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2008 Top HS Teams

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by INTHEGENES, Dec 20, 2007.

  1. softball4ever1987

    softball4ever1987 Proud Mama

    Likes Received:
    Mar 5, 2005
    OK you have your point of view.....

    1st off, I did not use names in my posts for a reason! You are just one of the transfer students I was referring to!
    Yes, that is correct, that is the rule! Move into the district for the HS in which you wish to attend! By your inmature responses in your posts you are simply pointing out that I was RIGHT, you did not move into the proper district in order to attend the HS with the ALLMIGHTY softball program! If I were you I would think before I post and put myself into a situation that you may not be mature enough to handle, yet!
    Hopefully, they did read my post! I posted what I did because I was trying to give a voice to the kids that are already at these schools! You know the kids that go to said HS because the state/city tells them that this is the proper HS for them to attend, based on their home address! I do not know or pretend to know about your family situation! But I do know about other kids that have transferred to other HSs situations! You can't make transferring into a HS when you do not live in the proper district for that HS CORRECT! So yes, I am saying that you should move! Not every kid who wishes to go to another HS can move, for hundreds even countless reasons! Now while I applaude your defence of your decision, you can't make it right just because that is what you wanted! There are rules for a reason!
    I, in absolutely NO WAY, put anyone down! I said that if you transfer into a HS that you do not live in the proper district for, that your actions are wrong!
    Okay, well here in the real world, some of us know, that most probably is not exactly how it all happened! I mean you do realize that the people on that HS team you transferred into, as well as a lot of the players on the opposing teams that HS plays, are also at a lot of the same tournamnets you are at! So we all saw how much the Head Coach then, for said HS, was at a lot of your games! Don't pretend that we are all blind and stupid!
    I am extremely happy that you feel that you have been bettered as a person through this experience, but that does not change the fact that you did not live at the proper address in order to attend this HS!
    I love my DD as much, if not more, as I am sure that your family loves you! I truly do not think anyone could hate the HS softball situation that my DD had to put up with, any more than I did or my DD for that matter! However my situation did not offer me the opportunity to move into another district, or believe me we would have most certainly done it! Again you are the one that decided that my post was about you and you only! Believe it or not everything is not about you!
    Well now you might want to make up your mind, did transferring to the new HS make a huge difference for you, or didn't it??
    You again can't seem to get the point, you DID NOT LIVE IN THE PROPER SSCHOOL DISTRICT to attend the new HS! I do not believe that jobs have certain districts set on them! If you want a new job too far from your home you move closer to that job!
    I am not cutting you or any other player down, or their parents, in any way! I am opposed to you not following the same rules that everyone else has to adhere to! I simply want you and others that think that the rules do not apply to you, to see that yes they do! I have nothing against you personally, I don't know you personally! My posts, nor my opinions, are about you they are about your actions! My post and my opinions on this subject are about breaking the rules of not attending the proper HS for which you like in the district for! No matter what you say in defense of your actions nothing will change the fact that you broke the rules! Maybe you should try really hard, to put yourself in the cleats of someone else! Try to imagine what if?
    I wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors!
    I guess it is good that you think of yourself as the ALLMIGHTY TRANSFER Student??? Or maybe not???? I guess you will need to decide!!!

    softball4ever1987 TBR poster, person with an opinion, I never asked anyone to agree with my opinions!
  2. lil suzzie

    lil suzzie Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 23, 2008
    First of all, you do not know my situation. Second of all, I live in the district.

    The end.
  3. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 25, 2007
    OK, OK, OK!!!!!....

    ......WITH ALL DUE RESPECT!!!!! Lets move on forward, and get back to thread about "Top HS Teams". All need to lick there wounds so to speak. Obviously, this here TBR is a "touchy" subject and I'm glad I have no idea about the ins and outs of it all, but I do know that its hit a raw nerve that respectfully, with temper, Sball4, has taken a lead role in calling it out. Whatever "it" is. And I'm sure he's not the only one that would like to speak out.Also I think, as I'm sure many others do, that Suzzies gig carries weight as well. How much? I don't know. Now.....the best conference stacked HS teams are in the Greater Neuse 4-A.
  4. Abbey fan

    Abbey fan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 12, 2006

    Watch it Marlin, west is king! haha Butler, CC, Hopewell, AC, ND and others will be fighting it out over here! See U soon
  5. prklandsoftballdad

    prklandsoftballdad Set my brother FREE!!

    Likes Received:
    May 25, 2004
    It continues to astound me that the immediate response to "supposed" mud-slinging is ummm...mud-slinging. I thought the saying was done unto others as you would have them do unto you, not do unto others as you thought they have already done unto you. And as always Rodney you are the voice of reason in an otherwise dark cloud. There is never a time when a child's name should be brought up on here in ANY negative manner period. Chill out guys. Still got 5 months left in the season.
  6. prklandsoftballdad

    prklandsoftballdad Set my brother FREE!!

    Likes Received:
    May 25, 2004
    Hey it may not be a Baconator but i do just fine thank you very much.:MEziek:lol And welcome back, now if we can just get Guru out of hibernation. :sleeping:
  7. superfan1

    superfan1 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 5, 2007
    Tess Swing and ND

    Congrats on the move. A great school for softball and academics. I am sure you will be appreciated and utilized, not to mention get an A1 education.
    Hope to see the diamond in the rough---SHINE!! :FOFRBanana0518HL:
  8. softball4ever1987

    softball4ever1987 Proud Mama

    Likes Received:
    Mar 5, 2005
    No harm No foul...

    No problem Marlin, I am extremly close to the 50ish mark! You are correct on with age comes wisdom of experience! Amen to that brother!
    I accepted a long time ago, that not everyone that meets me will like me and that everyone I meet I will not like! We all have opinions!
    I try to post in anonymous form, using made up names and I still get slammed! Whew! LOL That is OK I am tough I can take it! LOL This isn't the first time I posted opinion and someone disagreed with it! LOL
  9. maddog

    maddog Member

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    Apr 19, 2007
    To softball4ever1987.......

    It is sad that you have let HS ball get next to you so long. Your DD has made to made it to the next level, so let it go and enjoy her college years. At our HS the county AD made sure that all of our players were legal, he even made home visits. If you knew that a player was illegal then you should have made your AD aware of this. One illegal player can cost the whole team, not just your DD.
  10. softball4ever1987

    softball4ever1987 Proud Mama

    Likes Received:
    Mar 5, 2005
    Let the record show....

    I do not have an issue with any one particular person about this thread! I voiced my opinion on a subject that was brought up in a post within this thread! I then responded to a particular post in which I was slammed for my opinion! Had I had a problem with this particular person, then I most certainly would have handled the issue at hand, by going through the proper channels!
    I made up a name for my post because it was not aimed at any one particular person, hinse, the made up name of "lil suzzie"!!
    I do not expect nor wish for anyone to agree with my opinion! I do not feel the need to be agreed with! Everyone else has the right, as far as I am concerned, to have their opinions, as I am, as well! Thank you for all your opinions! Keep posting!

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