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8U Dirtbags Tryout

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by carolina angles, Jan 9, 2014.

  1. carolina angles

    carolina angles Member

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    Sep 28, 2008
    The 8U Dirtbags will be holding tryouts on Saturday 1-25-2014 and 2-1-2014 both days 2pm to 4pm. Field location is unknown at this time but will be held in the Winston-Salem/Kernersville/Clemmons area. If interested please contact manager Chad Campbell at 336-682-5226 or email [email protected]. You can also contact Tim Bailey at [email protected] This team will play USSSA in Greensboro, Nations Baseball in Charlotte and Triple Crown.

    update 1-31-14-2pm
    Tryouts on sat 2-1-14 has been MOVED to February 2 form 2pm to 4pm at Northwest Forsyth Little League in Winston-Salem

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    Last edited: Jan 31, 2014

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