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Alexander Central vs Audrey Kell

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by grayb70, May 30, 2009.

  1. shutterbug

    shutterbug Full Access Member

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    Jul 16, 2007
    Your All Wet Coach

    Coach saw it coming to late. Nice going ladies!!!

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  2. shutterbug

    shutterbug Full Access Member

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    Jul 16, 2007
    A Big AC Fan

    The Promise... If you win you can cut my long hair off. Another reason to win???

    Before and after.

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  3. Snicklefritz24

    Snicklefritz24 Member

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    May 31, 2009
    The only "boo's" I heard personally were Friday night during the butler game and that was coming from a wild student section. But Last night I don't remember hearing any I could be wrong but what i did hear was close to one thousand loud, screaming, enthusiastic fans cheering on a wonderful group of girls and with the way all the other sports are in Alexander county they deserve it. Trust me. Honestly I dont think I've ever been to one sporting event where that hasn't been bashing of the Umpires/Referees or of players so i would say that it is part of it.
  4. hititfar

    hititfar Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 20, 2009
    Chilidawg was talking about the Butler game not the AK game.
  5. SarcA

    SarcA Member

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    Apr 27, 2007

    Do you have any pictures of his other brother Darrell?
  6. ucnttouchthis

    ucnttouchthis Junior Member

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    Nov 14, 2004

    I was at the Butler game Friday night and Chilidawg is correct, there was a student section on the far end of the third baseline (next to the batting cages) that were booing and were told to stop over the PA system. I hadn't even noticed it until they were told to stop. These fans were not our usual fans. They were kids who had nothing better to do on a Friday night at 9 o'clock than go to the softball game. Most of them I guarantee you had not been to a game all season. Our usual fan base can be seen in the multiple pictures throughout our website and is typical of most softball teams...parents and maybe 100 loyal fans who follow us everywhere (THANK YOU GUYS). Now two years ago when the same game was played at Butler their student section was right behind home plate, usually where the regulars sit. Going into that game we were 27-1 and playing to go to Raleigh. THEIR student section taunted our players non stop throughout the entire game when they were at bat, calling them names, questioning their sexuality, I could go on. Butler became the place we least liked to play because of THE FANS. Now, did you see one coach, player, or parent complain to the AD, Call the coach, or make a broad statement on the internet about this behavior. Nope, we lost and we moved on. It's a game.
    Now as far as our AD, first of all you were apparently talking to our Assistant Athletic Director since you refer to "her" in your post. She is the most by the book, straight forward, take no crap person I have ever met. Had there been anything she could have done, she would have. I have been to many sporting events and seen her take away noise makers and lead out students being disruptive. We had planned and worked all day Saturday making signs to keep our girls pumped only to find out when we got to the field that they were not allowed in the stands and NO we would not wait for someone to point that out. Every school should have an administrator like her.
    Congratulations AC on making it to Raleigh and you will be taking the best group of fans with you that you could possibly ask for!!!

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