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App Coaching situation?

Discussion in 'The Next Level' started by 246, May 21, 2004.

  1. 246

    246 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 4, 2003
    Forest City
    Anyone know the status of the coaching staff? Heard today that there might be changes.
  2. 007

    007 Full Access Member

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    Mar 10, 2003
    The word on the street is that Coach Huestess has resigned but will stay on until a replacement is selected. I think it is fair to say that Boone's mountain weather became a major obstacle in turning the program around. It also sounds like ASU is getting swamped with applicants.
  3. 44Magnum

    44Magnum Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 1, 2003
    North Carolina
    Word I have gotten is it was a forced resignation. I don't agree with weather being a factor in having a bad program. With the type of football program they have, and with it getting their name out to people, they should have a much better program than they do. I think they don't recruit like they should which has led to subpar teams.
  4. The "O"

    The "O" Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 1, 2003

    I agree recruiting is crucial vital toyour programs success at the college level! Too bad for the players.....
    maybe? :huh:
  5. 007

    007 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 10, 2003
    When your team does not practice outside and the rest of the conference does, weather is a factor. When you schedule your first 17 games away so you can get outside, weather is a factor. When recruits learn that Boone's weather is more like New England than the south and go elsewhere, weather is a factor.
  6. gonzo

    gonzo Full Access Member

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    Jan 10, 2003
    I know of one SW4A all county player who was soundly turned down by this coach. All during the summer, he was told he could walk on with no problem even though he had not been recruited. This young man had his heart set on App for academic reasons, did not want to go any of the places he was recruited, AND he had a nearly full academic ride, so athletic money was not needed not asked for. He said the first day of practice, he was told within one hour of taking the field that he would not make the team. The spin from the App parents I know is the coach only recruits players whose parents donate big money to the baseball program. That statement is GOSSIP, but I was always told where there is smoke, there is at least some smoldering going on.
  7. law1ng2b2

    law1ng2b2 Full Access Member

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    Dec 30, 2003
    I played at ASU in the late 80's/early 90's...so maybe i can add a little from my perspective.

    Some Background: Jim Morris built the program into a perennial Southern Conference contender in the mid 80's. They made the NCAA regionals twice, once as an at-large. However, he managed to upset several pro scouts along the way and several guys that i played with that should have gotten opportunities to play at the next level. Once HS players, coaches, and parents got wind of this fewer good ball players made the decision to go to Boone. In addition, a couple of players that he was banking on did not work out and the number of solid walk-ons that he had been able to count on started to dry up as well. That started the downspiral at ASU that they have not really been able to recover from.

    The Weather: As a former player there, it is a challenge. The amount of field time can be impacted. Taking ground balls off of the gym floor...well...that sucks. But, Western Carolina has pretty much the same weather and they are able to overcome it. But i saw some pretty wacky stuff happen, and many times we would have to drive down the mountain to Lenoir just to get in an Intra-Squad game. Not sure if they are still doing that.

    The current situation: Don't know it very well. I have not lived in the area in almost 10 years. I have heard that the current coach upset some alumni a couple of years ago with how he organized the Alumni game. Many of them had become financial supporters of the program. I will say that it is more difficult to recruit up there right now. Their reputation has taken a turn south and that is difficult to rebuild. There are other options available in the state and i guess players are making decisions to go elsewhere. If i had to make the decision again, based completely on baseball, i would have gone to another school.
  8. bbfan123@hotmail.com

    [email protected] Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 19, 2003
    Sounds interesting. Who are the early favorites to replace Heustress? Any big names? How about the coach at Surry. Seems like he has built a powerhouse program from the ground up in only a few years. I know there weather is probably not a lot different from Boone's although probably not as bad. I would think he would have to be a top candidate if he was interested. He may not be interested because of his situation at Surry. Anyone else?
  9. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I believe that a good coach, one that is well rounded in all aspects of being a HC, can win ANYWHERE!!! If he is passionate about his program, compassionate to his players and is able to have his players reach their potential...then he will be successful at App State...UNCC....Western Carolina...Surrey County... USC...etc. etc.

    There really is not a hill of beans difference in baseball knowledge between coaches...it is their ability to relate to the players and be able to pass on their knowledge to a point that the players can execute that make a big difference...oh, and their ability to recruit great athletes:D:D

    In college or pros I have seen some great coaches and poor ones...but neither the schools or the organization made any difference in terms of coachiong ability
  10. The "O"

    The "O" Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 1, 2003
    This is a FACT!!!

    couldn't have said it any better Braves throw in "respect" there as well! :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

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