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"A" Teams & " B " Teams

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by Softball Guru, Mar 24, 2006.

  1. EastOfRaleigh

    EastOfRaleigh Full Access Member

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    Jun 15, 2005

    I agree 100% with dawgfan's comments. Don't keep driving the kids into the ground when they're already down. I have instructed kids many times to leave base early to get games to finish & not prolong the agony. I have even told umpires to make sure they see it.
  2. MadisonDadofTayTot28

    MadisonDadofTayTot28 Full Access Member

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    Mar 3, 2006
    Marshall, North Carolina
    This may sound wierd but I noticed something this year that my dd and I both agreed upon when we discussed it later after an individual game:

    (Opponent's identity withheld)- My dd had an opposite field Grand Slam against a little pitcher that was only throwing maybe 50 MPH max. I didn't get excited about it. My dd, although happy to get the HR, was not excited either.
    Upon talking later my dd and I both noticed that the little opposing pitcher grunted with every pitch she threw. She used every single ounce of her strength and being with every pitch and she never ever showed a sign of giving up. Most importantly, she never gave up on herself.
    My dd and I came away from that Grand Slam not with a feeling of satisfaction but rather a sense of respect for that one little girl who never gave up. We agreed that we would like to grant her a 65 MPH fastball and watch her fly, just out of her sheer will, competetiveness, and love for the game.
    That one little girl touched me in such a profound way: She showed that although she didn't have the athletic skills of the other girls, she had learned the life skills that transcend the sport the way it is meant to. That is lost on many potential college players and a lot of coaches.
    If that girl never picks up a ball again, she is a champion to me.

    What I am getting at is that although I am all for the "A" & "B" designations, an individual "A" player may be a life "B" and vice versa.

    Go girls! You ROCK!
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2006
  3. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

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    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC
    wonderful thread

    nice exchange coaches!!

    carry on.
  4. MadisonDadofTayTot28

    MadisonDadofTayTot28 Full Access Member

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    Mar 3, 2006
    Marshall, North Carolina
    Thanks CFBall but I am not a coach in the traditional sense any more. I just practice with my dd and hope that she has what it takes to get to college.
    My baby dd likes drama. She isn't into sports at all, although she wrestled in 8th grade (she is 85 lbs soaking wet). I don't know where I can help her there but I will try to help her practice..............

    Me: "Chef Boyardee, Chef Boyardee where art thou?"

    dd: "Dad, it's ROMEO!"

    Me: "Chef Boyardee's name is Romeo"?

    Last edited: Mar 25, 2006
  5. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

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    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC
    can't help ya on the wrestlin part but love to see Madison when you head South.

    hows Ms Huff? outstanding young lady and family.

    hope to see you guys soon!
  6. MadisonDadofTayTot28

    MadisonDadofTayTot28 Full Access Member

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    Mar 3, 2006
    Marshall, North Carolina
    That reminds me............ think outside the box someitmes. Back when I helped coach my dd's 8-9 youth league team, there was one particular young lady who could not catch a fly ball. They had her in RF which is not not compatible with that inability.
    I asked for a little time with her. I went out and talked with her. She was scared to death, afraid of the ball, afraid of getting popped in the nose, teeh and/or eye (she thought the ball was that BIG.)
    We worked and worked and worked and she could not get it.
    I tossed pop-up after pop-up from 10 feet away to no avail.
    She could not shake that fear or lack of confidence. She could get to the ball..........she just couldn't catch it.
    Then I had a thought.
    I said, "Lauren? You ever seen the comic strip Ziggy?"
    She said "Yes."
    I said " remember how he used to look over the wall with just the top half of his head and stopped at his nose?"
    She said "Yes."
    I said "Okay, you are Ziggy from this point forward."
    She said "What do you mean?" (giggling all the while)
    I told her that when she positioned herself under a fly ball that she was Ziggy............. Put the glove up and out,just under the "view" of her nose, as not to obstruct her view. Then watch it all the way into the glove. Don't close your eyes. Don't worry about throwing the runner out............ Just make the catch.
    We started practicing the 10 foot toss. She kept making it. I moved back to 25. She made the catches. Okay, ready for some fungos and we will go from there.
    Next game, a little girl hits a pop-up to RF. Lauren positions herself, quite undecidedly and fearfully by the look in her eyes, under the fly ball. To Lauren's and her mom's surprise, she Ziggied it home. She didn't make a "Superman" catch or nail anyone trying to stretch a base. She simply made the catch.
    First things first.
    Lauren doesn't play anymore. Hasn't since she was 10 or 11.
    I hope that 20 years from now, when Lauren is approaching middle age (where I am now) and her boss in the board room hit's her a long and deep one that she simply............Ziggies it home.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2006
  7. MadisonDadofTayTot28

    MadisonDadofTayTot28 Full Access Member

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    Mar 3, 2006
    Marshall, North Carolina
    Ms. Huff is doing well! She told me last week at the benefit golf tourney that she was going to Mars Hill! I don't think the papers are signed yet. She is such a good girl. GREAT defensive player. I am really proud of her. She is a fine leader, student, ball player and most importantly, young lady.
    Where "south" are you guys? LOL
  8. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

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    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC
    Bekka's hitting at the TB level is just outstanding....adjust well and is fundementally sound. she's a steal for MH if she inks in April!

    fundamental softball is FUN and thanks for sharing MDTT!

    if you guys play in or around Asheville, i am happy! lol hickory??

    hows your conference shaping up?
  9. MadisonDadofTayTot28

    MadisonDadofTayTot28 Full Access Member

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    Mar 3, 2006
    Marshall, North Carolina
    Small World! I have a brother who lives the distance you can hit a rock (literally) from the Startown exit.

    As far as I know, we look to be a solid contender for the conference.
    We have Laurel Gregg on the mound. She is way fast and I think has been clocked at about 62-63. She's a freshman!
    Rebekah (SR), of course, is playing 3rd and leading off.
    Ashley Banks (SO), a North Buncombe transfer, is playing SS and batting 2nd.
    Gregg (F) is batting 3rd.
    My daughter, Stephanie Tweed (SO),RF, is batting 4th. (8G,3HR,11RBI)
    Tiffany Taffer (SO), Catcher
    Amber Kannarr (JR), LF
    Brittany Steele (SO), 1B
    Jennifer Ponder (F), 2B
    Leighann Arrington (SR), CF/P

    As you can see, we are young.

    My friend and co-worker, Don McGeary, has Owen shaping up nicely. He, of course, has senior Shelby English who has signed with Montreat. I heard through the grapevine that he has been using Sabato a lot.

    Also, Polk is in the split conference with us. They are VERY aggressive with the bats and on the base path.

    I think this could be a real dogfight. I will let you know.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2006
  10. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC

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