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3A Playoffs

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by karlrocket, May 8, 2010.

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  1. Tatertot

    Tatertot Full Access Member

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    Oct 28, 2009
    Thanks for the link. Also nice article about Tyler Brocius in the Post.
  2. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

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    Jan 7, 2004
    yep, he's a bigun. I wish him the best at NCSU.
  3. jjsphotos

    jjsphotos Full Access Member

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    May 4, 2009
    gastonia, nc
    tyler #10 for tuscola?
    he hit a hr against NG in the first round and i got a ral good shot of it. spoke to him leaving the field - nice kid.
  4. Tatertot

    Tatertot Full Access Member

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    Oct 28, 2009
    To spit constantly during the National Anthem is a sign of no respect for our country and what it stands for. It shows a total lack of respect for anything, if you do that during what should be a salute to our freedom and those who have sacrficed so much for all of us to enjoy being an American. It is an OBVIOUS reflection of these players' school, team,community and family. Obviously, the best team won, on and off the field. GO MUSTANGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:smiley-patriotic-fl

    Wouldn't it be just as disrespectful to our country and the National Anthem to be watching someone spit instead of reflecting on the athem and what our country stands for. Just might be an OBVIOUS reflection on school, community, and family too. Just saying if you are watching someone spit you are not respecting the National Anthem either.
  5. ktparstufan

    ktparstufan Member

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    Jun 24, 2008
    Kannapolis, NC

    "Wouldn't it be just as disrespectful to our country and the National Anthem to be watching someone spit instead of reflecting on the athem and what our country stands for. Just might be an OBVIOUS reflection on school, community, and family too. Just saying if you are watching someone spit you are not respecting the National Anthem either."----Tatertot--

    With all (un)due respect to one of Tuscola's "prize" posters--that dog don't hunt!

  6. Tatertot

    Tatertot Full Access Member

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    Oct 28, 2009
    I love reading dogthathunts posts! You have to admit he is right if you are watching boys spit during the Anthem you shouldn't be telling anyone else how to act. Not a huge fan of Tuscola but I pull for all mountain teams. I have enjoyed following Brocius at Tuscola. IMO Reynolds and Tuscola and mountain teams in general got the shaft from NCHSAA this year.
    Last edited: May 30, 2010
  7. chipper08

    chipper08 Junior Member

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    Feb 10, 2009
    You are kidding!

    "Wouldn't it be just as disrespectful to our country and the National Anthem to be watching someone spit instead of reflecting on the athem and what our country stands for. Just might be an OBVIOUS reflection on school, community, and family too. Just saying if you are watching someone spit you are not respecting the National Anthem either."----Tatertot--

    Tot: My son plays for ER. That was one of the 1st things he said after the first game. The ER guys were so stunned at the lack of respect during the National Anthem. I told him to give it the benefit of the doubt that it probably was a one time thing. So, yesterday I happened to glance over at the mountain boys during the Anthem and low and behold, not one, but several were spitting. I really was mortified for their families. I couldn't believe it. Totally unbelievable that ANYONE would do that! I was so shocked but figured it is learned behavior from their raising or lack of. Sorry gang..there is no excuse for it, plain and simple. If it had been my son, he probably would never be able to sit or spit for a very, very long time. Very disrespectful and trashy behavior. If whiney Dawg uses someone else looking at it as an excuse, that just proves my point! Usually a young pup follows an old dog..even if it's terribly wrong. No excuses and don't spin it any other way!
  8. Tatertot

    Tatertot Full Access Member

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    Oct 28, 2009
    I don't have a dog in the fight but when I think about being mortified about things done during the National Anthem spitting doesn't mortify me. A man not taking his hat off, a person answering his cell phone, and people talking are a few things that get under my skin. Things that I see adults do all the time. I bet if someone would have looked hard enough they would have seen a few ER fans doing one or all of the above. My point is that it isn't fair for you to put down a whole community and call it lack of raising because you say you saw someone spit. I would bet every dime I have that there were ER fans being obnoxious, disrespectful and trashy (to use your words) but I'm not going to put down a whole community because of a few jerks. If the worst thing anyone could say about my kid was that he spit on the ballfield before a game during the National Anthem, I'd take it. Now if you want to talk about whining you are beginning to sound like dogthathunts. Oh, I have also been told of a few of the comments that your players were making to Tuscola fans but I'm not going to write it here nor would they let me, because it wouldn't be fair. Speaking of fair I hope you are positive that those comments weren't coming from your boy's mouth before you start putting down someone else's kid. Just saying you might want to think about it Chippy because I guarantee that every kid at ER is not as perfect as you paint them to be nor are their parents.
    Last edited: May 30, 2010
  9. weyco2000

    weyco2000 Full Access Member

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    Mar 8, 2010
    Gentlemen please!!! How about a civilized discussion on what happened at the game...on the field. Every fan base has a few of those that embarrass not only themselves, but everyone else as well. I just overlook it and enjoy the game. What these two teams accomplished this season on the field, should be the topic of discussion. This is not a place to be "ripping" each other or the opposition! :peacemanmw:Now back to baseball...
  10. chipper08

    chipper08 Junior Member

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    Feb 10, 2009
    No one said anyone was perfect..

    Easy there Tot! You are taking all of this too personally to not have a "dog" in the fight. No one said any of these kids were perfect. You have spun that into your own mind. I already said if my son were to anything so disrespectful, there would be hell to pay. You are the one posting your dog friend's responses on this board. And if you even think that his comments are an excuse, you have a problem just like he does. These players may not think that it is disrespectful and there in lies the problem. This is learned behavior..from someone in their lives. If you and your dog friend can't take criticism from a legitimate post that is true, then you need to quit reading these comment boards or grow thicker skin. Blowhards like "dog" react the same way when challenged. They can dish it out, but they can't take it. If I recall, most posts on the other site were positive toward your dogfriend about Tuscola even after he berated East Rowan on almost every post. Even when something positive was said about his team or players, he had to have a smart-a---- retort. Sad to be so insecure.Their star player has more character than dog does and as he points out is only 17. He has said some pretty negative and personal attacks on ER fans, players, parents, coaches and even petty things about our field. If you want to condone or defend your dogfriend with his obnoxious comments or spitting during the National Anthem, that is your right. I think you need to come off of your high horse and calm down. I have the same right to state my opinion, and if it differs from yours, that's called being an American and I respect your opinion. But you and your dogfriend need to respect mine. If you can't handle that, I suggest you not read these boards anymore. I stated a fact and I tried to fathom where this kind of behavior comes from. If I remember correctly there was a thread on TBR not too many weeks ago about a kid urinating on the flag as a dare.There was outrage in all of the posts! I hate to tell you this, but spitting during the National Anthem is not too far from it. No one said anyone was perfect. Talking smack on the field, is part of baseball. Everyone yelling at the umpires, it is part of baseball. Cheering and sometimes LOUDLY for your team, is part of baseball. BUT I certainly hope that spitting during the National Anthem WILL NOT become part of baseball. You can be offended all you want and say what you want about me. No one said anyone was perfect and that includes you and your dogfriend. Don't throw rocks in your glass house. What happened is still wrong and if any player on ER or any other team had done that, I would have that same opinion .
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