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All-State Announced

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by TomMags, Jul 2, 2012.

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  1. justsoftball

    justsoftball Full Access Member

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    Mar 3, 2010
    This comes up every year, and as always, everyone's points are very valid - for both sides of the argument.

    I know of a team that did not nominate anyone for all state or all district this year because "we had no one that was all state or all district." There is a player that *I* might disagree with (not mine by any means), but they gave a valid reason on why they didn't even bother nominating.

    By the same token, I know of a team with three all-conference selections. Only one was legitimately an all-conference quality player; one was a coach's kid; and one was the local ass-kisser's kid.

    How has any of this changed since my daughter was in HS? Not at all.

    There will always be kids on some team that received a team award that was not merited - because they are the coach's kid, or the coach's pet, or even the best friend of the coach's kid. I saw it again and again for YEARS at my daughter's schools, her friends's schools and my friend's kids schools. Seriously, how does someone with 20+ errors on the infield in a single season with the worst FA on the team get Defensive MVP? It's in who you know, that's how.

    I say this, because All-district and All-state are not that different. People ask each year for a magic formula to fix these nominations. My questions is, what formula would truly work?

    Idea #1 - It is based on stats. Hah! A HORRIBLE idea. I know coach's that inflate their players stats by saying "she hit to 2nd base, 2B never has a clue where the play is, and always throws the ball to first. Batter out. We are calling that a sac." NO IT'S NOT - there was no intent by the batter to sac. It is an OUT (and a mental error on 2b, which cannot be charged). Then there is the slapper hits a line drive to short stop, who catches it, drops it, loses it one the ground, turns round and round looking for it, finds it, but runner is crossing first. "We are giving her a hit because it is a slapper's job to force errors and that is what she did." Uh, WRONG. It is not a hit, it is an error on the CATCH. Then there is that third baseman that can't field her position, can backhand, doesn't react fast. "Well that's not an error. That ball (which came off her glove and was easily fieldable) was too hard to field. That's the hot corner. We'll rule that hit." No its NOT. It is an ERROR as it did not require extraordinary effort, was easily fieldable, and it came off her glove because she can't backhand. My favorite are the teams that call every single ball that is hit and people arrive on base as a hit. They don't even understand the concept of error. Those would be the ones whooping it up when the outfield drops the ball and they are screaming "Way to get a double".

    Stats are not reliable across the state, all districts, all conferences or all schools. I will go watch a game, see what is reported the next day, and often have myself a great laugh. Stats are not the solution.

    Idea #2 - Have each district's coaches select all-state players. Nope. Won't work. I can guarantee the coach at Jones High, a 4A in District 6 has not seen Jane Doe play ball at Smith High, a 1A school in District 6. Not on a regular basis, so that they can actually judge her season long performance and make a decision based on that rather than one great night or one horrible night.

    Idea #3 - The NCSCA puts out a list of requirements of what meets the standard of all-state or all-district. Fine. Now, who exactly is watching players to determine that they meet those standards. Wouldn't that be the coaches that are currently observing and nominating, or not nominating, that are making those decisions right now???

    Idea #4 - A first team of 10 players and a second team of 10 players. How exactly would that work out? I can name way more than 2 top-notch pitchers here in NC that are definitely all-state. So which pitcher should be tossed out? Is that fair to THAT pitcher that really IS All-State quality?

    The only thing I have ever been able to come up with is this.

    There is no freaking way that any team - even some of the perennial champions like North Davidson or Southwestern Randolph - have NINE players that are better in their position than every other girl in this state. And that is what SHOULD matter.

    So what it comes down to is this: IF you ain't all-conference, you aren't all-district and you sure as shooting aren't all state.

    All-conference needs to be changed. That is where it all needs to start. A first team and a second team. 10 total players on each. P, C, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, SS, 3 outfield and one utility. The best at each of those positions in the ENTIRE conference gets named 1st team - and can be nominated for All-District. 2nd team goes no further. Wanna see coaches actually care about who gets all-conference instead of the typical well I get 4 spots and that is all I care about, here is where it starts.

    All-District. 1st team and second team for each Classification. 15 players on each team (1 for each position plus 5 wild cards slots for players that really are all district but their position is overloaded). Coaches at all-conference must indicate the selections for their district that they feel should be considered for All-District and All-State and for which team - 1st or 2nd.

    All-State: 25 on each team for the east, 25 on each team for the west. 2 for each position plus 3 wild card spots for players that are truly all-state caliper but there are more than 2 outstanding players in that position in the state 1st team and 2nd team. That is 50 1st team all-state, 50 2nd team-all state. 100 total all-state players.

    Just my 2 cents.
  2. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

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    Jun 20, 2006
    Here's an idea. And I'm very serious.

    Instead of picking a few players for recognition, I suggest we recognize all of the players; a true ALL State.

    We should post the annual Varsity squads with a good quality team picture AND caption to identify each player. These should be sorted by region, in the order of where they finished in conference. These should remain on the site so that 10 or 20 years from now people can go back and enjoy those memories.

    The State Champion team will have its own team photo at the top, with the runner-up posted next.

    The same format could be posted for Regional and District champions.

    I agree with the late John Wooden that it's the TEAM that should be honored. We preach teamwork and then turn around and pick it apart. Not a good lesson.

    Anyone else with thoughts on this, please post.

    PS: Maybe we should include a JV section also.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2012
  3. justsoftball

    justsoftball Full Access Member

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    Mar 3, 2010
    I think that is a wonderful idea as a SEPARATE section. However, if you think about it, 20 years from now, what team picture is your daughter going to be looking for? Hers. And it will be found in her year book. Featuring the District, Region, and State Champions would be fantastic.

    Keep in mind, almost all states have some form of all-state. Why take that away from some girls? Yes, we emphasize teamwork, but it does not hurt to recognize the one's who have had outstanding, impactful contributions and give others something to strive for. By this logic, All-Conference, All-Region and All-American should be eliminated at the college level as well.

    As for JV? Seriously, 99.999% of the schools JV squads are your feeder teams and roughly 50% of JV teams in a four county area that I could name are comprised mostly of players that are playing of the first time and will not qualify, ever, for varsity. That would be the equivalent of saying that every minor league team in the MLB should have their team featured on SI, ESPN, MLB, etc. Sorry, don't agree with that one, at all.
  4. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

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    Jun 20, 2006
    When I look back at my old yearbooks I'm mostly looking at those other than myself, mainly. Besides, softball doesn't fit the yearbooks very well due to publishing deadlines.

    As far as colleges, they have the ways and means for keeping accurate stats. HS softball doesn't and can't have those kind of stats. As you, and many others, have pointed out, there are no selections that will please everyone. Can't be done; not the way you suggested, nor any other way!

    I really don't care what SI, ESPN, MLB, does! I would love to see the time that is devoted to trying to make good memories for the kids not be wasted. I would like to know that all those who work hard to be a part of a team aren't forgotten in the shadow of someone who is chosen simply because someone has to be chosen apart from the team.

    Put the standouts' names in bold or italic if you must, but let everyone have their memories.
  5. justsoftball

    justsoftball Full Access Member

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    Mar 3, 2010
    That then refutes your prior argument about not singling out an individual as it is a team endeavor LOL

    It doesn't work. There may be no fix. There are better ways to do it. If nothing more, the fact remains...If you aren't all conference, you shouldn't then be all-state :)
  6. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

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    Jun 20, 2006
    I did say "if you must".

    That's not a fact; that's an opinion. Under the current rules you can be all-state.
  7. JavaJoe

    JavaJoe Junior Member

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    May 12, 2012
    I believe All-Conference should be voted on by opposing coaches in there perspective conference. This way players who do not get submitted by there own coaches and are deserving of this award, get recognized. All-district in the same manner whereas the coaches can talk among themselves and present the reason why these girls deserve the award. All-State, well I cannot take anything away from Pop as he does a good job, most girls are very deserving. The problem I see is choosing favorites of coaches, and other people on the All-State voting board. I see girls getting voted for All-State that don't deserve All-Conference, inflated batting averages by some coaches to get them recognized. I new of one coach who after a game would go get the scorekeepers score book. He would then change his DD's outs and make them hits.
  8. omh5762

    omh5762 Junior Member

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    Mar 6, 2009

    It's just kinda sad that the Bandys High School coach did not send in ANY names to be considered in these awards. There were some VERY DESERVING girls on the team that should have at least been considered.
  9. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

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    Jun 20, 2006
    And someone needs to make sure that the coach and maybe the AD are made aware that they should have submitted the names of any deserving players.

    Otherwise, they may not realize the importance of their non-actions.
  10. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 20, 2006
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