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Alexander-Dynasty to Dungeon

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by TheJoker, May 13, 2003.

  1. TheJoker

    TheJoker Junior Member

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    May 13, 2003
    Wow, what a turn around in a program. This program was the epitome of consistency and discipline for decades. Now , Alexander can't even make the playoffs in a at best, medicore conference. Like Carolina Basketball, AC Softball has reached the pits. What was broken this year, streaks of 14 straight seasons of conference titles, 23 wins, Sweet 16 appearances, and who knows what else.
    The program has turned into a disfunctional group of players. Everyone out for themselves and NO DISCIPLINE. There was a time when it was special to put on the Alexander Central Uniform. It is a sad day in Taylorsville. The Mighty Casey has struck out.:(
  2. reporter

    reporter Full Access Member

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    Feb 6, 2003
    Hey guys, don't be so hard on alexander. They had a good team this year and played some good ball. What you have to realize all the teams in the state have finally caught up with the head start that the Alexanders and Independences had with the start of fastpitch. You will never see any one team dominate the way Alexander did in the beginning. Faceit the early teams had very little competition state wide. I think the girls for Alexander played very well this year and just got beat by better teams. Also remember the two teams they lost to this year weren't in this conference while Alexander was winning the conference titles every year. Support the AC girls and the team if you are from Alexander they deserve it.
  3. F-PITCH

    F-PITCH Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 30, 2003
    AC has a young team this year and I think they have done well!
    Be careful not to brag too much it might come back to bite you oneday. AC be proud and hold your head high your team has had a GREAT one. Keep smiling:D
  4. fastpitchpro

    fastpitchpro Junior Member

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    Feb 18, 2003
    You know the old saying, "You can't win without talent, but you sure can lose with it!" I think this quote may apply here. AC has youth at pitcher, that's all. In their last game they started, 4 seniors, 4 juniors, 1 soph, and 1 freshman. All very talented.
  5. achs_softball_2003

    achs_softball_2003 Junior Member

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    Feb 19, 2003
    Alexander Softball

    I played on the Alexander team this year and the thing that killed us was not the fact that we didn't have talent it was that we had no discipline and no coaching. None of the coaches on the field could even tell us what we were doing wrong when we weren't hitting the ball well. Better yet our coaches didn't even know the pitches that our pitcher had and therefore a player had to call pitches. Its pretty bad whenever you say you are a coach and then you can't even tell anyone what pitches your pitcher has. To add a little more to that, most of the people playing the positions were only because their parents kissed up enough to get them there, I was playing however my parents did not get involved because thats not the way you play ball, you get what you have by earning it and thats what I did and nobody else can say different. Therefore for the sake of the team for next year whether I am there or not I hope that someone will take the team that knows what they are doing or the administration will let Coach Sherrill come back, the only one in the school that knows what he is doing when it comes to softball. Thank You, thats pretty much all I had to say!
  6. Blue33

    Blue33 Junior Member

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    Apr 21, 2003
    Taylorsville, NC
    Coaching Didn't Kill The Dynasty

    Life is about to get much better for ACHS softball. Why? Well, just read what that senior player wrote. The seniors and their parents have led the way in the finger-pointing area, and it has been truly sad. Instead of being positive leaders, they spent the season blaming coaches for player miscues in the field. These same players were known to have negative attitudes with other players as well, often berating them while making no mention of their own mistakes.

    The ultimate example is this: After the AC Reynolds game, several senior parents instructed their kids to not go to the team huddle because "you don't have to listen to that coach anymore." They continued to encourage their kids to walk off. Fortunately, two of the seniors being spoken to had enough class to join the team huddle and ignore their parents. Unfortunately, one senior "pitched a fit" that topped the ones she had been pitching all year, and ended up walking away from the huddle after being totally rude and disrepectful to her coaches and teammates.

    One of the four senior "starters" referred to earlier was a DH who never played in the field and did very little at the plate. Two other seniors had made it clear that they would not even have played if Monte Sherrill was still coaching ( this was because they knew they would not get any playing time), so losing the seniors and their parents is no big deal, and it does make us a very young team.

    Add to this the fact that our freshman pitcher pitched all weekend in a tournament, and tripped over first base and hurt her foot and arm while playing this weekend. She was obviously out of gas against AC Reynolds, but I guess we'd have to give her dad some of the blame for that. Hopefully it's a lesson learned, and in the future he won't allow her to pitch in tournaments during the high school season.

    A player calling pitches? Yes, when told what to call by a coach. The player was relaying the signals to the catcher from a coach. That was the system used and that senior player that said otherwise knows this.

    Monte-Ball was all about whose daddy spent the most time working on the field, so the fact that the senior that wrote that doesn't have the skills to play in the field is really ironic. Coach Sherrill was all about starting 4 or 5 freshmen. It's the main reason he chose not to coach, because he knew the talent level was down and he'd have a young team. Since that same team went 9-3 in the conference, I suppose he's having second and third thoughts now.

    The Reporter had it right. The rest of this area and the state has simply caught up. But we're not going to run away and hide. We are young, but we still have an abundance of talent waiting in the wings. As the old saying goes, "Wait 'til next year."

    One final note: A huge hats off to the coaching staff. They put in a tremendous amount of time and did a great job with the kids. They took over an abandonded team when no one else would step forward to take over. One junior player has already stated, "Of my three years of playing softball, this was by far my most enjoyable season." Thanks to the coaches for making that happen.

    FP SUPER Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 3, 2003
    THANK YOU so much for your insight ACHS 2003. Alot of folks come on here and say don't get on Alexander but you have earned the right to do so. Your comments back up what some people were saying all year. Thank you again for confirming what a lot of us already know.

  8. reynoldsrocks23

    reynoldsrocks23 1999,2002 4A State Champs

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    May 12, 2003
    Courage is FEAR, that said it's PRAYERS.
    I can't believe all those who are jumping off the Alexander ship. I mean 1 season, where they tie for second and everyone cries, and runs the other way. I understand you want to win all the time, however how about giving credit to Reynolds and South Caldwell for playing well and winning. The kids at Alexander had some adjusting to do this year losing a teammate and a getting a new coach. Make no mistake about it they will be back, and I am just greatful Reynolds don't go crying when they don't make the playoffs every year in some sports. Sometimes it just isn't meant to be, support your team, and let them know you are proud of them. I know we are very proud of the Rockets softball team win or lose. However, yesterday was a special day for those kids and we are very proud of them. Good luck today in the champinship, and Alexander, I hope you will support your girls and let them know their season wasn't all that bad and many teams would kill for it.....just ask Freedom!
  9. Blue33

    Blue33 Junior Member

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    Apr 21, 2003
    Taylorsville, NC
    Good Luck to NW4A Teams

    One thing I forgot earlier. Best of luck to S Caldwell and AC Reynolds in the state playoffs. Both of you beat us fair and square when you had to, and all we can do is wish you luck and wait for next year.

    Good Luck!
  10. scfan

    scfan Full Access Member

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    Feb 9, 2003
    One comment on the AC coaching situation. The young lady who coached this year stepped in to a no win situation. If she had a bad year (which she did not have) it was her fault but if she had won the state championship the people would have said it was with a team already made. I personally think she did a good job in the situation she was put in. The former coach should have thought enough about his players to stuck it out or resigned early enough to get a replacement and have time to prepare for the upcoming season. If anyone at AC is mad it should be at the former coach not the present one. Congratulations to AC on having a good year. You had a very good team.

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