Jun 2, 2005
    Wingate, NC
    Reply from NCFSCA

    The NCFSCA has been up and running for 14 months. You are correct that our Association is a relatively new entity. We have gone through some minor changes and some not so minor in our first year. We feel we have accomplished a great deal in the early stages of existence. Already our constitution has been revised and rules and procedures for the workings of our Executive Board are in place. The Executive Board itself has been revised with a strong staff of officers and Regional reps now in place for all regions but one. We are trying to fill that daily. A rough draft for the Hall of Fame has been penned and is awaiting a membership vote just like the revised constitution. A Final Top Ten in all four classifications was produced and placed on the website. Our Scholarship committee is working on the final draft for scholarship nomination and selection process so that we as an Association can award two deserving young ladies from the class of 2005 a one time award before the start of their classes in the second semester. Our Association is discussing now the possibility of a a state-wide coaches clinic to be held before the start of the season in 2006. Our Association has produced a list of concerns and suggestions for softball in our State and have sent them to the NCHSAA. Our concerns have been placed on the agenda of the NCHSAA and will be discussed at their Winter meeting, to be held the last week of November. Our Association has produced an All-State team from information that was provided to us by coaches. Our Association thought long and hard about producing any list. We are here to offer any support and to recognize the ladies who play our sport. Internet and word of mouth are two ways that people know about the Association. It is also the responsibility of Regional Representatives to make contact with every coach or athletic director for every school in their region. There are eight regions for public schools in NC. Our Association added 2 more regions to allow the private schools to be represented, one from the East and one from the West. I personally believe that attempts have been made to include every coach in the State. I wonder sometimes myself why coaches aren't more involved in what we are trying to do. There have been some who have complained about this or that, but the bottom line is that most softball people are behind us 100% in our efforts. We are going to continue to work hard and to do as much as we can to promote softball. We have not done everything correctly, nor have we done everything incorrectly. But we are trying and will get better at what we do. Rest assured, we are working and will continue to work. If there are coaches out there who you feel are not up to speed with what the Association is trying to do, let me know and I will talk with them personally. Everything you need to contact me or your Regional Rep is on the website at www.ncfastpitch.org. Our membership drive for the 2006 year is now underway. Even those not affiliated with the schools can join as an Associate member for $20.00. It comes down to making a decision. Do I join and have my voice heard through the Association, or do I sit back and let others fight the battles. I assure you our Association will continue to work and promote the girls. The ball is in the circle, what will your choice be?

    Eddie "Pop" Rivers
  8. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC
    Pop, again thanks for your leadership and communicating the progress of the Association. What was accomplished this year was outstanding and i think alot of folks dont understand that you(other officers and rep.) are a husband, a father, a teacher, a coach and an adminsitrator TOO!

    I think you will find the vast majority of TBR Softballers are in FULL support of the NCFSCA and the Association will have success with getting the word out to all HS/Middle School Coaches. A huge number of associate members will probably out number the members with this bunch here......I encourage all travel, rec and concerned Fans to join and be a part of the foundation!

    Pop and to all other association chapter members..THANK YOU and GREAT JOB!! :woot:
  9. bubba hut

    bubba hut Bubba Hut

    Likes Received:
    Apr 21, 2005
    lake norman
    I Agree

    Ditto, I agree !!!!! Well Done & Thanks:trophy:
  10. outlaw31

    outlaw31 Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Apr 28, 2005
    Membership Fees

    Where is the money from the membership dues used? Seems like it could/will be a large sum of money if participation in the association goes where you want it? I don't really expect to hear the website expenses...if so you're overpaying for what you're getting.

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