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Another you make the call

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by shotm, Mar 30, 2011.

  1. egogenius

    egogenius Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 20, 2009
    I was at the same game, the first baseman and the runner did bump into each other. neither girl fell to the ground. it didnt interfere with the first baseman making a play on the ball. The catcher was the one who actually made the play on the ball and misjudged it and fell to the ground in an attempt to catch it. It had absolutely no bearing on the game. The batter struck out anyway.
  2. rhughes18

    rhughes18 umpire

    Likes Received:
    May 27, 2009
    Whole new can of worms.

    If there are 2 or more fielders attempting to field a batted ball the umpire may only protect one and that is the fielder s/he judges has the best opportunity to make the play.

    FYI contact does not have to be severe, any contact by a runner or b-r with a protected fielder should be ruled interference and causes the ball to be dead immediately.

    If a runner or b-r makes contact with a protected fielder the ball is dead immediately and the runner is called out, all other runners return to last base touched, the b-r gets first and is credited with a fielders choice unless the b-r is the interfering runner then the b-r is out.

    If contact between a runner or b-r is made with an unprotected fielder then obstruction should be called, if a batted fly ball is caught then obstruction to a b-r is ignored and the b-r is out on the caught fly ball, if the ball is not caught and becomes foul the obstruction is ignored batter is credited with a foul ball runners return to last base touched at time of pitch, if the ball is not caught and is a fair ball the obstructed runner is awarded the base the umpire judges they would have reached had there been no obstruction.

    The umpire should have told the coach when questioned which fielder s/he protected and that would have been correct by rules, instead s/he said the ball was foul is why there was no interference which is absolutely incorrect.

    As I have said before to give rulings on plays in this sport one really has to witness it to render a correct decision.

    There are 2 sides to every story.

    Hope this helps
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2011

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