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2011 Carolina Cardinals Tournaments

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by CardCoach2, Oct 23, 2010.

  1. CardCoach2

    CardCoach2 Full Access Member

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    Jun 29, 2005
    I have had tons of emails asking about our tournaments for 2011.
    The dates and places have changed a bit on a couple of them.

    We also have a new Ray Chandler Memorial tournament scheduled in Sept. We will give away four $1000.00 scholarships in Ray's honor at that tournament.

    Our 2011 Cardinal tournaments are as follows:
    Carolina Cardinals Early Bird June 10-12, Rock Hill, SC
    Carolina Cardinals East Coast Fireworks July 8-10, Rock Hill, SC
    Carolina Cardinals Classic July 22-24, Raleigh, NC
    Carolina Cardinals Late Summer Aug. 12-14, Rock Hill, SC
    Carolina Cardinals Ray Chandler Memorial Sept. 23 - 25, Rock Hill, SC

    The entry forms for the East Coast Fireworks, the Late Summer, and the Ray Chandler Memorial will be posted on the www.carolinacardinals.com and www.ncasafastpitch.com websites shortly.

    The Early Bird and Classic entry forms will be forthcoming.
    We are working on different rooming arrangements in Raleigh to eliminate some of the complaints about accomadations we have had in the past. It seems we are going up against PONY Nationals for hotel space again in 2011. I am working with Marriott to secure their best rate packages for the Classic so we can all stay at reasonal price. Will let you know asap.
    We look forward to seeing you all in 2011!
    Rick McHone
    Carolina Cardinals

    p.s. Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers during the past couple of months. It has been a very trying time for our Cardinal family and the rest of those who Ray touched over the years. Sharyn and the kids need your continued prayers as they start to settle back into a somewhat "normal" life without Ray. We all miss him tremendously!

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