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2010 Perfect Game Top 200

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Coach 27, Feb 9, 2008.

  1. One Putt

    One Putt Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 21, 2005

    While there are quite a few Dirtbags on there, there are several from other programs. The thought has crossed my mind a time or two that some Impact players get on lists just because they play Impact. But when you put emotion and feelings aside, the kids that I know who are on some lists that play Impact deserve to be on the lists. They earned it. And no, my son does not play Impact so this is not a self promoting opinion.
  2. Dawgswood

    Dawgswood Full Access Member

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    Feb 3, 2006
    Not true. You need to have played with a team that was seen by PG for the most part. Dirtbags play PG events often, thus, they are seen.
  3. NCMtnBBDad

    NCMtnBBDad NCMtnBBDad

    Likes Received:
    Aug 28, 2006
    Agreed Dawgswood, playing for the Dirtbags gets you seen by PG and others. That would be my main advice to parents with younger talented kids. Get him on a quality team that travels to PG events and that plays in high quality showcase tournaments. That's my main regret with my 09 son, who is a very good SS. He's done well at Impact Showcases and PG's Academic Showcase. He's on the recruiting list of several D1 schools, but I believe had he played travel ball(and played well) the last two summers, he would have been seen by many more scouts. Obviously, talent will dictate contact. We waited too late to get him on a good travel team. Our options were a litte limited here in Asheville though. He will be seen a lot this summer playing SS/P with the Megastars.
  4. PitchingCoach

    PitchingCoach Junior Member

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    Dec 19, 2007
    I disagree with your dirtbags comment. The common thread shared by these young men is that they are some of the best 2010 in the country and they have worked very hard to get where they are today, not the dirtbags.
  5. NCMtnBBDad

    NCMtnBBDad NCMtnBBDad

    Likes Received:
    Aug 28, 2006
    If you look at the PG Crosschecker rankings other than 2010, you can see it's not just the dirtbags who make those lists. The Dirtbags have very good players, but they're not the only players that are ranked.
  6. tpxbaseball

    tpxbaseball Banned From TBR

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    Jan 19, 2008
    I meant showcase in general and I said dirtbags because they are the most popular. What about the players that aren't on the showcase teams?
  7. One Putt

    One Putt Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 21, 2005
    Now that's a good question.

    In the sitaution above the kid plays for the Heat. I don't think the Heat went down as a team but I could be wrong. The kid in question may have gone to a PG event as an individual. Similar to what Plate Dad's son did.
  8. Coach 27

    Coach 27 Full Access Member

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    Mar 12, 2006
    Let me take a stab at this one.

    When Perfect Game starts putting a database together on a class they go by the information they have at the time. They go by players they have seen at their events. These events are WWBA tourneys such as East Cobb and Jupiter. They go by their showcase events such as the Underclass and National events and local showcase events that they hold all over the country. As time goes by they start to branch out in their information gathering on players. They talk to professional scouts , they have their own scouts that attend hs games and showcase games , they talk to college coaches and they talk to showcase team coaches as well. Their are many players ranked in the 08 class that never played showcase baseball. There are several ranked that have never attended a PG event. As time goes by the 2010 class rankings will take shape. It will swell from 206 right now to over 1,500 like the 08 class has. Several players ranked highly will settle in at a lower ranking and many players not ranked will be ranked and some very highly.

    You do not need to attend a PG event or play on a showcase team to be ranked. You do need to attend a PG event if you want to be ranked early in the class rankings. As time goes by the information will come in on the class from many baseball reliable sources and the rankings will start to take shape leading all the way up to the draft of 2010 just like it has for the 08 class. The reason these kids are ranked is because they have been seen and they are very very good players. The very very good players that are not ranked will eventually be ranked. We had a player that was not ranked and never attended a PG event. He was not ranked until his senior year. But he ended up being ranked #65 in his class leading up to the draft. He was seen by professional scouts and the information was passed on to PG's scouts who saw him play.

    Does anyone think that a business like this is going to risk their reputation by playing politics? They want to know who the best players are. They want their rankings to be as accurate as they can possibly be for obvious reasons. Are there some very good players that will slip through the cracks? Of course this will always be the case. Are the players ranked very good players? Of course they are just go see them play. When you start ranking a class it takes time for all the top players in that class to be seen and for information on them to come in from reliable sources. This is one reason you see the rankings contantly change.

    Check back on the 2010 class in a year and you will see what I am talking about. Check back in two years and you will see many that are not ranked now are indeed ranked. And many will have never played in a PG event. If you want to be evaluated against the top players in the nation then attend a PG showcase. If you want to compete against some of the top players in the nation then attend a WWBA event. It will shake out in due time it always does.
  9. OuttaHere

    OuttaHere Junior Member

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    Feb 12, 2008
    If you are not on a showcase team today and participating in PG events with them then you will have to attend one of their many showcase events which PG hosts throughout the United States. But there are a number of great showcase teams in NC including the Dirtbags, such as:
    The Heat
    SC Panthers
    On Deck O's
    The Mega Stars
    just to name a few. Now I'm not sure if I would call the Dirt Bags the best but I will give them credit for really promoting their product and there ID camps, but would certainly put more weight on a National rating system vs. that of a local organization.
  10. Coach 27

    Coach 27 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 12, 2006
    Impact Baseball

    Impacts rankings are based on information from college coaches , professional scouts and other reliable baseball sources. They are NC SC and VA and not on a national scale. If you look at PG's State Rankings you will find that they are very close indeed to the state rankings of Impact Baseball. Their rankings are based on performance at their events , college coaches , professional scouts and other reliable baseball sources.

    Again I will repeat there are many players ranked nationally that have never attended a PG event. They are not going to leave off a kid just because he has not attended one of their events. Read my earlier post and feel free to shoot Jerry Ford with PG an email Im sure he will respond.

    Rankings are like polls. They are fun to look at and converse about. But in the end the only thing that matters is if you can get the job done on the field.

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