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2013 Dirtbags baseball committs

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by LOLLIE, Jul 11, 2012.

  1. weyco2000

    weyco2000 Full Access Member

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    Mar 8, 2010
    You know some kids just enjoy playing baseball, some enjoy the competition that showcase baseball provides and some are there for exposure.... why does that bother you? The OP simply posted a link and most celebrate in the accomplishments of these young men but some are just bitter for some unexplained reason.
    I would think a coach would appreciate that players are working hard in the offseason to improve their skills but I guess some are too busy on TBR trying to be Dr. Phil... you know the guy with all the answers. Well actions speak louder than words, take action! If you think some deserve the chance to play showcase but are denied because of the costs, go find some sponsors, do some fundraisers and start a team. You know we all get caught up in the blame game at times and someone gave me some great advice once, instead of being part of the problem by finding faults, be part of the solution by doing your part.
  2. throw 90

    throw 90 Full Access Member

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    Feb 26, 2006
    Kernersville NC
    The Way It Is

    If you think about it during the HS season the colleges are playing so how is a player to be seen? If I was a coach and had 4 or 5 kids playing showcase or in the world scout league I would think I would be good next year I look at DH Conley ,Kell ,and TC Roberson who have lots of players playing show case DH has won 3 state champs in the last 6 or 7 years! It's about young men playing college baseball. My feelings are how many players from my school are going to the next level to play. It doesn't matter who they are playing for when they get committed just be proud they are at your school.I try to meet and become freinds with all the college coaches I can to help young men if I can! If you have never been to Cobb, Ft Myers or Jupiter then you are missing what armature baseball is really about!
  3. catcoach

    catcoach Full Access Member

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    Jan 18, 2010
    Kernersville NC
    Conley won it all in 2005 as 4A and 2006 as 3A.
    GREAT accomplishment and 2 more than my program; but one young man, arguably a "phenom", Alex White, was a JR and SR (respectively) on those two teams. I am certain that it took a team effort, but that one stud made a huge difference. And yes, I know he was a Dirtbag.

    Further - and I pray I am not overstepping my bounds - their coach, Jason Mills, who has for some time been a fixture in one showcase organization, left that showcase organization within the last few weeks. I don't like to rumor mill - but some of you with rose-colored glasses and half empty kool-aid cups force it - but I have been told by some who are involved/informed that he wasn't happy with the direction of that organization and some of their current goings-on. I could be totally WRONG. It could just be rumor. It may have been family or other reasons. Heck, he may still be coaching them. I could have been given erronious info. Trust me, I'm not normally in that loop. However, when a coach as reputable and respected as Mr. Mills (two players I have had to work with him during summer absolutely LOVED him) steps away in what I guess would be mid-season, well, that doesn't speak well...

    Guys, you have your opinion and I have mine. It doesn't seem we'll come to much agreement. I stayed away from this one for over a week... but when a guy that I just walked past in a parking lot on Tuesday night - three nights ago - uses this internet board to communicate to me instead of saying something to me when we were 20 feet apart, well, I couldn't not post.

    I know, I'm jealous and uninformed and have my head in the sand. I wish I could have done more to help develop/promote guys that I've coached for the next level. I wish I would have done more than throw 1000's of pitches, met them at 6:45 am for workouts in December and January, stood in the cold and rain selling programs at football to raise money to buy nets and balls and uniforms, talked to college recruiters 3-4 times on my cell (even getting out of the pool with my daughter when it was just her and daddy time one specific occasion last year - and if you don't have a little girl, you don't know how special that time is when there are 3 brothers in the house) on my vacation with family, sent only hundreds of emails promoting/selling just my 2012 players (not including those of 7 years prior), bought cleats or jackets for those who didn't have it to spend, attended funerals and or sent flowers for family of players who passed, spent the night away to attend clinics to try to better myself for the program and it's players, taken kids for a sandwhich one-on-one to just talk because something wasn't right with their demeanor (girlfriend, grades, parents pressure to name a few). Woops - some of that wasn't baseball related. Sorry.

    I'm just thankful showcase was there to fill in the gaps and get the job that I, as a regular old HS coach, couldn't get done...

    By the way, my #1 job is not to get anyone to the next level.
    In order, I see it as:
    1) Prepare them for life.
    2) Win games as a HS program.
    3) Get individual players to the "next level".
    All are important. All can be done. But that is the order I perceive as a HS coach. I guess those of you who have #3 as #1 on your list did need this highly succesful, highly productive (no sarcasm - they get kids seen) progarm in place.

    Lastly, even if my faith or family gets challenged (exaggeration - not expected) I won't be back on this one. If you really want or need to add per any discussion, you can PM me and I'll even give you my phone number. If you just ant to express, well, that's what it's here for; but I'm done here...

    In Christ and baseball,
    Coach John Fowler
  4. catcoach

    catcoach Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 18, 2010
    Kernersville NC
    For those who read this before I quoted and highlighted, excuse my _____ (fill in the blank).

    I was mowing and thought about what I had written, but more, about how I had written it. It's bad. I was going to delete it all, but I feel there is a level of accountability for one's words that I shouldn't run from here. Also, I wouldn't want there to be "questions about/additions to" concerning what I had posted if only seen by a few. That said, I absolutely MUST apologize to Coach Mills for any compromisisng words that were not stated to me by him - and NONE were; all passeedd along. He is a tremendous coach and, from my 2-3 personal contacts and the player/parent testimonials, he is a very good man. I had no right. I was angry and resentful and used what may even be false information to attempt to legitimate my views. Again, the only reason I did not edit all of that area of the post is because I did not want anyone assuming what I had or had not posted concerning that.

    Anger and resentment... right or wrong, I have let this discussion and my opinions on it get out of personal hand. My emotions have run wild. In the Bible it's called flesh, and mine is not under discipline. Not only anger and resentment, but possibly even a level of envy has taken hold here. I asked myself," do you post your name only to be forthright and transparent, or do you post it sometimes out of pride; hey know who I am!?" It took too long to answer myself...

    When I log onto this board, it bleeps and at the bottom is typed JOIN THE FUN. I have succumbed to all of the above negetives, along with grumbling and complaining - which only costs you joy. This isn't fun anymore, for me; and I'm sure I've taken the fun out for some others.

    I guess, along with apology, I need to take a break. I only say this so that people won't think I'm hiding (hope that's not more pride) or so people won't think I'm mad and taken by ball and gone home. I'm disappointed in myself - now, that does not mean in all my views, mind you - but my witness especially. How can I sign "In Christ and baseball" and get so whipped up and all the rest? Again, not good. So, anyway, I think I'll sit through a self-imposed 7 day break, though I might need more. Not that the world will stop revolving, the markets will tumble, or any tears will be shed, but I hate it kind of... cause I have had fun with this place and many of the folks on it. I check it twice a day almost religiously - uh, again maybe not so good.


    On a decent note to end, congratulations to the Kernersville 12 Year Old All Stars. In the Little League State Finals vs Greenville tonight in Winston-Salem. Man those future Rampants and Vikings are always "there."
    That felt more like fun...

    See you folks.

    LOLLIE Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 4, 2003
    With Davis committing this week to Charlotte, that makes the entire roster committed as someone predicted on this topic right after it was started.
  6. baseballlady

    baseballlady Full Access Member

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    Jan 3, 2012

    LOLLIE, with all due respect, who is Davis?


    LOLLIE Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 4, 2003
    Matt Davis is a pitcher from Ashley High that is going to Charlotte.

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