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A question For the Board Moralists

Discussion in 'American Legion' started by RaleighDevil, Jul 14, 2007.

  1. RaleighDevil

    RaleighDevil Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Jan 10, 2005
    Raleigh, where else.
    We who post here like to pontificate about how Legion officials should "do the right thing." It's all about character, we say. With that in mind, look at the following situation.

    Wayne County was scheduled to go to New Bern on Friday for a game to determine the top spot in Area I East South Division. NB has a game lead but Wayne won the first meeting.

    I work in Durham and live in Raleigh. I left Duham at 4 in order to get through RTP and Clayton in time to get to NB. I arrive at the field at 6:45 but no one is there. I'm thinking they've moved the game because the field is wet but eventually find out the game is postponed. It was done just before our bus was supposed to leave. I wasn't notified because I am one of the last ten people in Western civilization without a cellphone.

    Then I go to the field. I can't understand it. While there is a small puddle at second and the first base cutout, my walking on the grass and dirt tells me, a longtime groundskeeper, that this field should have and could have been ready. But it is in NB's interest not to play this game. The proper people were informed.

    They didn't count on someone from our team coming to the field.

    If this game is not played tonight, it will be played somewhere between NB and Goldsboro tomorrow afternoon at a place where the weather is not likely to interfere.

    What is the obligation of the home team? Should it leave the field alone because not playing is best? Should it always make a good faith effort to get the surface ready? What would you as a coach tell a player who says, "Coach, I just went to the field, and it's playable with a little work. Why aren't we out there getting it ready?"

  2. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    "Should it always make a good faith effort to get the surface ready?"

    Obviously, this is the right answer. From what you described, it appears the coach took advantage of the weather to put his team in a better position to win (if I understood this correctly). Is it morally correct? Nope...is it gamesmanship? Yep. Happens a lot at all levels of baseball. But the right answer is in your quote.
  3. LegionPost46

    LegionPost46 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 14, 2006
    even crash davis knew when to get his team a rain out

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