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2011 North Carolina Powerade State Games *REGISTRATION STILL OPEN*

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by NCNSNA2006, Mar 9, 2011.

  1. NCNSNA2006

    NCNSNA2006 Coach Crego

    Likes Received:
    Feb 24, 2006
    Monroe, NC

    Tryout dates will be announced soon!!!!

    COMPETITION SITES: Forsyth Country Day School, Lewisville, NC
    COMPETITION DATES: Monday June 20th - Thursday June 23rd

    APPLICATION FEE: There is a $10 tryout application fee for tryouts per player. There will be an additional $35 for all selected players. Fees are non-refundable. Players who are selected should also expect to incur other expenses (i.e. travel, hotel, food, etc.)

    DESCRIPTION: Two separate tournaments – a high school senior East-West series and an eight-team underclassmen (rising sophomores, juniors and seniors) tournament – will make up the Powerade State Games high school softball competition. The graduated seniors will play a three-game series on Thursday, June 23rd. The underclassmen tournament is a four-game, round-robin competition that will be held June 20th to June 22nd .

    GENERAL INFORMATION: Players must be varsity players at a North Carolina high school. Players must register for tryout before March 18. Players must attend tryouts in order to be selected. Graduated seniors will be selected to represent the East/West teams. Rising juniors and seniors will be selected to represent each of the eight N.C. High School Athletic Association regions.
    ENTRY PROCESS: All players are encouraged to register online using either Visa or MasterCard. If a player is unable to sign-up online, please contact our office to learn about alternative registration options.
    TRYOUTS: Information will be posted above as soon as it is available.
    FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact the Powerade State Games office at (919) 361-1133 (919) 361-1133 [email protected]

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