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2007 Commitments

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by u-r-out, Jun 26, 2006.

  1. faninthestands

    faninthestands Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 19, 2006

    You sound as if young Mcbride has offended you. If you haven't met this kid, you should. You will never find a more respectful, dedicated, hard working young man. It's great to know that you have so much knowledge about high school pitchers. The purpose of these tournaments is to give the college scouts a chance to see prospective players, and players to see prospective scouts. I have no idea what McBride has thrown in the past, but on that particular day I guess that is what the gun showed. Maybe the gun is a fluke and has misrepresented every kid. A number does not represent a pitcher's total performance. All the kids that are playing at this level have worked hard to get where they are. Hopefully your BEEF is with equipment issues and not with young players trying to make all their hard work pay off. Congrats to all '07 Commits!!!!!!!
  2. catamount36

    catamount36 Full Access Member

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    Feb 5, 2003
    hey tools, maybe THAT is the problem, but you know how it is with a limited budget ha ha ha how are things going with you??:agreed: :woot: :woot: :woohoo:

    in all honesty i understand where olelefty is coming from. i have had great pitchers in the past not looked at becasue they didn't light up the gun. and some that are looked at only becasue they do. i think there is way too much emphasis placed on velocity. yes guns do give different readings stalker -vs- juggs not to mention the difference between stalkers and the differences between juggs i know olelefty and i know this is what he is talking about. i know that he would not attack an individual on this board, and is just trying to make a point about the over emphasis placed on velocity. (olelefty hope i am not talking out of turn here).
    i still stand by the numbers i reported. by our gun (maybe it needs recalculating) i have seen him hit 90,91 and seen him throw consistently in upper 80's 87-89 for several innings i don,t just throw out numbers. i have worked hard to try to get college coaches respect and don;t plan on having it tainted by giving out (intentionally) misinformation.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2006
  3. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Okay...so this does not get out of hand; Both lefty and Catamount have a long term relationship so I know there was no disrespect intended.

    and the point lefty was making was not about the player mentioned. It was a point that college recruiters read this board alot and it does not help the player nor the poster to inflate his velocity...it can come back to hurt him.

    I hope lefty doesn't mind me saying this, but as a college recruiter, he knows what he is talking about. And as an active reader, like many other recruiters, he prefers to get accurate information. What he will learn as he becomes a longer member is what weight to give a post.

    Edit..and by know means was I referring to Catamount; who I find to be one of the most respected people on this board. I'll take his advice to heart.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2006
  4. olefty

    olefty Full Access Member

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    Feb 11, 2006
    OK, I would llike to finish this discussion and allow this thread to get back to celebrating the kids who are making decisions and going to college. I have received several angry private messages from folks who misunderstood my intentions, including Wes mcbride's father who was upset and hurt at my words.

    (1) I never meant any disrespect to Wes Mcbride or any person in particular. It was truly meant to talk about how raw data is being altered for whatever reason not by the great kids who make this game wonderful and forever young but by adults who are letting ego and other personal reasons make "fibbers" out of themselves.
    (2)the can of worms I opened and the anger I was hit in the face with only proves my point. Folks wouldn't be so upset about my post if you weren't so guilty. Our sons are 5'10 or 6'6. They weigh 130 lbs or they weigh 230 lbs. But when it comes to pitching they throw whatever you can look someone in the eye and get away with!

    Congrats to Wes Mcbride and to every other player in the state who are fortunate enough to earn a baseball scholarship. This is the best time in your life. Enjoy it!
  5. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Hey lefty...did I mention that I have another son that throws in the low 60's...of course,

    he is only 8, but by the time he is 16-17 he will be throwing in the high 90's. At least that's what his mother says....and she ain't got a gun. Well, that's not right either. She pointed it at me the other day and I ran the 60 in 6 flat.
  6. olefty

    olefty Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 11, 2006
    from what I've seen he might be the next great receiver. hands like jerry rice!
  7. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    dances like him, too...got that from his daddy
  8. sumball7

    sumball7 Catcher07

    Likes Received:
    Jan 15, 2006
    Mt. Holly, NC

    I agree with your post's in the fact that a kid who throw's 83-86 is a solid college pitcher and someone that throws 86-90 is pretty dang hard, when it is a true 90.
  9. spartan15

    spartan15 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 13, 2005
    with many of todays kids getting caught up in how hard they throw, i think its important to let kids,parents, and high schools coaches know that there is more to a college pitcher than his veloicty...the plus w/ a higher veloicity is that you can get away with a little more...you can leave a 90 mph fastball up in the zone and get away with it every now and then, however you leave a 80 mph fastball up in teh zone...heads up...i have heard many college coaches, ranging from those at D1 powerhouses such as clemson to D3 schools,that two of the most important things in a pitcher is to be able to hit spots and to have movement on your pitches... with good movement and above average control, and outstanding work ethic, almost ( and i saw almost bc we all know there are a few good pitchers who make horrible choices) any pitcher can go on to pitch at the college level...now we cant all go on to pitch at clemson, or unc, but there are many good, no great teams that are not D1, there are great D1, D2, D3, and NAIA teams and all high schoolers need to reliaze the chance to pitch and have their talents help to pay for a college education is very rare and is a gift from God...

    sorry to get off on a rant, and thank you for letting me vent on this...but heres a quote from one of the best...

    "A man who isn't willing to work from dreary morn till weary eve shouldn't think about becoming a pitcher"
    -Cy Young
  10. do_it_rightfirsttime

    do_it_rightfirsttime Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 11, 2006
    Jason Wallace Commits

    Getting back to the topic.
    From the impactbaseball.com web site:
    Jason Wallace to Mountaineers!
    2007 graduate outfielder Jason Wallace of Ragsdale high school recently made a verbal commitment to the Mountaineers of Appalachian State University. Wallace is one of the top right-handed hitting outfield prospects in the Carolinas. Mr. Wallace is once again sporting the Dirtbag uniform this fall.

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