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2008 nw4a baseball...i know its early but any predictions?

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by tarheels45, Jun 28, 2007.

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  1. Indy 85

    Indy 85 Full Access Member

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    Apr 21, 2007

    I'm not sure what the measure of greatness is for a highschool baseball player. If it has to do with getting drafted out of highschool, then maybe there aren't any on this team. The jury is still out. Make no mistake, there are some great highschool baseball players on this team.
  2. Indy 85

    Indy 85 Full Access Member

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    Apr 21, 2007

    007- I'm not really sure why I'm responding to this post other than I'm somewhat immature, confrontational by nature and just plain don't like the stat. The seniors had 390 ABs with 126 Ks. That comes out to 32.3%. The underclassman had 323 ABs with 99 Ks for 30.7%. If you cut out players with less than 10 ABs, then the UCs were 308 ABs with 90ks for 29.2%. I have come to the conclusion that we will be better next year based on Ks.
  3. Dunni24

    Dunni24 Junior Member

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    Jul 9, 2007
    I had like 5 or 6 srikeouts, thanks emo....I struck out 2 in the first inning
  4. baseballislife10

    baseballislife10 Tiger Baseball Fan

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    Mar 4, 2007
    dunnigan looks good when he works ahead... has a nasty splitter that if it starts out low it disappears... emo has a wicked slider that comes about 3 mph slower then his fastball making it hard to tell which one is which and also a very hard curveball... tyler moore throws from three different arm slots which makes it tricky to pick up the ball.. and jon sharpe just chucks heat ands improving everyday.... those were the 4 pitchers that went... Dunni had a no no through 4 1/3 and after it was broken up gave up one run and was taken out after 5 1/3 i believe... emo gave up only 2 which i think were unearned in 5 1/3
  5. 007

    007 Full Access Member

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    Mar 10, 2003
    While I appreciate your willingness to do the math, Breitenstein is not a UC as far as baseball is concerned, he is a departing player.
    Departing players struck out 29%
    Remaining players struck out 35 %
    The only returning player who stuck out less than 37% of the time was Ethan Moyer with a respectable 22%.
    With that being said, I think Watauga will still cut their K's in half in 08, due to the pitching turnover.
  6. Pioneer-Pride16

    Pioneer-Pride16 Baseball is Everything

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    Oct 7, 2006
    I think the key for us this year will be our "aggressiveness" at the plate. Far too often near the end of the year did I catch myself being far too overly selective. For myself, when I'm aggressive at the plate...I'm much happier with the results. Now...with 4 HR's in 4 games this weekend...and I'm guessing less than 5 K's, for the whole team...I think it's a good start. Hopefully we can keep up the hard work and desire to win through the fall, till the next season, so we can see the fruit of our labor. That's what will make all of this work this summer worth it.

    Sorry Dunni...I didn't mean to downgrade your pitching performance...you did a great job. As did the entire pitching staff...I seriously hope people doubt us.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2007
  7. baseballislife10

    baseballislife10 Tiger Baseball Fan

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    Mar 4, 2007
    dunni you pitched awesome.. .good luck to all this year
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2007
  8. J.S.WHS36

    J.S.WHS36 Junior Member

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    Jul 10, 2007

    Yeah our pitching staff did do good but there was really no above or even average hitting teams in that Torney...we have a talented pitching staff and it should do well this season but we will see how we do this weekend in the coperhead toreny...
  9. baseball1623

    baseball1623 Junior Member

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    Jul 2, 2007
    Ya'll keep overlooking McDowell. They mite have a young team but alot of them played varsity at one time or another...
  10. baseballmom

    baseballmom Member

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    Jul 4, 2007
    Hey Pioneers. No one is trashing you guys the way you seem to be trashing everyone else. Watauga was a good team last year both the J.V. and the Varsity so YES this year you should be one of the elite in the NW4A. You guys have some very good talent returning and one of the best coaches in the state. However your trashing talking does NOT reflect Coach Hardee. Coach Hardee is a class act and respects the game of baseball as well as any talented player he may face. Guys appreciate your coach and represent him well. Give credit where credit is due and let your play on the field do the talking!!!!
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