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AC Coach-D.U.I. again.

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by southcaldwell04, Dec 21, 2003.

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  1. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

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    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC
    Re: Facts

    not what most in the softball world wanted to hear...................
    AC and bolick will recover and hope others will not Kick Them while their Down! Hope and pray for both ...................contiune to work towards the positives in life!

    Welcome longhauler to your softball forum and we wish you and yours a great Holiday Season as well as the upcoming softball battles!

    Last edited: Dec 22, 2003
  2. acfan

    acfan Full Access Member

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    Feb 9, 2003
    As I read this thread I am amazed what some people consider bad influences on our children. I don't know whats going on with Coach Bolick but I sounds like it was on a Sat. night on his own time. Since we have started playing traveling ball a couple of years ago coaches (not Bolick) and parents were drinking and getting drunk on over night tourn. and also older players (under 21) getting drunk yes parents were there. And I think just as bad as an influence is the amount of time we let our kids watch MTV that pushes sex, alcohol, drugs, and homosexuality 24 hours a day. Movies on HBO Cinemax Showtime they watch them in the privacy of their rooms maybe even with their boyfriend. R-rated movies yes they get in where it is F-bomb city and any thing else goes. But that evidently don't influence our kids in any way. I know some of you don't think this hurts the kids by taking part of this so ask some of the tourn. coaches what they see in some of their players over the years as they see them take a wrong road due to this and what their parents allow them to do. I hear it and see it all the time. What infuences your child the most is you the parent and what you do and allow them to do.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2003
  3. southcaldwell04

    southcaldwell04 Junior Member

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    Dec 21, 2003
    AC FAn, It is differnet when you watch 2 fast and 2 furious on Tv or you are under the influence and actuallly driving in the car. This reality , not the movies. Sure peolpe drink, but responsibly. this behavior is not acceptable. Was it OK for the other basketball coach's behavior to be OK (about two years ago)? I gues that was OK too, right? Wait til it is your daughter in the car, will it be ok then? And my fellings are that travel coaches and HS coaches are held under differnet levels. HS coaches are there to teach like life stuff, proper ways tohandle things, travel ball is strictly enhancing your skills in softball.
  4. acfan

    acfan Full Access Member

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    Feb 9, 2003
    sc04, never said it was alright. don't approve of it at all. just we don't consider everything that our kids partake of. as far as movies influencing our kids 2 fast 2 furious is the reason alot of the hotrod compacts on the road right now flying up and down the road. again it is up to the parents to be the right influence and teach our kids what is right and what is wrong. if you leave it up to a coach or a teacher you're in big trouble because they may not believe in the same things.
  5. central-d

    central-d Full Access Member

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    Dec 22, 2003
    this is my first time to any board but I thought I needed to comment here. My daughter will be playing softball at Alexander this year (Hopefully). I don't think now that we have picked the right person to lead our program. I personally don't want someone like this having that much of an influence on my daughter and like it or not ACFAN the coaches have a great influence on our kidds on and off the field. I have met coach Bolick and will agree he is a likeable person and had also heard many of the rumors. It seems now not all that was said was just rumors or sour grapes. Our season is not yet in progress and we still have time to start out on a clean slate for this year so hopefully our principle and AD will take a close look at the situation and make the right choices. I'm sure many parents agree with me that we don't need to start over with his looming over our program and from what I understand this is not just an isolated incedent it is just that this time he got caught
  6. southcaldwell04

    southcaldwell04 Junior Member

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    Dec 21, 2003
    AC fan

    If time is any indictaion of how your daughters may be influenced then you must look at this as a problem. I would make a bet that your daughter spends as much or more time with a coach than she does with you. School time and coaching time vs your time from 6 to 10-00.
    As far as his drinking problem, all they had to do is look beyond the nice personality and you would have found the budweisers.
  7. scfan

    scfan Full Access Member

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    Feb 9, 2003
    Sad to hear of Bolick's troubles. Wouldn't wish that on anyone. Just wanted to let you know there were no "sour grapes" here cnetral-d. I can tell you now Bolick was not going to be back at SC this year and the alcohol plus some other things contributed to this. He was only here for one year and was not a paid assistant. He tried hard just didn't mix well with impressionable young girls. I really do wish him the best and hope he can get the help he needs. Good luck to AC Softball
  8. Dawgfan

    Dawgfan Full Access Member

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    Jan 29, 2003
    Mint Hill NC
    South caldwell 04

    I coach at three different levels, Middle school, H.S and summer / travel ball and as for me and my other coaches we always try to teach a lot more then just the skills of our game. Life skills such as fair play, honesty, respect for others, commitment and responsibility are at least as important to me as the skills of the game, and I am sure the vast majority of coaches out there no matter what level they coach would agree.
    As for coach Bolick, I can only hope the alligations are false, but if it turns out they are true I pray that he gets the help he needs to recover.
    Happy holidays to all our TBR family, and heres to a successfull season to all our girls.
  9. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

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    Jan 7, 2003
    Backatcha Dawgfan...good luck this coming year!!!
  10. hispeed

    hispeed Full Access Member

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    Jan 31, 2003

    you have the facts do you? There's some things I don't like and one of them is kicking someone when they're down. I have some law enforcement friends in Caldwell and they checked into this for me and said the only thing you got right is he got a DUI and it was on a Saturday night! Also, since my friend knows Bolick well he did his own background checks. Didn't find anything on Bolick but you might want to check your own coaching staff backyard! He also relayed how word is out about the kind of gardening is going on under some parents houses. oops!! I would get my own act together before I go gossiping and trying to tear down someone because your kids maybe didn't get playing time or the accollades you thought they deserved. I see that the accusations are coming from your area and this is the only thing brought against this guy in the time (what about a year now) from Alexander. I say let his own school take care of this and the rest of you go back to your glass houses. Merry Christmas and good luck to Alexander and Bolick during this time of mending.
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