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2007 JV thread going into confrence play

Discussion in 'Girls Basketball' started by tman, Dec 24, 2006.

  1. tman

    tman tman

    Likes Received:
    Nov 12, 2006
    I wanted to make a new thread as the other one was getting long and I am really hoping others will jump in and post some stuff on their teams with confrence play starting. I hope everyone isnt tired of my ramblings but I just want to give a little credit to the JV's as they give their all every game like the varsity and for some this may be the last years of playing ball if they dont make Varsity. I REALLY hope others will start posting some stuff on other teams as this wasnt meant to be a Freedom thread but if not then you will just have to keep reading my stuff :clown:
  2. tman

    tman tman

    Likes Received:
    Nov 12, 2006
    Mid-season review of Freedom JV

    Freedom JV is 6-2 with both losses coming to the same team. Everyone seems to be getting on the same page as it is a totally different team than the one from last year. They generally go with a 7 -8 deep rotation mostly sophmores along with 2 freshmen. You would think that would make for an experienced team but thats not really true. First off you have Brittiany running point who has been a solid leader on the floor but she is only a 9th grader. They voted her co captain so that shows the confidence her teamates have in her. Shannon is a sophmore but has had 3 knee surgeries. That has kept her from being on the floor and that sort of injury is one that takes a long time before a person is up to speed but I think she will continue to get better as she plays. Saudia is the only one that has alot of high school experiance and she is alot of fun to watch on defense. She played a good bit last year and has started to look for her shot more. When looking at the post players Mandy was on the JV team last year but she has been having to learn the wing position so she didnt get alot of court time last year. With any streak shooter you take the good with the bad but when she is on she can light it up. Brooke is also a sophmore but she took last year off so its like her first year. She played wing at Liberty but has played mostly post this year. The first few games she was playing out of the gym but has settled into a solid presence on the block and she will look for her shots. Kelly is a true freshmen in every sense of the word as she never played b-ball until the 7th grade so as she gets more experience she has continued to improve. Players like her really benefit the most from JV ball as it allows them the chance play through the growing pains and develop their game. After that you have sophmores Tierra and Sherrane who are solid players but played sparingly last year as the team was so deep. The rest of the ladies are mostly freshmen who will get more time next year but when they have played they have held their own. This is a young team and they will have some struggles in conference play against the top teams. That said I still think they have the talent to compete with anyone as long as they keep their composure and play as a team. Anyone that takes this team for granted will end up with a loss as they play hard and I have seen them really starting to play well together the last few games. Now who wants to tell us about THEIR JV team!!
  3. mtnman

    mtnman Full Access Member

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    Dec 13, 2003
    Watauga JV's are doing pretty good right now. I think they are 10-1 or 11-1. There only lose came to the hands of Avery Co. They are 1-0 in league play. The JV's did not get to play Freedom due to exams.

    Watauga has a pretty good team. They are led by a talented group of freshmen along with a couple sophmores. They play well together and play as a team. Their point guard was moved up to the Varsity team before Christmas. I don't know if this is for the rest of the year or not. If it is, they may struggle a little against pressure and getting into the offense without her. If she comes back down, look for Watauga's JV team to be near the top of the conference standings.

    Let the fun continue!
  4. bigdan

    bigdan Prep Hoops Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Feb 18, 2003
    Marion, North Carolina
    McDowell JV's finished in 7th place at the R-S Central Lady Hilltopper Classic. The Lady Titan jayvees played within 13 points of Shelby and 7 points of Crest. Their only win was a 20+ point win against Chase. Counting the tourney games, McDowell is now 10-2 on the season and is currently in a tie for first place (1-0) in the NW4A JV ranks. McDowell has two freshmen (Jaalen Corpening and Tara Kincaid) that are carrying the offensive load along with sophmore point guard Kristen Maney. It will be interesting to see how much that varsity tourney helps the Lady Titans.
  5. NW1Fan

    NW1Fan Full Access Member

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    Dec 4, 2006
    EB vs Alex. Cent. JV

    The EB JV's eeked out a win at AC, but it wasn't pretty. I think they won by about 7. EB can play better, and they will have to Fri. evening if they hope to stay unbeaten. It should be a good JV game to watch.
  6. tman

    tman tman

    Likes Received:
    Nov 12, 2006
    Freedom JV wins over AC Reynolds

    Freedom takes care of business and wins 53-35 tonight. Going into the first conference game it was good to see them come out strong. The first quarter was back and forth as ACR played them tough until Freedom turned up the pressure in the 2nd quarter. After a nice run fueled by ACR turnovers and great pressure by Freedom's guard it was pretty much over as far as it being close. Freedom played everyone tonite and it was a solid team effort. It was a foul feast as the refs were calling everything really tight but somehow Brittiany managed to not foul out while harrassing the ball handlers. She is the spark of the team but she had plenty of help as Mandy found her shot tonight and Brooke got some good put backs. Only thing that I could find fault in was that they need to get tougher on the boards but they went with a shorter line-up alot tonight. ACR wasn't a tall team so I think Coach Gregory thought this was a good time to use that and allow some of the other ladies playing time. It didn't hurt them much tonight but it showed in the rebounding and it allowed ACR to get inside which hasnt happened to Freedom till tonight. It is nice to see everyone get their playing time but with most teams they will need to go with more size. This was a good game for Freedom to start the REAL season with!
  7. tman

    tman tman

    Likes Received:
    Nov 12, 2006
    Freedom JV wins again 2-0 in conference

    Freedom JV beat South Caldwell 47-19 to improve to 8-2 overall, they are undefeated in Conference at 2-0. This one was over pretty early as SC couldn't do much with Freedoms big line-up. By the start of the 2nd period Freedom was up by about 15 or so and they started clearing the bench so everyone could get their time on the floor. South plays really hard and they seem like great kids but Freedom was just too much for them. I know the better teams will be alot tougher to rattle but you have to give credit to Brittany, Saudia and Shannon as they are constantly getting turnovers and not allowing the other teams to get comfortable in their offense. In the post Freedom controlled the boards as Kelly had a couple of blocks, Brooke as usual played tough down low and Mandy is getting more comfortable at the wing position. It's always nice to see some of the other ladies get their due as Brittany Harrell came in and made a couple of pretty 3 pointers and Alex was working hard down low although like Mandy she will need to play wing to make it on the Varsity level. Coach Gregory has a quality team and should be praised for getting everyone involved when possible. It really gets tough now as the next three games are going to tell alot about this team. Alexander Central has played everyone tough and then they play McDowell and East Burke . I thought from the start that EB and McDowell are the top teams but Freedom is right there with them and if they continue to play as a team there is no reason Freedom couldn't beat both of them. As a side note East Burke JV beat McDowell JV by about 8 at EB last nite. Let the fun begin!
  8. bigdan

    bigdan Prep Hoops Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Feb 18, 2003
    Marion, North Carolina
    The McDowell Lady Titans JV's took their first loss of the season on Friday, an 8 point loss to East Burke. McDowell committed 30 turnovers in the game.
  9. tman

    tman tman

    Likes Received:
    Nov 12, 2006
    Freedom JV gets by Alexander Central

    Freedom goes to 3-0 in conference beating Alexander Central 44-37 in a tight game. A.C. was the first team to press Freedom and it caught them off guard to start the game but they adapted pretty quick. It was a hard played game on both sides and the refs let alot go. I rather it be that way than touch calls but I saw a few fouls that needed to be called. Brittany got hammered and shoved a few times right in front of the refs and Kelly got shoved hard in the back going for a rebound . I am sure there was others on both sides but thats the ones that stood out to me. Coach Gregory played alot of different line-ups tonite and I think I know what he was doing. Because of the pressing by AC he went with ball-handlers and because it was low scoring he was looking for offensive so Kelly and Shannon didnt get their normal mins. It worked well enough for them to get the win but when those two are not out there Freedom's defense really suffers. Seems like their rotations were late or not at all and AC were getting alot of easy baskets. If your wanting more offensive but giving up easy baskets on the other end it kind of defeats the purpose. I tend to go by the mantra "a good offense is a great defense" and generally thats how Freedom gets their bulk of their points but tonite they had to work for what they got. One player that had a really nice game was Saudia. She was getting great pressure on the ball and seemed to making plays all over tonite. If she continues to work on her jumper she will be a solid varsity player. With McDowell and East Burke coming up I hope they get back to a more defensive minded line-up or McDowell will score all day with that high post offensive they run. One thing that could really affect the JV team is the shortages on the Varsity team. Tonight in the varsity game Jasmine hit the floor hard and may have a concussion and one of the reserve post players wont be avalible for a couple of weeks. If Coach Fox needs some fresh bodies she may pluck a JV or two to fill a couple of games. The main thing is to wish Jasmine a quick recovery though.. she was going to get checked out as the game ended.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2007
  10. ladiesbballfan

    ladiesbballfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 31, 2003
    tman, do you have a Varsity score?

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