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Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by cobras coach, Jun 21, 2004.

  1. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC
    and you coach where, THECOACH............remarks about those WHO are HM and All State from gaston county shed abit of light doesnt it?? You can always talk to their hs coaches and post the stats so the state voters can see what you see........just a suggestion to speedline the process, perhaps? No jokes here.... as it was a JOKE when we didnt have an ALL STATE Team until 2003 in the State of NC to recognize our outstanding softball players!! as a coach you should know that you will Never please everyone and to always look to encourage and applaud those who are fortunate to obtain any award!

    Brittany and MO are mature young ladies who dont read much into all this Talk about awards and the likes......... :applause: and will do well at any level of play. Note: these two were on the "Players to Watch" list early this past winter and indeed they are All Staters for Years to come!!!!! :xyzthumbs

    "Remember to not blow-out others candle so just one or two others may burn brighter......"(to quote a wonderful friend:D) ........great job by all the WNC softball teams and its "players" during 2004 season(s)!!

    MS SOFTBALL 2005 in All Classification should be wide open next year, dont you guys think????
  2. Homer3

    Homer3 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 20, 2004
    Support the ones who achieved the honor! My neighbors daughter plays summer ball with a freshman from w. forsyth who led the west forsyth team in batting avg., walks, RBI, and on base %, and was awarded the defensive player of the year on the team (a catcher, I think) and this team finished third in the state! But this young lady was not even HM for the state while two of her teammates who were juniors, (but who had lower stats) made all state. When I asked this young lady how she felt about this, she said that she really didn't care about individual awards as long as the team won. She also said that she was proud of her teammates who made all state because they deserved it, and she said she hoped they make it again next year.

    My take on this, we need more class acts like this young lady from west forsyth. :xyzthumbs :applause: We should also realize that unless you are a freshman pitcher with super-great stats, it must be impossible to make all state as a freshman.
  3. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC
    alot of outstanding young ladies get left off the list and thanks for sharing with us your experience with one of those..................

    another great example :applause: of the players' attitude

    THECOACH Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 19, 2003
    Shed A Bit Of Light??...CFBALL

    Don't understand your comments about sheading light???? Anyway, just saw some names on and a couple names not on the all-state team. Didn't throw aside anyones accomplishments of the 2004 season. But do think it is a JOKE that 2 of our areas best players were left off. Thats just my opinion, its not a knock on anyone. And I'm sure most of the young ladies are team oriented and don't care about the individual stuff. But it WILL one day mean something to them. When their finished playing ball thats when all their indivdual accomplishments will mean alot to them. Right now it should be TEAM. Your right you can't please everyone, you do what you feel is right and go with it. Someone is always going to be upset. Oh and I like the "CANDLE" quote, must remember that one. Sorry if I stepped on toes or hurt feelings.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2004
  5. teanwsnc

    teanwsnc Full Access Member

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    Jun 3, 2004
    Winston Salem
    Any time honors are handed out on a statewide level some deserving players are missed. Working as a scout I have seen so many good players that I would have a difficult time choosing the twenty or so best and I by know means have seen all the best NC has to offer. I think it speaks very well to the efforts and talents of the coaches and particularly the players that it is so hard to pick the best. NC softball is getting better each season and is becoming a force to be reckoned with in the region and the nation. College coaches can no longer dismiss the level of talent in the state. Keep up the hard work ladies!!!:applause: :xyzthumbs
  6. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC
    two freshmen that were not nominated by their respective hs coaches is enough said on this and obiviously you think they are better than some of this years all state squad while those hs coaches and all the others in NC, think otherwise. tell their hs coaches how much a Joke it was and let them shine more light on why they didnt think their were all state this year.

    your opinion is respected and from the board's reaction so far, no toes were stepped on and apparently no feelings hurt.
  7. rattdd

    rattdd Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 2, 2003

    It would be nice just to know you were nominated. I guess that is not a possibility, right?
  8. LBlues 1

    LBlues 1 Full Access Member

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    Jul 31, 2003

    Just like life, things are not always fair and do not always have an explanation. When HS coaches do not sell their players, the other HS coaches may not even know their name. Also, the particular player may never get in the paper because the school did not mention anything but hitting stats. Who keeps the stats for any Hs, a parent, a volunteer, an assistant coach? There are any number of reasons for a deserving kid not to make all-state or all-conference, I have several college signees for 2004 that did not get awards, however the colleges reconized their ability to play the game. These young ladies will pursue their dream to the next level and that is what it is all about. I agree with all the comments concerning team play, it beats individuals everytime. Hope all had a safe Independence Day Weekend. :xyzthumbs :banana:

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